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Back To School Night Welcome to Third Grade! Mrs. Jordan Room 12 My

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Presentation on theme: "Back To School Night Welcome to Third Grade! Mrs. Jordan Room 12 My"— Presentation transcript:

1 Back To School Night Welcome to Third Grade! Mrs. Jordan Room 12 My email:

2 Schedule

3 What is your child going to learn this year? Cursive Multiplication Problem solving/Kagan Strategies Writing, writing, writing! Reading Comprehension skills Independence and responsibility Oral speaking skills Chromebooks/technology: google accounts Teamwork, sharing, caring, joy of learning!

4 Cursive / We will begin with lowercase letters and progress to uppercase letters. / We will be learning 2-3 new letters a week and practice, practice, practice! / All letters will be taught by end of January. / After Spring Break, cursive will be used for all writing! / We will begin with lowercase letters and progress to uppercase letters. / We will be learning 2-3 new letters a week and practice, practice, practice! / All letters will be taught by end of January. / After Spring Break, cursive will be used for all writing!

5 Multiplication Multiplication flashcards will be sent home regularly. Please have your child practice nightly. Keep cards in small multiplication card envelope provided. Quizzes on Fridays. -Play games to help learn facts. -Use musical tapes or CDs. -Draw pictures (circles and dots).  Multiplication facts need to be mastered by January.

6 Problem Solving Problem solving is a large part of math instruction this year. Multi-step problems will be part of our regular day. Many assignments will incorporate problem solving. It will be a gradual process in which all problems will be assigned.

7 Writing, Writing, Writing! Writing will be part of our daily activities, working across the curriculum. Children will have a chance to collaborate and share writing with the class when appropriate. Narratives and essays will be taught. We will be using Step-Up-to-Writing to help learn the structure and organization of the essays. Letter writing will be a frequent activity. Book reports, research papers, and note taking will also be part of the curriculum.

8 Reading Comprehension Encourage regular reading at home--it should be pleasurable for your child. Read together, share the reading, and have fun with books! AR incentive program is a great way to improve comprehension. Students earn paws first, then pieces to add to their paws. Whole class and small group instruction will be part of our daily schedule.

9 Technology Chrome Books will be used in the classroom on a regular basis. Permission slip is needed for google acct. We will need your parental consent form to allow your child to access. Other technology forms (publication of student names, etc.) are in first day packet. Cyber bullying information went home in first day packet. Computer Lab will be once a month: Mon. 9:10-10:00 Chrome Books will be used in the classroom on a regular basis. Permission slip is needed for google acct. We will need your parental consent form to allow your child to access. Other technology forms (publication of student names, etc.) are in first day packet. Cyber bullying information went home in first day packet. Computer Lab will be once a month: Mon. 9:10-10:00

10 Independence and Responsibility: Homework will be assigned daily in the form of a homework coversheet. Language Arts will alternate between spelling choice & writing choice each week. Math homework will come home daily as skills are covered in class. Please turn in homework daily in the morning. Your child will be learning responsibility for his/her own work, desk, and actions. Independence is something we will work towards in 3 rd grade.

11 Common Core: Language Arts/Science/Soc. Studies Subjects will be integrated and will be based around 6-8 week units (based on holidays and vacations). Each unit will focus on several stories from Houghton Mifflin Language Arts and subsections from Science and Social Studies: Unit 1: ExplorationUnit 4: Power Unit 2: Communities Unit 5: Change Unit 3: Relationships Unit 6: Adaptations

12 Common Core: Math Go Math! Practice sheets will come home daily for homework to reinforce what was taught in class. : Your child will log on using the same user name/password as A.R. Homework, games, activities online! Students will have a workbook that acts as their textbook as well. Students are encouraged to write more in math and explain their thinking. Grades will be taken from tests and quizzes as well as mid-chapter checks.

13 Daily 5 Daily Five is a literacy structure that allows for differentiation in the classroom and provides consistency. It is an integrated literacy instruction and classroom management system for use in reading and writing workshops. It is a system of 5 literacy tasks that teaches students independence. The 5 tasks of the Daily Five: 1.Read to self 2.Read to someone 3.Work on writing 4.Listen to reading 5.Word work

14 Important Websites For Go Math!: *Students log in using AR user name and password to: Go to: Virtual Library Learning Commons @ For Go Math!: *Students log in using AR user name and password to: Go to: Virtual Library Learning Commons @

15 Important Dates for the Year:  Picture Day: August 18  Parent Teacher Conferences: week of Nov.2  Third Grade performance: March TBA  Spring Break: Week of March 21  Open House: TBA (It will be after spring break.)  Picture Day: August 18  Parent Teacher Conferences: week of Nov.2  Third Grade performance: March TBA  Spring Break: Week of March 21  Open House: TBA (It will be after spring break.)

16 Parent Communications Homework Folders Goes back and forth from home to school daily! Any notes/reminders go into folder Contains homework and other important papers Friday Folders/large manila envelope Goes home every Friday with classwork, graded work, and other important notices. Please empty, sign, and return on Monday. Class Dojo! Classroom management system with a free application for your mobile device/phone. I can communicate with you instantly and share messages with you from school! Can be used from any computer at : I will need your email in order to invite you to ClassDojo. ESPRI Sign up through the district website; gives you access to your child’s grades. My email:

17 Supplies:  Pencil box  Personal ear buds for chrome books  Kid-friendly scissors  Kleenex boxes are greatly appreciated!  Students may keep a closed bottle of water on their desk for the day.  Please label all of your child’s personal items with their name!

18 Thank you for coming tonight! Please take our Parent Survey on the Chromebook on your child’s desk. Open the Chromebook Click on the “App” button Select Parent Survey

19 Any Questions???

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