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Digital Libraries: The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) and the Computer Science Teaching Center (CSTC) 3rd Computer Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Libraries: The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) and the Computer Science Teaching Center (CSTC) 3rd Computer Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Libraries: The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) and the Computer Science Teaching Center (CSTC) 3rd Computer Science Workshop Puebla, Mexico, June 10-12, 1998 Edward A. Fox Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA

2 THANKS F Hosts for this Workshop F NSF –Funding since 1984: AI, Comp. Linguistics, DL, Education, E-pub, HCI, IR, MM, Networking F US Dept. of Education (FIPSE) F Contributors –Adobe, CNI, CGS, CSGS, IBM, Microsoft, OCLC, SURA,... –Collaborating universities (you too, soon, I hope!)

3 NDLTD PIs: Ed Fox - Computer Science ( John Eaton - Graduate School ( Gail McMillan - Library ( CSTC PIs: Deborah Knox - The College of NJ Scott Grissom - U. Illinois Springfield (Rachelle Heller - GWU - CRIM) Infrastructure: Net.Work.Virginia (vBNS, Internet 2, LMDS, Blacksburg Electronic Village, FDI) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS / CONTEXT

4 A Complete Approach to Advanced Network Access Virginia Tech Mid-Atlantic Crossroads (MAX) Regional/National Leadership NET.WORK.VIRGINIA Statewide Access LMDS / Local NAPS Last Mile

5 vBNS Internet2 ESnet jmc 1/3/97 OC3 Sprint ROA Net.Work.Virginia Architecture Backbone / Internet Gateway DS3 Internet SprintLink Router OC3 Sprint WTN Sprint RIC

6 NET.WORK.VIRGINIA 222 Sites by Type and Bandwidth May, 1998 Higher Education Localities / Libraries K-12 Education DS-3 ( 45 Mbps) OC-3 (155 Mbps) DS-1 (1.544 Mbps) State Government Frame Relay - ATM (FRANI)

7 Faculty Development Initiative English Philosophy Sociology Psychology Political Science History Biology Physics Cyberschool I and II Women's Studies Religious Studies Chemistry Biochemistry Communications Newman Library Information Systems Art & Art History Computer Science Music Educational Technologies Black Studies Mathematics Education Center for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching University Honors Human Resources

8 URLs Cyberschool Cyberschool White Papers ACCESS Project a TECH Project LIT Project

9 Digital Libraries F Why of global interest? F Why of interest in computing? F Definitions F NSF Digital Libraries Initiative

10 DLs: Why of Global Interest? F National projects can preserve antiquities and heritage: cultural, historical, linguistic, scholarly F Knowledge and information are essential to economic and technological growth, education F DL - a domain for international collaboration –wherein all can contribute and benefit –which leverages investment in networking –which provides useful content on Internet & WWW –which will tie nations and peoples together more strongly and through deeper understanding

11 Why of Interest in Computing? F Next step in fields of DBMS, HT, IR, MM F Efficiency requires advances in, e.g., –algorithms and data structures (ex., MPHF) –networking (ex., HTTP-NG) –OS (ex., support for streams) F Effectiveness requires advances in, e.g., –AI (ex., multilingual texts, user adaptation) –HCI (ex., visualization, DLs embedded in activities) F CS Educ. can benefit; CS can aid Dist. Educ.

12 DLs: Definitions F Super information systems F KDI with persistence, organization, usability F Libraries extended to include collections of digital objects and to provide expanded services to distributed user communities without prior limitations of space, time, physical instantiation F Latest implementation of visions of Bush, Licklider, Nelson, and previous scholars F Systems, services, institutions, enterprises, and projects of the digital library community

13 DIGITAL LIBRARIES INITIATIVE Funded through a joint initiative of: National Science Foundation Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency National Aeronautics and Space Administration Stephen M. Griffin Division of Information and Intelligent Systems National Science Foundation National Synchronization Home Page

14 Computing (flops) Digital content Communicat i ons (bandwidth, connectivity) Locating Digital Libraries in Computing and Communications Technology Space Digital Libraries technology trajectory: intellectual access to globally distributed information lessmore

