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Missoula County Public Schools Overview of Planning January 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Missoula County Public Schools Overview of Planning January 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Missoula County Public Schools Overview of Planning January 2014

2 Missoula County Public Schools Overview of Planning Why are we doing this?  Technology Upgrades  Address School Safety & Security  Align 21 st Century Vision with 20 th Century Facilities  Prepare for Rising Enrollment and Capacity Challenges  Prioritize Deferred Maintenance in Aging Buildings

3 Missoula County Public Schools Overview of Planning What have we learned?  Facility Age, Condition, Utilities, and Capacity  Enrollment Forecast/Facility & Student Locations  School Sites, Undeveloped Parcels, Leases

4 Missoula County Public Schools The average age of MCPS facilities is 57 years old.  9% are greater than 100 years old.  18% are greater than 90 years old.  41% are greater than 60 years old.  62% are greater than 50 years old.  Chief Charlo is the newest school, built in 1995.  38% of the buildings have never been expanded.  38% of facilities have been expanded at least twice.  12% of the buildings have been expanded as many as five times. Facility Condition: Age

5 Missoula County Public Schools Facility Condition: Deferred Maintenance o $424,000,000 Replacement Costs o $65,000,000 Deferred Maintenance & Energy Projects

6 Missoula County Public Schools Enrollment Forecast  892 more students in next decade  2017-18: Peak K-5  2023-24: Peak 6-12  50% 9-12 enrollment from  11 K-8’s

7 Missoula County Public Schools Rattlesnake Elementary 2008-092009-102010-112011-122012-132013-142014-152015-162016-172017-182018-192019-202020-212021-222022-23 K617865856980707573727069 6768 1596784668873857479777674737270 2615966856786728473787675737271 3586863718368877386748078777574 4556164637182678672857379787775 5625557636269806584708371777675 Total K-5356388399433440458461457467456458446447439433 Total PK-5356388399433440458461457467456458446447439433 Change3211347183-410-112-121-8-6 % Change9.0%2.8%8.5%1.6%4.1%0.7%-0.9%2.2%-2.4%0.4%-2.6%0.2%-1.8%-1.4%

8 Missoula County Public Schools o Capacity calculated using state standards, not best practices o Many classrooms are small and cannot seat 28-30 Students grades 3-12 o 5/9 Elementary Schools at/over capacity o 3/3 Middle Schools at/over capacity o 2/4 High Schools at/over capacity o Maintain Flexibility over time Facility Capacity

9 Missoula County Public Schools Overview of Planning Key Insights from ASSESS Phase  1. Flexibility of spaces, daily schedules, annual school calendars and furnishings are desired to meet changing demographics and annual budgets. Develop new ways to use buildings, schedules and human resources to meet needs.  2. New ways of engaging children and families in early child, pre ‐ kindergarten programs and other community needs are envisioned  3. District ‐ wide innovation will create the context for building ‐ level innovation  4. Rising enrollment in the past five years and the next five years represents a ten year cohort that is projected to exceed the capacity existing elementary schools by 2017 ‐ 18 and middle schools in 2023 ‐ 24.  5. The majority of MCPS school sites and facilities are in need of site improvements as well as upgrades to technology, mechanical and electrical systems.  6. The utilization of undeveloped sites, administrative buildings and leased facilities will be integrated into the preferred solutions of the Comprehensive Long Range Facilities Plan  7. Neighborhood identity extends beyond elementary schools and include middle school and high school choices  8. 25% of High School students choose schools that are not in their region  9. What are the budget impacts of our current model in terms of utilities, maintenance and transportation?  10. The basic site & building assessment (What works? What could be better? What’s missing?) is needed for the undeveloped sites and leased facilities.  11. What are the encumbrances of the undeveloped sites and leased facilities? What is the potential revenue?  12. What is the capacity of the existing Missoula College campus adjacent to Sentinel High School?  13. What is the capacity of our facilities when considering a 21st Century Educational program? Instructional changes will shift space needs.

10 Missoula County Public Schools Overview of Planning Key Insights from Explore Phase  13 inspiring schools from around the world identified as highly effective in supporting MCPS’s educational vision  Education Innovation Teams developed key building program elements focused on teaching and learning  Refined & revised draft guiding principles  Most effective Learning Modalities included:  Project-Based Learning  Interdisciplinary Learning  One-On-One Teacher/Student Learning  Compare preliminary building program to WY, OH & MA standards  Creative responses to Range of Options

11 Missoula County Public Schools Overview of Planning How are we engaging our community ?  Education Innovation Teams  Expanded Education Innovation Teams  Community Listening Sessions  Communication Plan  January Outreach Hosted by EEIT’s  February Survey & Follow up

12 Missoula County Public Schools Overview of Planning APPLY RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVES January 28-30 & February 4, 2014 DISTRICT WIDE (half day) 1/28/14 Range of Options Option B -- Business as usual Option C – Consolidate Option E – Expand Option L – Light Touch Option O - Out of the Box Option R – Realign, Relocate or Renovate Option S – Start Over

13 Missoula County Public Schools Option B: Business as Usual

14 Missoula County Public Schools Option C: Consolidate

15 Missoula County Public Schools Option E: Expand

16 Missoula County Public Schools Option L: Light Touch

17 Missoula County Public Schools Option O: Out of the Box

18 Missoula County Public Schools Option R: Realign, Relocate or Renovate

19 Missoula County Public Schools Option S: Start Over

20 Missoula County Public Schools What’s Hot What’s Not Look at the options, if there is something you really like about the option place sticky note on that side. Look at the options, if there is something that you want to point out that makes it a bad option place sticky note on that side. Pick top Three Protocol With colored dots, place green on #1, Orange #2, Pink #3

21 Missoula County Public Schools Overview of Planning REGIONAL GROUPINGS (1 DAY) Region 1 - 1/29/14, Region 2 - 1/30/14, and Region 3 - 2/4/14 Refine & Critique Alternative, Identify & Rank Top Two Preferred Alternatives COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT (EVENING) 2/4/14 Community Listening Session

22 Missoula County Public Schools (Report) February-March 2014 FINAL PLAN Draft Strategic Facilities Plan Cost Benefit Assessment Integrate Sustainability & Energy Conservation PRESENTATIONS Present key options to Steering Committee Present recommendations to Board of Trustees Board of Trustees Adoption

23 Missoula County Public Schools Next Steps REPORT February- March 2014 Steering Committee Recommendations of 5, 10, 15 Year Priorities to Trustees IMPLEMENTATION February-March 2014 Design Summer 2014 Pilot Projects June-August 2014 Implement Summer 2014 Pilot Projects September 2014 Submit MTDOC Quality Schools Project Grant for Summer 2015 Pilot Projects Fall 2014 Design Summer 2015 Pilot Projects June-August 2015 Implement Summer 2015 Pilot Projects BOND VOTE Fall 2015 21 st Century Schools Bond incorporating best educational practices, technology, safety, energy Fall 2015-Winter 2017 Design Bond-Funded Projects Spring 2017-Summer 2018 (and beyond) Construct First Phase of Bond-Funded Projects

24 Missoula County Public Schools Collecting Community Insights, Hopes & Concerns

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