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Partnerships for Information Literacy. Partnerships for a More Educated Georgia K-12 Schools Public Libraries Academic Libraries Colleges of Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Partnerships for Information Literacy. Partnerships for a More Educated Georgia K-12 Schools Public Libraries Academic Libraries Colleges of Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Partnerships for Information Literacy

2 Partnerships for a More Educated Georgia K-12 Schools Public Libraries Academic Libraries Colleges of Education

3 K-12 Partners School Administrators Curriculum Specialists Media Specialists Teachers Parents

4 Public Libraries Open, accessible GALILEO passwords to all Georgians Often collaborate with schools Know the “homework side of life”

5 Academic Libraries ACRL Information Literacy Standards Instruction experience GALILEO Tutorial creation

6 Colleges of Education Teacher training programs Media Specialist training programs Research focus

7 Partnerships for a More Educated Georgia  GALILEO  Georgia Performance Standards  Georgia Department of Education  Georgia Public Broadcasting  Georgia’s K-12 Schools  Georgia’s Public Libraries  Georgia’s Academic Libraries  Georgia’s Colleges of Education

8 K-16 Information Literacy Collaboration Goals

9 1. Create a program tied to GALILEO & Local Resources  Familiarity = Comfort Students Faculty  Coordinate Instruction Techniques Resources (print & electronic)

10 2. Embed IL in the Teaching Curriculum  No more guessing! K-12 standards will give librarians a good idea about the IL skill level of Georgia students  Less time teaching general research skills  More time to focus on research Subject-specific skills Drill-down techniques

11 3. Embed IL in Teacher Education Programs  Teaches the importance of IL early on  IL becomes a group effort  Graduate teachers willing to work with media specialists as a team

12 4. Inform Veteran Teachers through IL Training & Outreach  Most influential teachers are veterans Can make any initiative sink or swim  Educate veteran teachers on the importance of IL  Make it a group effort – not something else that they have to do

13 5. Create (jargon free) K-16 standards  Easy to incorporate into GPS and teacher education curriculums  Less room for error/misunderstanding  Easy to educate students, teachers, and especially parents

14 Examples of Current K-16 Collaboration  Rochester Regional Library Council Core Library and Research Skills Grade 9-14+ Document  7 steps Question/Define; Plan/Pre-search; Collect/Gather; Read/Listen/View; Analyze/Sort; Produce& Present; Evaluate/Assess  Recommend grade for introduction and mastery of each skill

15 Examples of Current K-16 Collaboration  Central Pennsylvania K-16 Information Literacy Network  16collaboration/index.html 16collaboration/index.html Part of Statewide Collaboration Media Specialist Tool Kit for Implementing IL in schools

16 Examples of Current K-16 Collaboration  Institute for Library and Information Literacy Education at Kent State  Academic Content Standards Checklists TRAILS Parent Toolkit for IL advocacy

17 Statewide Collaboration Finding partners / Pooling our efforts

18 GALILEO GALILEO is the tool that binds us together Strong support from GALILEO administration GALILEO Planet newsletter Potential voice in GALILEO Reference or Electronic Collection Development subcomittees? Potential voice in K12 Advisory Committee? Potential role in GALILEO training workshops?

19 Outreach to GA Colleges of Education Pilot projects get attention Work with TA’s - often the most flexible instructors UGA: Certificate in University Teaching Create K-16 teaching tools for assignments :  Example: IL K-16 lesson plan checklistIL K-16 lesson plan checklist Draft version, based upon Ryan & Capra’s Information Literacy Toolkit. (ALA, 2001) and ACRL’s Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education (2002).

20 Bd of Regents P-16 Initiatives Programs: GSTEP: “Georgia Systemic Teacher Education Program” GOAL: Collaboration between teachers, administrators and college faculty to improve teacher prep programs FOCUS: Shaping the teacher education curriculum: 9 subject-based curriculum committees Supporting Induction Develop strategies to support teachers during their first 2 years of teaching

21 Bd of Regents P-16 Initiatives Programs: PRISM: Partnership for Reform in Science and Mathematics 4 regions = university + surrounding counties: East Central/ Georgia Southern Metro Atlanta: Georgia State Northeast: University of GA: Southeast: Armstrong Atlantic Opportunities: Monthly meetings Join ‘Learning Communities’, which team teachers from schools and universities on specific projects or problems

22 Bd of Regents P-16 Initiatives Programs: ”Early College” Outreach to non-traditional high schools: Gateway to College Academy at GA Perimeter College High school + first two years of college for at risk students Classic City High School (Athens) Alternative high school for at risk students

23 Georgia Department of Education K12 Library Media Services Opportunities: Articles in their monthly “Media Matters” online newsletter Presentations at their conferences Input in their information literacy projects Challenges: Bureaucracy! Current director retiring very soon

24 GLA/GLMA Georgia Library Association Georgia Library Media Association Joint committee on K-16 information literacy? COMO Collaborative presentations at Education conferences  Educause conference Jan 22-24, 2007 Atlanta

25 National Guidance AASL/ACRL Interdivisional Committee on Information Literacy Charge: The joint AASL/ACRL Joint Committee on Information Literacy will focus on how to prepare K-20 students to be information literate and will provide a channel of communication to the respective divisions. In general, this joint committee will be a forum for sharing ideas on information literacy in K-20 environments and a source of professional development opportunities in this area.

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