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Presentation on theme: "IOTA FUNDING OF OccultWatcher SERVER COST H.PAVLOV."— Presentation transcript:


2 Occult Watcher Functionality that requires Hosting - Observation planning - announcing stations - Automatic weather forecast update for all announced stations - Email reminders for "My Events" - Emails sent to user when other observers report an observation or announce/cancel a station - Automatic update of latest asteroidal results and showing them in OW

3 - Different time zone which makes handling hosting support difficult - Technical support is sometimes pain to deal with and not very helpful - The hosting doesn't allow services to be run (to do background processes like sending email reminders or automatic weather updates). This is still done but doesn't always work - Impossible to log onto the host computer which makes maintenance and future development very difficult Issues with the current hosting

4 Dedicated hosting - The best way to host the Occult Watcher services - Will allow reliable background services such as email reminders, automatic weather update etc - Will allow a web-only version of OccultWatcher to be developed - Will make it much easier for other people to do maintenance and releases and ensure OW services will continue to work independent from the health, abilities and free time of one person (Hristo) - Dedicated hosting in Sydney is preferred because of time zone convenience at the moment. Can be changed in future if required

5 Funding required - AUD $500 a year is the cheapest dedicated hosting - Looking for IOTA US, Europe and Australia/NZ each to fund up to AUD $150 a year but any funding will be helpful. Hristo can pay from his pocket the remaining amount if more than 75% of total sum is funded by IOTA

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