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The New Nation Chapter 8. Federalists & Jeffersonian Republicans Section 3.

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1 The New Nation Chapter 8

2 Federalists & Jeffersonian Republicans Section 3

3 The Rise of Political Parties  Commercial v. Agrarian Interests  Atlantic seaboard v. Western frontier  Anglophiles v. Francophiles  Different interests began to polarize over the issue of Jay’s Treaty in 1795.  Agrarians, Westerners, Southerners and Francophiles opposed the treaty.

4 The Rise of Political Parties Federalists  Wanted a strong national government but would still share powers with the states. Minority party after 1800. Also favored financial & diplomatic policies Federalists  Members of G.W’s administration, pro British, Anti-French, power base were merchants, urban workers, and property owners, strong in New England.

5 The Rise of Political Parties Jeffersonian Republicans  Also known as Democratic Republicans. They favored limited gov’t power, sympathetic to the French Revolution, anti-British. Jeffersonian Republicans  Also, most were Southern planters and Northern planters. The majority party after 1800.

6 The Adams Presidency  The Election of 1796  John Adams won and was a Federalist  Thomas Jefferson won the second most votes but was a Republican.  Federalist President + Republican Vice President= Oppositional and ineffective government

7 The Adams Presidency  Adams authority was undercut by Jefferson and Hamilton, who had retired but still gave much advice to Adam’s Cabinet. Meanwhile, relations with France declined.

8 The Adams Presidency  In 2 years, the French seized more than 300 ships and confiscated $20 million worth of cargo.  The French delegates known as X,Y and Z demanded bribes before any negotiations to stop the seizure would occur.  Many Americans turned anti-French and prepared for war.

9  A diplomatic incident n 1798 in which Americans were outraged by the demand of the French for a bribe as a condition for negotiating with American diplomats. Adam’s popularity soared as a result. The XYZ Affair Led to a French Quasi- War, a war that never occurred.

10 The Sedition and Alien Acts  1798- Four acts of Congress were passed that severely limited freedom of speech, press and the liberty of foreigners.

11 The Alien and Sedition Acts Alien Act & Alien Enemies Act  Authorized the President to order the imprisonment or deportation of suspected aliens during wartime. Sedition Act  Provided heavy fines and imprisonment for anyone convicted of writing, speaking or publishing anything malicious against the gov’t.

12 VA & KY declared the laws unconstitutional & declared them null…states going their own way. The Alien & Sedition Act Effect- Virginia and Kentucky Resolves

13 The Revolution of 1800  The Federalist Party split over peace negotiations with France. John Adams wanted a treaty but Hamilton headed a coalition who didn’t…..led to a division in the party prior to the Election of 1800.  The Election of 1800 was the first election with two national political parties; Federalists couldn’t overcome disunity; ticket of Jefferson & Burr attempted sectional balance.

14 Election of 1800  Republicans voted for T. Jefferson & A. Burr which created a tie in electoral votes. The vote went to the House and they voted for Jefferson for President.

15  Democratic Republicans took South, West, NY and part of Penn.  Federalists took New England and part of Penn. The Election of 1800 12 th Amendment- Created separate ballots for president and vice president, was ratified in time for the next presidential election.

16 Changing Political Culture  More people became involved in politics- voting, running for election  Increase in parades, liberty poles, July 4 th holiday  Popular interest in politics increased.  In some states, universal male suffrage was implemented & in others, property requirements were lowered.

17 The Rise of a National Culture  The Press  By 1789, the U.S had 92 newspapers.  The press played a key role in politics.  Prosecution under the Sedition Act threatened to curb further development of a free press.

18 The Rise of a National culture  American Literature-  Thomas Paine’s Common Sense and The American Crisis, “These are the times that try men’s souls.”

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