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Course Info 8 th Grade PreAP/GT US History. Materials Needed Please make sure that your child has all necessary materials and that they bring them to.

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Presentation on theme: "Course Info 8 th Grade PreAP/GT US History. Materials Needed Please make sure that your child has all necessary materials and that they bring them to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Course Info 8 th Grade PreAP/GT US History

2 Materials Needed Please make sure that your child has all necessary materials and that they bring them to class everyday!

3 Grading Policy Grading Policy: 50% Tests/Projects 30% Quizzes 20% Daily

4 Late Work Policy 8 th Grade PreAP/GT US History: 1-2 days late= max of a 60% After 2 days student will receive a zero for the assignment

5 Redo Work Policy 8 th Grade PreAP/GT US History: Student has up to 3 school days from the grade being entered into Skyward to redo the assignment for a maximum grade of a 70.

6 Tutoring Tutoring Times: Mon-Fri Mornings - Students do not need a pass; they just sign in at the front desk Afternoons by appointment

7 Checking Grades and Assignments 1.Skyward- Great way to see what grades your student is receiving. 2.Remind101- Check with teacher for details 3. Teacher Website

8 How to contact teachers The best way to contact a teacher is by their school email.

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