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ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition ▪ May 18 – 22 ▪ Sheraton Greensboro ▪ Greensboro, North Carolina Customer Service: Working To Provide.

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Presentation on theme: "ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition ▪ May 18 – 22 ▪ Sheraton Greensboro ▪ Greensboro, North Carolina Customer Service: Working To Provide."— Presentation transcript:

1 ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition ▪ May 18 – 22 ▪ Sheraton Greensboro ▪ Greensboro, North Carolina Customer Service: Working To Provide Excellent Customer Service Across the Nation Presenters:Donna Buchanan Angelisa Young Marcia Mackall Moderator:Michelle Wilson

2 ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition ▪ May 18 – 22 ▪ Sheraton Greensboro ▪ Greensboro, North Carolina Inquiry Process North Carolina Child Support Customer Service Who we receive inquiries from:  Program Customers - CP, NCP, children, grandparents, current spouses, employers, state and local child support agencies and attorneys  OCSE  Congressional members  North Carolina Legislators  Governor’s office

3 ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition ▪ May 18 – 22 ▪ Sheraton Greensboro ▪ Greensboro, North Carolina Inquiry Process Customers reach out to us in many ways:  Phone calls, U.S. postal mail, fax, emails and eChild Support.  Requests from OCSE and ACF.  Written requests from US Congress and NC legislators requesting assistance with a constituent’s child support case.  Letters to Governor, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Secretary, Division of Social Services (DSS) Director and Child Support Services (CSS) Chief.  Complaints routed from NC DHHS Customer Service Center.

4 ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition ▪ May 18 – 22 ▪ Sheraton Greensboro ▪ Greensboro, North Carolina Inquiry Process North Carolina Child Support Services Process North Carolina has two statewide venues to handle child support customer service needs:  NC DHHS Customer Service Center (CSC) and  NC CSS Customer Support Unit (CSU).  DHHS Customer Service Center  Interactive Voice Response Unit – allows customers access to limited financial and case data via phone.  If more information is required, call goes to a CSC representative.  If additional resolution is needed, customers offered opportunity to file a formal complaint.  DHHS CSC handles calls for local CSS offices.  Approximately 18,000 calls per day – 2,500 of which opt out to speak to a CSC representative.  ACTS Help Desk.

5 ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition ▪ May 18 – 22 ▪ Sheraton Greensboro ▪ Greensboro, North Carolina Inquiry Process North Carolina Child Support Services Process  NC Child Support Services Customer Support Unit  Receive inquiries via mail, email, phone, and eChild Support  Track inquiries and responses  Review and research case data  Contact caseworker for resolution  Resolve written complaints forwarded from DHHS CSS

6 ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition ▪ May 18 – 22 ▪ Sheraton Greensboro ▪ Greensboro, North Carolina Custodial Parent’s Top Five: 1. Caseworker contact 2. Order is not being enforced 3. Interstate issues 4. Support distribution issues 5. Court decisions - disagree with outcome North Carolina’s Top Five Customer Concerns/Issues

7 ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition ▪ May 18 – 22 ▪ Sheraton Greensboro ▪ Greensboro, North Carolina North Carolina’s Top Five Customer Concerns/Issues Noncustodial Parent’s Top Five: 1. Caseworker specific 2. Disagreement with the Court system 3. Disagreement with the NC Guidelines 4. Unemployment or underemployment resulting in inability to pay 5. Visitation issues

8 ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition ▪ May 18 – 22 ▪ Sheraton Greensboro ▪ Greensboro, North Carolina NC Customer Service Goals To efficiently and effectively :  Serve our external customers by providing appropriate and accurate information.  Serve our internal customers by alleviating caseworkers’ workloads.

