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The Concept of the European Platform of Women Scientists An instrument of support and a way to become active in the policy debate Isabel Beuter, M.A. Center.

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Presentation on theme: "The Concept of the European Platform of Women Scientists An instrument of support and a way to become active in the policy debate Isabel Beuter, M.A. Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Concept of the European Platform of Women Scientists An instrument of support and a way to become active in the policy debate Isabel Beuter, M.A. Center of Excellence Women and Science CEWS University of Bonn Poppelsdorfer Allee 15 Fon:+49 - 228 - 73 48 35 DE - 53115 BonnFax: +49 - 228 - 73 48 40

2 CEWS  The Center of Excellence Women and Science CEWS represents what is often referred to as a national node  CEWS is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research  Managing Director of CEWS is Dr. Brigitte Mühlenbruch

3 CEWS Main objectives  increasing the proportion of women in executive positions in science and research significantly  providing an internet platform and information service  increasing the efficiency of measures for equal opportunities at universities, research institutions and in industry

4 CEWS Main objectives  implementing gender mainstreaming as a basic principle and method for all concepts, processes and measures in science and research  developing a national centre for co-operation with the European Commission and the partner countries in the European Union  networking

5 Establishing the European Platform of Women Scientists is part of the European Commission‘s Action Plan on Science and Society (2002)  based on the Study on Networks of Women Scientists  project within FP6, funded by the European Commission  CEWS submitted a proposal for approximately € 2 million and a duration of 28 months The European Platform of Women Scientists

6 The European Platform of Women Scientists acts as a structural link between women scientists and policy makers. It is:  democratic  inclusive  permanent  sustainable  politically active  a non-profit making association with an administrative seat in Brussels The Concept of the European Platform

7 Dual purpose of the Platform  promoting women scientists  engaging women scientists in the policy debate The Concept of the European Platform reflected in the management and decision-making structure comprising three parts  Secretariat of the Platform  Association of Member Networks  Electronic Platform

8 The Concept of the European Platform Organisation Chart of the Secretariat

9 The Concept of the European Platform Secretariat Association Policy Debate Information Promotion of Scientists Structural Reinforcement C o m i tt ee s General Secretary Research Policy Networking Fund Raising Information Management StaffStaff General Assembly Electronic Platform Executive Committee Board of Administration

10 The Electronic Platform  basis for integration and networking  information by and for members (possibility to upload and download documents)  closed spaces for preparation of meetings, for discussions and for virtual meetings  links to other sources of information  presenting the work to the general public The Concept of the European Platform

11 „networking the networks“  pool the experience and expertise existing regionally and nationally  facilitate bench-marking among networks and the exchange of good practice  provide advice for structural reinforcement  extend networking concepts into regions and areas as yet not (sufficiently) covered Promoting Women Scientists

12 Individual Women Scientists  provide targeted information  establish and support contact  facilitate research projects for, by and about women  give a voice to women scientists  provide a database of women scientists  work out means to support measures to promote women scientists Promoting Women Scientists

13  make women scientists better understand the role they can play in the policy debate  harness the needs, concerns, aspirations and interests of women scientists to develop a coordinated position on specific issues  monitor, evaluate and comment the policy debate  promote the integration of the gender dimension in all areas of European and national research policies Engaging Women Scientists in the Policy Debate

14  establish and maintain links with other political players, groups, science organisations and women organisations  take an inventory of expert knowledge on questions of women, gender and science  provide experts to boards and panels  contribute to raise general awareness of the women in science issue Engaging Women Scientists in the Policy Debate

15  CEWS has the support of a Founding Board for the Formative Stage of the European Platform of Women Scientists  all staff positions for the Secretariat will be publicly advertised Let us make the European Platform of Women Scientists a success by working together ! Building the European Platform

16 Thank you! For more information: Center of Excellence Women and Science CEWS University of Bonn Poppelsdorfer Allee 15Fon: + 49 - 228 - 73 48 35 DE - 53115 BonnFax: + 49 - 228 - 73 48 40

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