15 Core Sponsors: NSF, DARPA, NLM, LoC, NASA, NEH F ~$8-10 million/yr for 4-5 years (beginning FY98) F sponsor a full-spectrum of activities –fundamental research, content & collections development, domain applications, testbeds, operational environments, new resources for education and preserving America’s cultural heritage F address topics over entire DL lifecycle –information creation, dissemination, access, use, preservation, impact, contexts F implement a modular, open program structure –add new sponsors, performers, projects at any time Digital Libraries Initiative - Phase 2 Program Goals: new DL research, technologies and applications to advance the use of distributed, networked information of all types around the nation and the world

16 Digital Libraries Initiative - Phase 2 Planning Underway to Secure Funding and Launch Full-Scale Program of Support for International Collaborative Activities in Digital Libraries Beginning in FY 1999

17 Goals for the Future F Gather information and build collections (to understand the incompleteness of our knowledge) Create new communities (to communicate and collaborate) Make technology disappear (from our awareness and experience)

18 NDLTD F News, Background/History F Vision, Benefits, Approach, Possibilities F Concerns, Problems, Opposition F Solutions, Implementation, Results, Plans


20 Media ETD Web Site ETDs Got Your Interest? Graduate Students Chronicle NPR NY Times... U. Laval

21 What led to today’s situation? F 1987 mtg in Ann Arbor: UMI, VT, … F 1992 mtg in Washington: CNI, CGS, UMI, VT and 10 universities with 3 reps each F 1993 mtg in Atlanta to start Monticello Electronic Library (MEL): SURA, SOLINET F 1994 mtg in Blacksburg re ETD project: std of PDF + SGML + multimedia objects F 1996 funding by SURA and US Dept. of Education (FIPSE) for regional, national projects (NDLTD)

22 ETD Initiative SGML (1985) PDF (1992) DL (1994) Library Cancellations (1988) University Scholarly Electronic Pub. (1988) Info. Literacy (1995) Graduate Education Internet (1984) WWW (1994) Multimedia (1986)

23 F Aiding universities to enhance grad educ., publishing and IPR efforts: to help improve the availability and content of theses and dissertations F Educating ALL future scholars so they can publish electronically and effectively use digital libraries (i.e., are Information Literate and can be more expressive) F Demonstrating how, for other organizations What are we doing?


25 A Digital Library Case Study F Electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) F Submission: F Collection: Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) (formerly “National” because of Fed. funds, before international members started joining)

26 Something for Everyone F Students - contribute -> gain acclaim F Universities - join -> help your students, gain increased DL experience + visibility F Researchers - use, encourage -> content F Publishers - liaise, support -> have more knowledgeable authors + backup details F DL enthusiasts - adapt resources / ideas -> have exemplary pilot / model project

27 What are the key ideas? F People can switch to electronic documents –Becoming more expressive with hypermedia F Mandating ETDs will change all future scholarship F Scalability –Empower authors to submit to DL, as a natural part of the educational process –Study workflow & apply automation, so institutions streamline processing and build their part of the DL –Federate along most suitable cultural/political lines

28 Key Ideas: Networked infrastructure Scalability Education is the rationale University collaboration Workflow, automation Authors must submit Maximal access PDF, SGML, MM Standards Federated search 8th graders vs. grads MARC, DC, URNs

29 What are the benefits? F Save students money F Save handling, shelf space in libraries F Build the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations: with faster, broader, and less expensive access F Demonstrate how universities can work together directly (vs. indirectly through publishers or associations)

30 What are the long term goals? F 400K US students / year getting grad degrees are exposed / involved F 200K/yr rich hypermedia ETDs that may turn into electronic portfolios F Dramatic increase in knowledge sharing: lit. reviews, bibliographies, … F Services providing lifelong access for students/researchers: browse, search, prior searches, citation links,...

31 F Record all work with NDLTD, return to prior situation, prepare bibliography F Powerful (multilingual, text, image) searching, browsing (with categories), following citation links F Support collaboration with others in same field: help with literature review, sharing tools and data sets, applying their methods F Undergraduate honors thesis: Todd Miller Grad Student Assistant?

32 F Increase local interchange among students, faculty, library, graduate school F Increase international understanding, building many more invisible colleges, with students more empowered F Connect graduate researchers with undergrads, who can access ETDs / them F Facilitate direct university collaboration, explicitly, in reshaping publishing world Social Capital?