9 ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition ▪ May 18 – 22 ▪ Sheraton Greensboro ▪ Greensboro, North Carolina District of Columbia’s Inquiry Process Only You Can Make a Difference One Customer at a Time Working to Provide Excellent Customer Service Presenter: Angelisa Young, MPA

10 ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition ▪ May 18 – 22 ▪ Sheraton Greensboro ▪ Greensboro, North Carolina To provide prompt and effective customer service to constituents who contact Child Support Services Division (CSSD), both internally and externally. Our Purpose:

11 ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition ▪ May 18 – 22 ▪ Sheraton Greensboro ▪ Greensboro, North Carolina Who Do We Receive Inquiries From Custodial Parents, Noncustodial Parents, Dependents, Grandparents, Current Spouses, Girlfriends/Boyfriends, Employers, Other State Child Support Agencies, Non-Profit Organizations, Attorneys, Special Interest Advocacy Groups, Community Based Organizations, Churches, Government Agencies, City Council Members, TV Personalities etc.….

12 ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition ▪ May 18 – 22 ▪ Sheraton Greensboro ▪ Greensboro, North Carolina Inquiry Types:  Phone calls  US Postal mail  Fax  Emails  Congressional members  City Council members  Mayor’s Intranet Quorum (IQ) (a system that is used by the District Government as a tracking solution for all correspondence between government officials, agencies and constituents)  Face to Face encounters (e.g. walk-ins and outreach)

13 ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition –May 18-22-Greensboro, North Carolina Our Process High Quality Customer Service Customer brings inquiry/concerns to CSSD FRU Team Specialists may have to execute several activities to obtain information on child support program related inquiries on case-related facts and other inquiries to respond to the customer’s concerns accurately within shortest timeframe possible. Activities may include, but are not limited to gathering and analyzing data, collaboration with state/ regional contacts, external and internal customers to respond to the customer. Reporting information back to customer. Entering information into our District of Columbia Child Support Enforcement System (DCCSES)

14 ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition ▪ May 18 – 22 ▪ Sheraton Greensboro ▪ Greensboro, North Carolina District of Columbia’s Top Five Customer Concerns/Issues Custodial Parent’s Top Five 1.Is the NCP working? 2.Can you check to see if I have received a payment? 3.Can I get a payment history? 4.Why am I not receiving the full monthly support ordered/or in the frequency that my support was ordered? 5.Can the NCP’s taxes be intercepted?

15 ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition ▪ May 18 – 22 ▪ Sheraton Greensboro ▪ Greensboro, North Carolina Noncustodial Parent’s Top Five 1.Why doesn’t the court request the CP to work? 2.How much more do I owe (what is my balance)? 3.Why do I have to pay when I never get to see my child? 4.My child has emancipated. Do I still have to pay child support? 5.Can’t I just pay with a money order? Why do my wages have to be garnished? District of Columbia’s Top Five Customer Concerns/Issues

16 ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition ▪ May 18 – 22 ▪ Sheraton Greensboro ▪ Greensboro, North Carolina CSSD Customer Service Team is expected to act in a professional manner while representing CSSD, both on and off CSSD’s premises. Greet all customers in a timely and courteous manner. Explain to customers what to expect of the process to which they are seeking assistance. Keep customers aware of administrative delays and inform them of when they will receive service. Provide reference information when necessary. Attend professional trainings to enhance service delivery. Convey empathy, be polite, and end all interactions in a professional manner. Employees Fulfill the Following Customer Service Requirements:

17 ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition ▪ May 18 – 22 ▪ Sheraton Greensboro ▪ Greensboro, North Carolina Office of Child Support Enforcement Division of Customer Communications Customer Service Branch Federal OCSE Inquiry Process

18 ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition ▪ May 18 – 22 ▪ Sheraton Greensboro ▪ Greensboro, North Carolina Inquiry Process Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) Division of Customer Communications Customer Service Branch Who we receive inquiries from:  Program Customers- CP, NCP, children, grandparents, current spouses, girlfriends/boyfriends, employers, state and local child support agencies and attorneys  White House- Vice President- Cabinet members  Congressional members  Office of Inspector General  Special Interest/Advocacy groups

