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Theme 1: Introduction. Politology. The principal notions of science.

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Presentation on theme: "Theme 1: Introduction. Politology. The principal notions of science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theme 1: Introduction. Politology. The principal notions of science.

2 PLAN 1. Introduction. Politics and modern society. 2. Politology. The main tasks and objectives. 3. Subject, structure, functions of politology. 4. Methods of politology.

3 Politology ► Political science (politology) – a theory about power and political governing; about political relationship, process, systems development: about political cognition, about human behaviour and activity.

4 Politics ► Politics is the process by which groups make decisions

5 The basic subjects of politics: ► - larger and smaller social (ethnic) groups ► - political organizations and movements ► - political leaders

6 Basic tasks of the politology are the following: ► – to provide knowledge in the sphere of political science and its methodology;

7 ► – to help students to adopt the values and democratic practice of the world political experience, the problems of actualization of this practice; – to give knowledge of political mechanisms in solving social problems on the basis of constitutional and democratic principles;

8 ► – to formulate the theoretical backgrounds of political cognition and culture on the basis of human values; – to develop the research way of thinking, politological analysis skills, prognostic skills, to facilitate students’ argumentation in round – table discussions, workshops, etc.;

9 ► – to direct students within democratic convictions for them to acquire the independent political behaviour in the framework of democratic options; – to teach students to evaluate democratic institutions activity.

10 The basic subjects of politics: ► - larger and smaller social (ethnic) groups ► - political organizations and movements ► - political leaders

11 The types and sub-types of politics: ► Foreign ► domestic ► youth ► scientific ► ecological ► social ► educational, etc.

12 Functions of politics ► Work for stability in society, for well-being of citizens, for human rights protection; dealing with development strategy, material wealth distribution, conflicts settling, constituting the social objects, etc

13 Basic disciplines in political science: ► Political philosophy, ► political theory, ► comparative politology, ► the history of political schools, ► political history,

14 ► political sociology and political psychology, ► the theory and the history of political institutions, ► political process, political analyses, political management, ► world politics and international relationship, ► theoretical and applied politology.

15 Methods of investigation of politics: ► Logic ► empiric ► sociological, ► psychological, ► civilizational ► institutional ► comparative ► historical, etc.

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