33 How are ETDs being done at Virginia Tech? F Some produced w. SGML (XML) F Most produced using standard word processing packages as PDF files – LaTeX class, outline fonts, Distiller – Word template, export to PDF (XML) F Reviewed by the Graduate School F Cataloged and archived by the library F Ds downloaded by UMI from server

34 NDLTD Computer Resources Research Literature Student Prepares Thesis or Dissertation

35 Student Defends and Finalizes ETD My Thesis ETD

36 Student Gets Committee Signatures and Submits ETD Signed Grad School

37 Graduate School Approves ETD Student is Graduated Ph.D.

38 Library Catalogs ETD and New Students Have Access to the New Research WWW NDLTD

39 Status of the Local Project F Approved by university governance Spring 1996; required starting 1/1/97 F Submission & access software in place F Submission workshops for students (and faculty) occur often: beginner/adv. F Faculty training as part of Faculty Development Initiative F Over 1000 ETDs in collection

40 Statistics F 30-40K accesses/week to WWW site F 300K accesses of ETD HTML pages –80K downloads of PDF version of ETDs –5 most popular ETDs: 10K, 8K, 2800, 2500,... F Multimedia content: about 65% have some –45% have images, 5% have movies –1 w. 85 VRML files, 1 w. 378M Director file F See details: F OCLC has about 3.5M TD MARC records F UMI Dissertation Abstracts has 1.5M entries

41 Initial Stats 1996 1997 Total successful requests:37,171247,573 Average successful requests per day: 102 685 Requests for.PDF files ( full ETDs): 4,600 72, 854 Requests for.HTML file28,225129,831 Distinct hosts served 9,015 22,725 Total data transferred: 3,229M 25,953M Average data transferred per day: 9,038K 73,574K

42 Popular Works 1996 458 Seevers, Gary L. Identification of Criteria for Delivery of Theological Education Through Distance Education: An International Delphi Study (Ph.D., Educational Research and Evaluation, April 1993; 1353Kb) 432 Hohauser, Robyn Lisa. The Social Construction of Technology: The Case of LSD (MS in Science and Technology Studies, Feb. 1995; 244Kb) 390 Childress, Vincent William. The Effects of Technology Education, Science, and Mathematics Integration Upon Eighth Grader's Technological Problem-Solving Ability (Ph.D. in Vocational and Technical Education, July 1994; 285Kb) 310 Kuhn, William B. Design of Integrated, Low Power, Radio Receivers in BiCMOS Technologies (Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Dec. 1995; 2Mb) 287 Sprague, Milo D. A High Performance DSP Based System Architecture for Motor Drive Control ( MS in Electrical Engineering, May 1993; 878Kb) 165 Wallace, Richard A. Regional Differences in the Treatment of Karl Marx by the Founders of American Academic Sociology (MS in Sociology, Nov. 1993; 479Kb) 150 McKeel, Scott Andrew. Numerical Simulation of the Transition Region in Hypersonic Flow (Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering, Feb. 1996; 3Mb)

43 Popular Works 1997 9920 Liu, Xiangdong. Analysis and Reduction of Moire Patterns inScanned Halftone Pictures (Ph.D. in Computer Science, May 1996; 6.6Mb) 7656 Petrus, Paul. Novel Adaptive Array Algorithms and Their Impact on Cellular System Capacity (Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, March 1997; 5Mb) 2781 Agnes, Gregory Stephen. Performance of Nonlinear Mechanical, Resonant-Shunted Piezoelectric, and Electronic Vibration Absorbers for Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Structures (Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics, Sept. 1997; ? + 7926Kb) 2492 Gonzalez, Reinaldo J. Raman, Infrared, X-ray, and EELS Studies of Nanophase Titania (Ph.D. in Physics, July 1996; 4607Kb) 1877 Shih, Po-Jen. On-Line Consolidation of Thermoplastic Composites (Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics, Feb. 1997; 3.3Mb) 1791 Saldanha, Kevin J. Performance Evaluation of DECT in Different Radio Environments (MS in Electrical Engineering, Aug. 1996; 3.2Mb) 1431 DeVaux, David. A Tutorial on Authorware (MS in CS, April 1996; 2.3Mb) 1394 Kuhn, William B. Design of Integrated, Low Power, Radio Receivers in BiCMOS Technologies (Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Dec. 1995; 2518Kb)