19 ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition ▪ May 18 – 22 ▪ Sheraton Greensboro ▪ Greensboro, North Carolina Inquiry Process Customers reach out to us in many ways:  Phone calls, U.S. postal mail, fax, and emails sent to the OCSEHotline email box located on the OCSE public website.  Written requests from congressional members asking for assistance on behalf of their constituents regarding their child support cases.  Letters to the White House, President, Vice President, First Lady and a Health and Human Services official or other cabinet members, also asking for help.  Complaints made to the Office of Inspector General about a child support matter.

20 ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition ▪ May 18 – 22 ▪ Sheraton Greensboro ▪ Greensboro, North Carolina Inquiry Process Our Process:  We use a web-based system called the Public Inquiry Correspondence System (PICS) that stores and tracks all open and closed inquiries.  Inquiries are assigned to Specialists who perform various activities to obtain child support program information and case-related facts to respond to the customer’s concerns within short timeframes.  Activities include analysis, data gathering, and collaboration with state and regional contacts to respond to the customer.  The OCSE Commissioner/Deputy Commissioner signs the congressional responses and the Customer Service staff signs all other responses.

21 ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition ▪ May 18 – 22 ▪ Sheraton Greensboro ▪ Greensboro, North Carolina Custodial Parent’s Top Five: 1.Enforcement – not enough being done or requests referral to Project Save Our Children (PSOC) 2. UIFSA – process is too long 3. Establishment and Modification – no updates received 4. Locate – unable to locate NCP address or employer 5. Legal/Court Decisions - disagrees with outcome OCSE’s Top Five Customer Concerns/Issues

22 ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition ▪ May 18 – 22 ▪ Sheraton Greensboro ▪ Greensboro, North Carolina OCSE’s Top Five Customer Concerns/Issues Noncustodial Parent’s Top Five: 1.Arrears – disagrees with balance or wants an audit from local child support agency 2.Modification - child support obligation too high 3.Federal Collection and Enforcement Program  Tax Offset  Passport Denial  Multistate Financial Institution Data Match (MSFIDM) 4. Legal/Court Decisions – disagrees with outcome 5. Child Support Calculations - disagrees with outcome

23 ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition ▪ May 18 – 22 ▪ Sheraton Greensboro ▪ Greensboro, North Carolina Case Scenario: customer’s concern had to be escalated  Case involved 3 states. One of the states had an active title lien in place, the child emancipated, and no arrears were owed in that state. That state closed its case but did not remove its lien.  NCP tried to refinance his property and discovered he could not because of the lien. NCP tried to get the state to remove the lien but was unsuccessful. NCP wrote to his Senator to intervene, and the Senator contacted OCSE for assistance.  We contacted the state with the lien. The states' attorney reviewed the case and it was determined that there was no basis to keep the lien in place. The lien was removed, and the NCP was able to refinance his property.  The state that closed its case should have released the lien at the time of case closure. While this case scenario may sound simple, it took 6 weeks to resolve.

24 ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition ▪ May 18 – 22 ▪ Sheraton Greensboro ▪ Greensboro, North Carolina OCSE’s Top Five Best Practices for Customer Service 1.Treat each customer with respect and dignity. 2.Meet the diverse needs of our customers with a patient and unbiased approach. 3.Follow up and follow through on the identified next action. 4.Deliver quality and consistent service with flexibility for a customized approach. 5.Know your job, acknowledge when you need assistance, and commit to finding the necessary information or answer.

25 ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition ▪ May 18 – 22 ▪ Sheraton Greensboro ▪ Greensboro, North Carolina OCSE Customer Service Branch: We CARE C ommitted A ccessible R esponsive E ffective

26 ERICSA 51 st Annual Training Conference & Exposition ▪ May 18 – 22 ▪ Sheraton Greensboro ▪ Greensboro, North Carolina Questions

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