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Prototyping By:Simeon Bolds. What is Prototyping “Prototyping is the creation of simple, incomplete models or mockups of a design. It provides designers.

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Presentation on theme: "Prototyping By:Simeon Bolds. What is Prototyping “Prototyping is the creation of simple, incomplete models or mockups of a design. It provides designers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prototyping By:Simeon Bolds

2 What is Prototyping “Prototyping is the creation of simple, incomplete models or mockups of a design. It provides designers with key insights into real-world design requirements, and gives them a method to visualize, evaluate, learn, and improve design specifications prior to delivery.” There are three basic kinds of prototyping: Concept, Throwaway, and Evolutionary

3 Concept Prototyping Concept prototyping creates of a product for the purpose of explaining the concept to others in order to find out design flaws and requirements

4 Throwaway Prototyping Creates a product for the purpose of seeing how it comes across to the target audience, then thrown away to start again from the beginning with the new collected information. Ex: automobile designs for wind tunnels

5 Evolutionary Prototyping The initial prototype is developed, evaluated, and then refined until it “evolves” into the final product

6 Prototyping Purpose After creating a prototype, you should be able to collect enough information to create a final product more suited to your target audience. Something that you feel can get the point across to your audience efficiently and effectively.


8 How to make your product go from 0 to 100 real quick! Created by: Simeon Bolds

9 Source Lidwell, William, Jill Butler, and Kritina Holden. Universal Principles of Design, Revised and Updated: 125 Ways to Enhance Usability, Influence Perception, Increase Appeal, Make Better Design Decisions,. Minneapolis: Rockport, 2010. Print.

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