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Polish Aid Programme UNDP Regional Workshop Budapest, March 5-6, 2007 Paweł Bagiński, PhD. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Polish Aid Programme UNDP Regional Workshop Budapest, March 5-6, 2007 Paweł Bagiński, PhD. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Polish Aid Programme UNDP Regional Workshop Budapest, March 5-6, 2007 Paweł Bagiński, PhD. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland Development Co-operation Department

2 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland Development Co-operation Department 30 January 2007 Polish Aid 2005 – 2006 – basic facts Total volume of ODA 2005: USD 204 million (0,068 % of GNI) Polish Aid: ODA including support for democratisation and development of civil society Priority ODA countries: Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Angola, Palestine, Tanzania (since 2007)

3 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland Development Co-operation Department 30 January 2007 ODA volume in 1998-2005

4 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland Development Co-operation Department 30 January 2007 Bilateral assistance in 2005

5 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland Development Co-operation Department 30 January 2007 Government entities involved in Polish foreign assistance –Ministry of Foreign Affairs coordinates development policies, sets their priorities, provides technical, democratisation and humanitarian assistance, as well as multilateral funding, mainly through UN system –Ministry of Finance provides financial assistance: preferential tied aid credits, debt relief, multilateral assistance through EU and IFIs –Ministry of Education provides educational aid through scholarships

6 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland Development Co-operation Department 30 January 2007 MFA Development Co-operation Department Created in 2005 Responsible for co-operation with international organisations (EU, UN System, OECD/DAC), policy planning and programme implementation –Development Policy and Programming Division –Programme Implementation Division –Democracy and Transformation Support Team

7 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland Development Co-operation Department 30 January 2007 Implementing partners: Other ministries Governmental agencies Local government institutions NGOs Polish embassies in partner countries Missions (in particular in Africa)

8 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland Development Co-operation Department 30 January 2007 Present and future strategic framework 2003 – first Development Co-operation Strategy 2006/07 – preparation of a new foreign aid strategy for 2007 – 2015 Main reasons of preparing new foreign aid strategy: –New international and internal environment including EU accession –Scaling-up of aid (target: 0,17 % ODA/GNI in 2010) –Aid effectiveness agenda (Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, European Consensus on Development)

9 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland Development Co-operation Department 30 January 2007 New Polish Aid Strategy for 2007 - 2015 („Solidarity, Development and Freedom”) – 1 Main goal: poverty reduction in the context of sustainable development and the implementation of other MDGs in the countries receiving Polish aid + support for democracy, human rights and civic liberties The realisation of this goal will be possible through: –Increasing aid effectiveness –Ensuring policy coherence for development

10 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland Development Co-operation Department 30 January 2007 New Polish Aid Strategy for 2007 - 2015 („Solidarity, Development and Freedom”) - 2 Priority areas based on Polish comparative advantages: Regional and local administration reform Economic reforms (privatisation, agriculture, SMEs, microfinance) Adjustment to the requirements of the EU membership – implementation of the acquis communautaire Democracy and good governance Education Health Access to drinkable water

11 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland Development Co-operation Department 30 January 2007 New Polish Aid Strategy for 2007 - 2015 („Solidarity, Development and Freedom”) - 3 Priority regions and countries: –Eastern Europe/former SU (Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia) –Western Balkans and Central Asia –Other countries where Poland is involved politically (Iraq, Afghanistan) –Sub-Saharan Africa

12 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland Development Co-operation Department 30 January 2007 New Polish Aid Strategy for 2007 - 2015 („Solidarity, Development and Freedom”) - 4 New ways of managing aid: –Foreign Assistance Act –Leading role of the MFA in managing increasing ODA funds –Gradual introduction of programme-based approach (PBA) – SWAp, budget support –Managing for results –Decentralisation of aid management to the embassies level

13 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland Development Co-operation Department 30 January 2007 Challenges, next steps… Intensification of political dialogue with partner countries More structured co-operation (MoUs, CSPs – Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia) Enhanced local presence (human resources in embassies) Reform of aid management (overcoming of annuality of budget, decentralisation of decision-making process) Enhanced dialogue with other donors – joint analysis, mapping of assistance, common programming… Increasing public support for ODA

14 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland Development Co-operation Department 30 January 2007 Further information available at: Thank you for your attention

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