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-UNCLASSIFIED- Missile Defense Exercise Planning Presented By: Mr. Ohad Elbahar Israel Missile Defense Organization May 5 2010 First Annual Israel Multinational.

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Presentation on theme: "-UNCLASSIFIED- Missile Defense Exercise Planning Presented By: Mr. Ohad Elbahar Israel Missile Defense Organization May 5 2010 First Annual Israel Multinational."— Presentation transcript:

1 -UNCLASSIFIED- Missile Defense Exercise Planning Presented By: Mr. Ohad Elbahar Israel Missile Defense Organization May 5 2010 First Annual Israel Multinational Ballistic Missile Defense Conference

2 -UNCLASSIFIED- Mr. Ohad Elbahar: B.Sc. In Engineering from the TECHNION Israel Institute of Technology. MBA from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Served as an officer in the IAF Test Range to conduct the Arrow Flight Tests. Served as an officer in the Israeli Missile Defense Organization (IMDO). Active consultant at IMDO for Interoperability. About the Speaker

3 -UNCLASSIFIED- Exercises of missile defense can easily become very complicated. Defining the proper Training Audience, the proper Trainer, the proper systems etc. is very difficult. Building the exercise infrastructure, the simulation systems, the Intel for the exercise etc. is a real art. Getting most of the exercise in an organized After Action Review (AAR). Abstract

4 -UNCLASSIFIED- The Command Structure is defined Each officer/unit knows who is his commander and who he is commanding Introduction and basic assumption

5 -UNCLASSIFIED- The Decision Making Process is defined Who is making what decision, when, with what data and who is providing data. Introduction and basic assumption TIME VECTOR

6 -UNCLASSIFIED- The System Architecture and Connectivity are defined Each system/officer knows how and who to connect and communicate to. Introduction and basic assumption

7 -UNCLASSIFIED- How to build the exercise environment? Command Structure How to build the exercise environment? Command Structure Deciding who are the exercise players : Systems, commands, Headquarters etc. Deciding who is simulated? Some Friendly (Not all systems are playing) External – Public pressure, politics,

8 -UNCLASSIFIED- How to build the exercise environment? Command Structure How to build the exercise environment? Command Structure SIM

9 -UNCLASSIFIED- SIM How to build the exercise environment? Command Structure How to build the exercise environment? Command Structure Deciding what events to exercise: Missile attacks, Intel, Logistic, Medicine etc. Building the Exercise Control Group (ECG): All Simulated participants Red envelops of events Events are handled by the operational Command Structure. Documentation and data capture Subjects to Exercise: How the Command structure behaves? Information flow between Training audience Force efficiency utilization. etc. Dilemmas: What events to exercise What units and forces to include What is the Intel and threats to include in the events Etc.

10 -UNCLASSIFIED- How to build the exercise environment? Weapon Systems How to build the exercise environment? Weapon Systems Deciding who are the exercise players : Systems, Units, officers etc. Building the simulation system / network:

11 -UNCLASSIFIED- How to build the exercise environment? Weapon Systems How to build the exercise environment? Weapon Systems Building the simulation system / network Each system implements a Tactical Driver One Exercise Driver stimulate all threats Systems handle the threats with operational assets. TD Exercise Driver TD

12 -UNCLASSIFIED- TD Exercise Driver TD How to build the exercise environment? Weapon Systems How to build the exercise environment? Weapon Systems

13 -UNCLASSIFIED- TD Exercise Driver TD How to build the exercise environment? Weapon Systems How to build the exercise environment? Weapon Systems Exercise Driver: Stimulate a real time threats Standard Format DIS/HLA Simulate all enemy threats Simulate some friendly units (Not all systems are playing) Each Tactical Driver receives the threats Tactical Drivers stimulate the adjacent weapon systems Each system can engage threats and report to the exercise driver

14 -UNCLASSIFIED- TD Exercise Driver TD How to build the exercise environment? Weapon Systems How to build the exercise environment? Weapon Systems Deciding what events to exercise: Missile attacks. Building the White Cell Exercise Driver. Handle by the operational system (and TD). Documentation and data capture Objectives of Simulation: Operators training CONOPS and TTP Communication systems and architecture Force efficiency utilization. etc. Dilemmas: What simulation to use? Exercise Intel Integration of simulation What ifs? Etc.

15 -UNCLASSIFIED- Two Analysis teams work during the exercise: Operational Team. Exercise Team. The operational team work with operational data to derive operational decision making. The exercise team have all the data (God’s view) and is examining the operation activities for later AAR. On a schedule exercise break, the two teams meet to exchange insights and lessons learned to improve the exercise Data Analysis and AAR

16 -UNCLASSIFIED- Concept Concept Develop Exercise life cycle Participants Participants Training audience Training audience Events and simulation Events and simulation Simulation tools Simulation tools Decision Decision Decision Decision AAR tools AAR tools Develop Integration Integration Execution Execution AAR AAR

17 -UNCLASSIFIED- Scenario Scenario Typical Execution Flow Implementation Implementation Decision Operational AAR Operational AAR 24 Hours Event Event Operational AAR Operational AAR Decision Command Simulation Exercise AAR

18 -UNCLASSIFIED- Scenario Scenario Exception 1 Execution Flow Simulation & command together Exception 1 Execution Flow Simulation & command together Implementation Implementation Operational AAR Operational AAR 24 Hours Decision Simulation & command Exercise AAR

19 -UNCLASSIFIED- Exception 2 Execution Flow Exercise and Operational AAR meet Exception 2 Execution Flow Exercise and Operational AAR meet Scenario Scenario Implementation Implementation Decision Operational AAR Operational AAR 24 Hours Event Event Operational AAR Operational AAR Decision Command Simulation Exercise AAR AAR Meeting

20 -UNCLASSIFIED- Not all exercise issues can be discussed here: Benefit of real deployment of assets Vs. centralized exercise. Exercise together with real life. Operational Real assets in the exercise need real life handling. Applying lessons learned. Summary

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