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19.3 Rockets, Satellites and Moon Features How do they work?

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Presentation on theme: "19.3 Rockets, Satellites and Moon Features How do they work?"— Presentation transcript:

1 19.3 Rockets, Satellites and Moon Features How do they work?

2 Rockets A Rocket moves forward when gases expelled from the rear of the rocket push it in the opposite direction. Newtons Third Law- For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Space Shuttle Launch

3 Satellites A Satellite is a natural or artificial object that revolves around an object in space. –First artificial one was Sputnik 1 by the Russians on October 4 th 1957. -Satellites are used for communications, navigation, collecting weather data and research.

4 Satellites Some Satellites are geosynchronous, which means they rotate at the same rate that the Earth does. Thus they constantly hover over the same point on Earth! Why would this be advantageous?

5 Earths Moon Structure –Moon is 3,476 km in diameter. Pg. 660 –1/4 Earths Diameter –1/8 Earths Mass Origin –Collision Theory A large object collided with Earth, ejecting material that combined into our moon in an orbit around the Earth

6 Collision Theory About 4.5 Billion years ago a large object collided with Earth, ejecting material that combined through gravity into our moon in an orbit around the Earth.

7 Looking at the Moon In 1609 Italian astronomer Galileo created his own telescope and began to study the moon. He named several key features: –Craters –Highlands –Maria

8 Moon Features –Craters Created by moon impacts –Highlands Moon Mountains –Maria Seas?? Moon volcanic events

9 Missions to the moon… One small step for man…(What's the rest??)

10 Missions to the moon… The astronauts studied as much of the moon as they could in the small amount of time that they had. –Collected Rocks –Photographs –Video –Seismographs -Moons composition much like Earths outer layers. What theory does this support?

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