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BEN Partners AAAS-American Association for the Advancement of Science ABLE-Association of Biology Lab Educators AIBS-American Institute of Biological.

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Presentation on theme: "BEN Partners AAAS-American Association for the Advancement of Science ABLE-Association of Biology Lab Educators AIBS-American Institute of Biological."— Presentation transcript:


2 BEN Partners AAAS-American Association for the Advancement of Science ABLE-Association of Biology Lab Educators AIBS-American Institute of Biological Sciences APS-American Physiological Society ASBMB-American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology ASM-American Society for Microbiology BCC-BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium ESA-Ecological Society of America HAPS-Human Anatomy and Physiology Society NABT-National Association of Biology Teachers NBII-National Biological Information Infrastructure NLM-AE-National Library of Medicine-Access Excellence STKE - Science’s Signal Transduction Knowledge Environment SOT-Society for Toxicology VIDA-Video and Image Data Access (VIDA)/Cal State Fullerton

3 New BEN Partners As of May 2003 ASCB - American Society for Cell Biology Biolinks SICB - Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology HEAL - Health Education Assets Library ASPB – American Society for Plant Biology

4 Coordinating Council AAAS Yolanda S. George, Deputy Director Linda Akli, Senior Program Associate Nancy Gough, Managing Editor/STKE ASM Amy L. Chang, Director, Education Department Susan Musante, Manager, Education Programs APS Marsha Lakes Matyas, Education Officer Melinda E. Lowy, Higher Education Programs Coordinator ESA Jason Taylor, Director of Education ASBMB Kelly A. Gull, Manager, Meetings and Educational Programs

5 Technical Committee AAAS Linda Akli Jason Smith AAAS/Science’s STKE Nancy Gough APS Melinda Lowy ASM Ron Butler ESA Jason Taylor Cal Collins, Consultant to AAAS and ESA Publishing Consultant to AAAS Winfield Swanson Smart Solutions Services Carol Walls, Consultant to APS and ASM SMETE Open Federation (SOF), University of California, Berkeley Brandon Muramatsu

6 Advisory Board J. Ellis Bell, University of Richmond Carol Brewer, University of Montana A. Malcolm Campbell, Davidson College Paul A. Craig, Rochester Institute of Technology Michael Edidin, Johns Hopkins University William Higgins, University of Maryland Barbara E. Goodman, University of South Dakota Barbara Horwitz, University of California, Davis Tracy L. Johnson, California Institute of Technology Leticia Márquez-Magaña, San Francisco State University M. Patricia Morse, University of Washington Joseph Perpich, JG Perpich, LLC Kristine M. Snow, Fox Valley Technical College Neena Schwartz, Northwestern University Judith Voet, Swarthmore College Maria E. Zavala, California State University, Northridge






12 A Catalyst for … Social and cultural changes in the teaching of the biological sciences in higher education. Individual biology educators to improve their teaching through access to quality resources, collaboration, and network building. Participating societies and coalitions to build collaborations in terms of pedagogy, authentic assessment, multidisciplinary resources, and development of their individual digital library collections.

13 Value Seamless access to quality, credible, and authoritative resources. Shared digital resources across sub- disciplines. Serve the diverse community of biology educators not currently served by any single group.

14 Topics agriculture & aquaculture anatomy anthropology & archaeology bacteriology behavioral science biochemistry biocomplexity biodiversity bioengineering bioethics bioinformatics biophysics biostatistics biotechnology botany & plant science cardiology cell biology conservation biology cryobiology developmental biology ecology education endocrinology entomology environmental sciences epidemiology evolutionary biology exercise & kinesiology exobiology forestry gastroenterology genetics & heredity genomics geography glycobiology hematology histology human biology hydrology & water resources immunology invertebrate biology marine biology metabolism microbiology molecular biology mycology natural history nephrology neurobiology nutrition & food sciences oceanography paleontology parasitology pathology pharmacology phylogeny physiology population biology proteomics psychology public health range science reproductive biology respiratory biology sociobiology soil biology structural biology systematics taxonomy & classification theoretical biology toxicology vertebrate biology virology wildlife science zoology