44 International Use  19961997  8502,922 United Kingdom  6082,501 Australia  3462,378 Germany  7132,367 Canada  3871,264 South Korea  4631,161 France  1831,130 Brazil  22 967 Thailand  83 958 Greece

45 Universities Visiting / Visited by Virginia Tech Staff F Auburn F CMU F Columbia F Drexel U. F Florida Int’l Univ. F Georgia Tech F Hong Kong F James Madison U. F MIT F (Nat’l Lib. Canada) F Nat’l Univ. Singapore F New York U. F Ohio State U. F Penn State F Rice Univ. F Rutgers Univ. F San Jose State U. F Stanford Univ. F Tech. Univ. Portugal F U. Alabama u U. Alabama Birmingham u U. Arizona u U. CA Berkeley u U. CA Santa Barbara u U. Central Florida u U. Delaware u U. Denver (+CSU,CU Boulder) u UDLA (Puebla, Mexico) u U. Florida u U. Ill. Urbana Champaign u U. Massachusetts Amherst u U. Michigan u U. NC Charlotte u U. North Florida u U. Pennsylvania u U. Utah u U. Waterloo u Virginia Commonwealth U. u William & Mary

46 Universities Officially Part of NDLTD F U. Laval (Canada) F U. Maine F U. of New South Wales (AU) F U. of South Florida F U. of Tennessee, Knoxville F U. of Tennessee, Memphis F U. of Virginia F U. Waterloo (Canada) F U. Wisconsin - Madison F Vanderbilt U. F Virginia Tech F West Virginia U. F Wilfrid Laurier U. (Can.) F Clemson University F Concordia University (IL) F Darmstadt U. of Tech. (GE) F Florida Institute of Tech. F Michigan Tech F Naval Postgraduate School F North Carolina State U. F Rhodes U. (South Africa) F Rochester Institute of Tech. F University of Florida F University of Georgia F University of Guelph (Can.) F U. of Hawaii, Manoa Plus: 1 in S. Korea, HQ of CIC,...

47 User Search Support Note: Above are illustrative, in some cases potential.

48 Interoperability Tests Planned F Locally developed federated search F IBM DL: donated equipment F Z39.50: OCLC SiteSearch / VT tailored s/w –university libraries w. catalogs of freely shared MARC records pointing to archival copies –via URNs: handles & PURLs F Dienst / NCSTRL - CS depts., DARPA, NSF, CNRI, Cornell - UVA is working on extensions for ETDs - Portugal is studying use for Europe - VT is working on Dienst to Z39.50 gateway

49 Access Approaches F Goal: Maximize access and services, e.g., by encouraging: F UMI centralized services F Distributed service: Dienst, Z39.50 F Regional services (e.g., CIC, MEL) F Local servers with browse, search – From local catalogs to local archives F WWW robot indexing and search services

50 Why might your university want to be involved? F To improve graduate education / better prepare your students F To unlock university information F To save money for students and for the university / improve workflow F To build an important digital library supported by SURA, FIPSE

51 How can your university get involved? ( F Select planning/implementation team – Graduate School – Library – Computing / Information Technology – Institutional Research / Educ. Tech. F Send us letter, give us contact names F Adapt Virginia Tech solution – Build interest and consensus – Start trial / allow optional submission

52 Contact Our Project Team E-mail Phone Call Visit Video Tape

53 Convene Local Planning Group ETD

54 Join NDLTD: Get a CD-ROM WE JOIN Signed Letter ETD CD-ROM

55 Build Your ETD Site Digital Library Policies Inspection/Approval Workshop/Training ETD

56 Type 1 Members University Requires ETDs F Adobe Acrobat and/or SGML tools F Automated submission & processing F Archive/access through UMI, (OCLC,) Virginia Tech,... F (Local) WWW site, publicity F (Local) Assistance provided as requested: email, phone, listserv(s)

57 Type 2 Members University Agrees to Require ETDs F Like Type 1 but set date not reached F Usually has an option or pilot F May: wait for new AY; start with all who enter after; … F Build grass roots support – Advisory committee: representative? expert? – Champions to spread by word of mouth – Approval: Senates, Commissions, Deans, Students – Publicity to reach community

