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Web Advisory Group (WAG) Implementation Plan ITC 10/19/04 Markus Stobbs.

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1 Web Advisory Group (WAG) Implementation Plan ITC 10/19/04 Markus Stobbs

2 Background 2001 – WAG Strategic Plan approved by ITC 2004 – Many strategic goals have been accomplished Centralized Web Hosting of over 40 d/p sites Gatekeeper Authentication UCAR Search Engine People Search Mailman Email Lists This Week @ UCAR F&A Web Applications We need an implementation plan going forward

3 Process Open monthly WAG meetings to brainstorm WAG Implementation Plan Subgroup WAG Survey of 80 division directors and developers Series of WAG meetings to prioritize projects and refine plan Analyzed WAG network of relationships For each project, created Description, Rationale, Elements, Potential Solutions, Potential Implementers, Effort Further details will be fleshed out by each project plan

4 Relationships ITC WAGWEG SCD reports advises implements Other Implementers

5 Implementers ImplementerFocusAudiences served WEGScience side apps, hostingAll F&A/ITBusiness side apps, hostingEmployees SCD/OISSCD apps, hostingEmployees, external users UCAR CommContent, editorialAll EOContent, instructionEd, public WORDContent, advisoryAll

6 Domain Experts COMET – instruction DMWG – scientific data DPC (DLESE) – metadata catalogs GIS Initiative – GIS Unidata – metadata catalogs WORD – content

7 Top Priority Projects Test Environment Search Engine Optimization Next Generation Authentication & Access Control Metadata Directories & Catalogs Collaborative Portals Content Management System

8 Test Environment A test cluster will mimic the configuration of the WEG production cluster as closely as possible in order to provide a reliable environment for testing websites, web applications, and software upgrades before moving them onto the production cluster.

9 Search Engine Optimization Optimize Verity Ultraseek engine preferences Publish best practices guidelines on optimizing content for search engines and expiring outdated content Review and update host index list Redesign search results interface for more effective information display Experiment with Google web service for indexing our public pages

10 Next Generation Authentication Planning for a transition to a next generation authentication system such as Kerberos should include thorough research into web integration Web Requirements –single sign on –backward compatibility with existing Gatekeeper –integration of authentication services into websites & web apps

11 Access Control Granular access control would enable system administrators to set user and group access privileges for specific web content and services Would require a central directory of UCAR employees, members, and collaborators Needs to be integrated with Authentication solution A user should be able to progressively refine their identity and preferences, and have that feed all the UCAR websites they access

12 Metadata Directories/Catalogs Metadata directories have proven very useful for cataloging datasets and we recommend this approach be applied to other types of high value web resources such as: –ASR, scientist profiles, projects, posters, instruments, applications

13 Collaborative Portals Using a portal framework, we would offer numerous web-based tools for project teams to collaborate and share project resources Tools would include: –document repository, project mgt, discussion boards, collaborative documents

14 Content Management System Content repositories File transport Version control Edition management Web page creation and update via simple forms for non-developers Symptom - numerous “404 page not found” errors

15 See the Entire Plan Projects By Audience Highlights –Annual Scientific Report web application –Form-driven Scientist Home Pages –Support Center

16 Top Priority Projects Test Environment Search Engine Optimization Next Generation Authentication & Access Control Metadata Directories & Catalogs Collaborative Portals Content Management System

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