15 Learning Resources Types AnimationAudioVideoDiagram Graph/ChartTable35 mm SlidePresentation IllustrationMapPhotographImage SimulationApplicationDiscussion GroupWeb Cast Online toolSoftware ProceedingsBookBook ChapterJournal Journal ArticleThesis/DissertationReportAbstract MemoNewsletterNon-journal ArticlePamphlet/Brochure BibliographyIndexDatasetDictionary/Glossary ThesaurusDiscussion ArchiveManualScientific Standards ReviewDatabase Education StandardsTeaching StrategiesCourse SyllabusLesson Plan LectureLab ExerciseLab ManualAssignment (non-lab) Assessment ToolAssessment ExamField Trip Guide

16 Model Lessons User QuestionsModels/examples provided 1. Enhancing and improving the lecture setting (“How can I find resources to improve my lectures?) * Audio-visuals; Content; Improving pedagogy (the “interactive” lecture) 2. Updating your knowledge base (“How can I find the current research on a topic?”) * Guidelines for identifying scientifically accurate sites; Models for using research-based sites (e.g., AAAS’ STKE) 3. Finding a lab/lesson (“Where can I find a lab activity on a topic?”) * Sample lab/lessons * Effective Pedagogy Information 4. Effective teaching methods* Effective Pedagogy Information 5. Student Web page content reviews (“Where can I send my students to read about a topic?”) * Guidelines for identifying scientifically accurate sites; Providing models of student Web content review activities; Providing guidelines for creating your own Web content review activities. 6. Student interactive Web activities (“Where can I send my students to actively explore a topic?”) * Identifying sites with interactive student activities, simulations, etc.; Outlining the most effective uses of these sites. 7. Creating interactive student Web activities (“Where can I find tools to set up my own online course/resources, interactive Web activities, etc….?) * Examples from programs like BioQuest, Project WISE, WebQuest, etc. * Information on tools available (e.g., WISE,, WebQuest, etc.) Note: From APS Archives



19 Who Is Visiting BEN Portal? 2081 Registered Users 90% are educators 61% teach in undergraduate, graduate, and professional school Institutions Represented Include: 477 Universities and Colleges 40 Two Year Colleges 19 Minority Serving Institutions Note: Statistics as of 7-31-2003

20 What are Visitors Seeking? Note: From ASM ML May 2003


22 Users Services Current User Services Advanced Search Basic Keyword Search Browse (Subject & Type) Announcements Calendar of Events User Services to be added User Review and Commentary Tools (APS Archives) Review Annotations and Theme Relations Field (ESA EcoEdNet) Reference Services (BEN Portal) Services Based on User Profiles (APS Archives)

23 Administrative Services Current BEN Portal Administrative Services User Registration Profile Login Password Resource Cataloging Metadata Harvesting Metadata Validation Web Trend Reporting (Hits and Visitors) User Registration Profile Summary Reports Administrative Services to be added User Surveys (Demographic and Collection Use)

24 Publications/Documentation Current Project Publications Available at BEN Metadata Specification Version 1.0 (based on IEEE LOM) Metadata Harvester Software Specifications using the OAI Protocol BEN Metadata Repository Database Specification XML specification and schema for transferring BEN LOM Metadata Cataloging Software Specifications Search Engine Specifications Beta Test Evaluation Report (April 2002) BEN Metadata Harvesting Quick Start Guide (April 2003) Project Publications In Development BEN Portal Site Standard Operating Procedures

25 Challenges Understanding integration of digital resources into the postsecondary biology curriculum Community/Partnership Development Contributor/User Development Contributor Incentives Content Gaps Sustainability


27 BEN Partnership Structure Founding Partners who established the BEN Collaborative. Collections Partners that maintain a digital collection. Creates and maintain a metadata catalog of their resources Peer-reviews resources in their collection. Contributor Development Partners that trains faculty to develop teaching and learning resources Training focus is on the creation of biological sciences teaching and learning resources. Dissemination Partners that promotes the use of BEN to faculty users

28 Postcard




32 Outreach DateEventPlace Feb. 26-28IMLS WebwiseWashington, DC Mar. 14-16AAHEWashington, DC Mar. 22-23AIBSWashington, DC Mar. 27-30NSTAPhiladelphia May 16-18ASM UGCONFWashington, DC May 27-31JCDLHouston, TX June 3-7ABLELas Vegas (UNLV)

33 Outreach (cont.) DateEventPlace July 19-22IAMSEWashington, DC Sept. 25-28SACNASAlbuquerque, NM Oct. 8-11NABTPortland, OR Oct. 13NSDLWashington, DC Oct. 30 – Nov. 1NSTA RegionalMinneapolis, MN Nov. 13-15NSTA RegionalKansas City, MO Dec. 4-6NSTA RegionalReno, NV

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