58 Types 3-7 F 3. Part of university requires ETDs F 4. University allows ETDs F 5. University investigating, has pilot F 6. University consortium joins F 7. Non-university organization joins


60 How does this relate to UMI? F 1987 UMI workshop to explore ETDs F Support letter for US Dept. of Ed. proposal F Steering & technical comm. membership F Difference in focus: on education, theses F ProQuest Direct pilot of scanning works started 1/1/97 F Collaborating on: – accepting electronic author submissions – standards (e.g., representation), research

61 ETD Initiative (and UMI) Students Learn about DL, EPub TDs become more expressive N. Amer. (T)Ds are accessible, archived Global TDs become more accessible, archived UMI Universities

62 Some Barriers at Universities F Lethargy; Not invented here (esp. large univ’s) F Anger with unfunded, added, required work F Last straw: using more frustrating technology F Lack of experience in working together: graduate school, library, computing staff F Lack of interest in (quality of) student work F More loyalty to discipline than campus F Unwillingness to accept responsibility for growing financial problems with libraries


64 Level 0 Involvement RISK FREE - allow students F Adobe Acrobat in bookstore F Submission allowed (e.g., J. Daniels) F Archive/access through UMI, Virginia Tech,... F (Local) WWW site, publicity F (Local) Assistance provided as requested: email, phone, listserv(s)

65 Level 1 Involvement = Level 0 + LOW COST - help & encourage students F Install our software, change practices in graduate school and library F Train students F Build grass roots support – Advisory committee: representative? expert? – Champions to spread by word of mouth – Approval: Senates, Commissions, Deans, Students – Publicity to reach community

66 Level 2 Involvement = Level 1 + EVENTUAL FULL INVOLVEMENT F Require electronic submission F Have firm arrangement with local library, OCLC, VT and/or UMI re archival services F Share MARC records, with URNs pointing to archive copy F (Stock laboratories) F (Run servers: search, URN) F (Launch evaluation program)

67 Support Services Developed F CD/WWW site with > 300M: student guidelines, listservs, FAQs, press info, multimedia training materials F Automated submission system F SGML DTD for ETDs, SGML to HTML (web generator) F Donations: Adobe, Microsoft F Evaluation: instruments, analysis

68 Relationship with publishers F Concern of faculty and students that still wish to publish books or journal articles, voiced: campus, Chronicle, NPR, Times F Solution: Approval Form gives students, faculty choices on access, when to change access condition; use IPR controls in DL F Solution: by case, work with publishers and publisher associations to increase access – AAP, AAUP – AAAS, ACM, ACS, Elsevier,...

69 Some responses from publishers F ACM: need to acknowledge copyright F Elsevier: need to acknowledge copyright F IEEE-CS: endorse initiative F AAAS: Science wants first publication F Textbook publishers: different market, manuscript significantly reworked F General: restricting access to local campus will not cause any problems

70 Plans F Nurture federation -> summer workshop (now, in Memphis) F Increase # members -> lower barriers by supporting pilot efforts directly F R&D in federated fashion –USF: writing –UVA / U.Mich.: SGML –Portugal: national library requirements –Singapore: multilingual support with UNICODE

71 Summary F Sustainable, Scalable: started in 1987, growing, coupled with education F Open: everyone welcome, mutually agreed-upon standards, building international collaborative community F Content: valuable, high demand, aiming toward completeness F Usability: applying latest and future DL research so can easily submit, utilize

72 NDLTD Future Work F Working with publishers to increase level of access as much as possible F Interoperability tests among universities and with UMI to provide integrated services F Study with testbed that emerges, to improve information retrieval, browsing, interface, and other types of user support F Evaluation, improving learning experience, spread to worldwide initiative, sustainable support and coordination

73 CSTC F NCSTRL, VT Grants F Vision, Benefits, Approach F Concerns, Problems F Solutions, Plans

74 NCSTRL: CS TECHNICAL REPORTS F CS TR project supported by ARPA (Berkeley, CMU, Cornell, MIT, Stanford) F WATERS project for other departments led by ODU, SUNY Buffalo, UVA, VPI&SU F Merger summer 1995 to (Networked CS Tech Report Library) F Most large departments now have joined F “Central” server: UVA, “backup”: VPI&SU F 1998 extension to preprint service, with LANL

