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Chapter 5 – CPU Scheduling (Pgs 183 – 218). CPU Scheduling  Goal: To get as much done as possible  How: By never letting the CPU sit "idle" and not.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 5 – CPU Scheduling (Pgs 183 – 218). CPU Scheduling  Goal: To get as much done as possible  How: By never letting the CPU sit "idle" and not."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 5 – CPU Scheduling (Pgs 183 – 218)

2 CPU Scheduling  Goal: To get as much done as possible  How: By never letting the CPU sit "idle" and not do anything  Idea: When a process is waiting for something to happen, the CPU can execute a different process that isn't waiting for anything  Reality: Many CPUs are often idle because all processes are waiting for something

3 Bursts  CPU burst – period of time in which CPU is executing instructions and "doing work"  I/O burst – period of time in which CPU is waiting for IO to occur and is "idle"  CPU bursts tend to follow a pattern as most bursts tend to be short duration and few bursts are long durations

4 CPU Burst Duration Histogram

5 Fig. 3.2 Process State

6 Scheduling  Short-term schedulers select (or order) the ready queue  Scheduling occurs: 1. When a process switches from running to waiting 2. When a process switches from running to ready 3. When a process switches from waiting to ready 4. When a process terminates  If 1 and 4 only, scheduling is cooperative  If 1 to 4 (all), scheduling is preemptive

7 Preemption  A process switches to ready because its timeslice is over  Permits fair sharing of CPU cycles  Needed for multi-user systems  Cooperation uses "run as long as possible"  A variant of cooperation, "run to completion" never switches a process that is not finished, even if waiting for I/O

8 Scheduling Criteria  CPU Utilisation: Keep the CPU busy  Throughput: # of processes / time unit  Turnaround Time: time from process submission to completion  Waiting Time: Time spent in the READY queue  Response Time: Time from submission until first output produced

9 Criteria Not Mentioned  Overhead!  O/S activities take time away from user processes  Time for performing scheduling  Time to do context switch  Interference due to interrupt handling  Dispatch Latency: Time to stop one process and start another running

10 First Come – First Served  Simple queue needed to implement  Average waiting times can be long  Order processes are started will affect waiting times  Non-preemptive, poor for multi-user systems  But, no so bad when used with preemption (Round Robin Scheduling)

11 Shortest Job First  Provably optimal w.r.t. waiting times  May or may not be preemptive  Problem – how does one know how long a job will take (CPU burst length)? 1. Start with system average 2. Modify based on previous bursts (exponential average) p = αt last + (1-α)t all-others

12 Shortest Remaining Time  Shortest Job First  BUT if a new job will be quicker than the running job, preempt the running job and run the new one

13 Priority Scheduling  Select next process based on priority  SJF = priority based on inverse CPU burst length  Many ways to assign priority: policy, memory factors, burst times, user history etc.  Starvation (being too low a priority to get CPU time) can be a problem  Aging: older processes increase in priority (prevents starvation)

14 Round Robin  FCFS with preemption  Basic time slices  Length of time slice is important  80% +/- of CPU bursts should fit in a time slice  Should not be so short as consume a large fraction of CPU cycles doing context switches

15 Multi-Level Queueing  Similar to Priority Scheduling, but keep different queues for each priority instead of ordering on one queue  Can use different algorithms (or variants of the same algorithm) on each queue  Various ways to select which queue to select the next job from  Can permit process migration between queues  Queues do not need to have the same length timeslices etc.

16 Thread Scheduling  Process Contention Scope: Scheduling of threads in "user space"  System Contention Scope: Scheduling of threads in "kernel space"  Pthreads lets user control contention scope!  pthread_attr_setscope()  pthread_attr_getscope()

17 Multi-Processor Scheduling  Load Sharing – Now scheduling must also deal with multiple CPUs as well as multiple processes  Quite complex  Can be affected by processor similarity  Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) – Each CPU is self scheduling (most common)  Asymmetric Multiprocessing – One processor is the master scheduler

18 Processor Affinity  Best to keep a process on the same CPU for its life to maximise cache benefits  Hard Affinity: Process can be set to never migrate between CPUs  Soft Affinity: Migration is possible in some instances  NUMA, CPU speed, job mix will all affect migration  Sometimes the cost of migration is recovered by moving from an overworked CPU to an idle (or faster) one

19 Load Balancing  It makes no sense to have some CPUs with waiting processes while some CPUs sit idle  Push Migration: A monitor moves processes around and "pushes" them towards less busy CPUs  Pull Migration: Idle CPUs pull in jobs  Often the load balancing is wasted when cache reloads are needed

20 Threading Granularity  Some CPUs have very low-level instructions to support threads  Can switch threads every few instructions at low cost = fine-grained multithreading  Some CPUs do not provide much support and context switches are expensive = coarse-grained multithreading  Many CPUs provide multiple hardware threads in support of fine-grained multithreading – CPU is specifically designed for this (e.g., two register sets) and has hardware and microcode support

21 Algorithm Evaluation 1. Deterministic Modeling – use predetermined workload (e.g., historic data) to evaluate alogorithms 2. Queueing Analysis – uses mathematical queueing theory and process characteristics (based on probability) to model the system 3. Simulations – simulate the system and measure performance on probability of process characteristics 4. Prototyping – program and test the algorithm in an operating environment

22 To Do:  Work on Assignment 1  Finish reading Chapter 5 (pgs 183-218; this lecture) if you haven’t already  Read Chapter 6 (pgs 225-267; next lecture)

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