75 Virginia Tech GRANTS F 1991-1993 ENVISION project funded by NSF F 1993-1998 “Interactive Learning with a Digital Library in CS” by NSF: (10M accesses to over 45 courses) F 1998-2000 “Computer Science Teaching Center” by NSF and ACM Education Board: F 1998-2000 “Curriculum Resources in Interactive Multimedia” by NSF :

76 ENVISION F A User-Centered Database from the Computer Science Literature (1991-93) F Collected bib. data, converted to SGML F Converted typesetter data to SGML F Scanned thousands of page images F MARIAN search engine (also applied to the Virginia Tech library catalog) used as part of a prototype object-based DL, with tailored visualization interface (L. Nowell dissertation)

77 NSF Education Innovation (EI) F NSF “Interactive Learning with a Digital Library in Computer Science” (1993-98) F 45 online courses, 100+K accesses/wk, plus: DL courseware, overall EI project pages F Tools: SWAN (visualization), QUIZIT F Evaluation –traditional –network logging and analysis –tools for visualization

78 QUIZIT (Lucio Tinoco) F SGML generates HTML & answer files F MSQL supports records database F Automated password request supported F Password allows review of taken quizes F Password allows selection of next quiz F 4 types of questions are supported F Feedback provided if questions are missed

79 PAPERLESS COURSES F CS1604: Introduction to the Internet F CS3604: Professionalism in Computing F CS4624: Multimedia, Hypertext and Information Access (MHIA) F CS5604: Information Storage and Retrieval F CS6604: Digital Libraries

80 EVALUATION: Log Analysis F WWW traffic logging, analysis, modeling, simulation, prediction (G. Abdulla) F Students with same grades learn by knowing or by knowing how to search F Regression predicts course’s traffic F Modeling of hourly, daily, seasonal trends F Understand users, plan future networks

81 MHIA Workshops F ACM: SIGIR’96, MM’96, SIGIR’97-DL’97; IEEE CS: ICMCS’97, … (MM’98, Sept. in UK) F Aim: Curriculum Guidelines for MHIA Area F New Programs, ex. Euro EI Masters F Reusable WWW Knowledge Modules F New Courses, ex. Hypertext, IR, Multimedia F Add-ons to Existing Courses (Comparative Languages, DBMS, HCI, Networking, OS)

82 Vision, Benefits, Approach F Instead of building large, expensive multimedia packages, that become obsolete and are difficult to re-use, concentrate on small knowledge units. F Learners benefit from having well-crafted modules that have been reviewed and tested. F Use digital libraries to build a powerful base of support for learners, upon which a variety of courses, self-study tutorials & reference resources can be built. (See NSF SMETE-Lib Study at )

83 Concerns, Problems F Motivating educators to create modules that can be used elsewhere is difficult without a suitable reward structure and an infrastructure of testing, packaging, discovery, reuse, and evaluation. F There is a disconnect between researchers preparing exciting demonstrations for conferences and instructors interesting in helping students grasp underlying concepts and innovations in their area.

84 Solutions, Plans F CSTC will have a variety of focused centers so that different types of resources can be collected, tested, and suitably packaged: –laboratory exercises, activities, assignments –visualizations and visualization tools –interactive multimedia resources (CRIM) F ACM has been approached to launch a digital library “Transactions in Courseware and Education in Computing” to provide an ongoing infrastructure for CSTC.

85 CONCLUSIONS F Digital libraries may provide powerful support for learners if properly developed and supported by suitable, scalable, sustainable infrastructure. F NDLTD will have a dramatic impact on graduate education if institutions participate, which is a “win-win situation”. F CSTC and CRIM will help us explore how learning about computing can be enhanced by a large number of well-crafted modules that illustrate key concepts and can be “glued” together in a variety of fashions to suit local needs.

86 COLLABORATION ! F NDLTD, CSTC, CRIM, NCSTRL, … –Join and help build the collections –Use the collections and their resources –Help enhance the technology through R&D F Help solve key DL problems –Become a center (recall USF/English role in KDI) –Connect with library/publishing world in Mexico –Connect with preservation/dissemination in Mexico –Work on testbed, system, or HCI aspects (DLI2)

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