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Chapter 7 States of Consciousness. Consciousness  Consciousness  our awareness of ourselves and our environments.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7 States of Consciousness. Consciousness  Consciousness  our awareness of ourselves and our environments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 7 States of Consciousness

2 Consciousness  Consciousness  our awareness of ourselves and our environments

3 Consciousness Waking Consciousness  What you are currently aware of and attending to  Linear (serial) processing  The result of cognitive processing

4 Consciousness Subconsciousness  That which lies just below your waking consciousness  Easily accessible  Parallel processing

5 Consciousness Unconsciousness  Reactions and processing outside our awareness

6 Altered States of Consciousness Sleep and Dreams Hypnosis Chemically altered states

7 Sleep and Dreams  Sleep  periodic, natural, reversible loss of consciousness  Circadian Rhythm  the biological clock  regular bodily rhythms that occur on a 24-hour cycle, such as of wakefulness and body temperature

8 Sleep and Dreams Stage 1  Lasts up to 5 minutes  Hallucinations  Hypnogogic experience Stage 2  20 minutes  Sleep spindles  Sleep talking may occur

9 Sleep and Dreams Stage 3  Transitional stage  Lasts only a few minutes Stage 4  Brain emits delta waves  Lasts 30 minutes  Sleep walking, bed wetting may occur  You can still process the outside world

10 Brain Waves and Sleep Stages  Alpha Waves  slow waves of a relaxed, awake brain  Delta Waves  large, slow waves of deep sleep

11 Stages in a Typical Night’s Sleep 01234567 4 3 2 1 Sleep stages Awake Hours of sleep REM

12 Stages in a Typical Night’s Sleep Hours of sleep Minutes of Stage 4 and REM 12 34 5678 0 10 15 20 25 5 Decreasing Stage 4 Increasing REM

13 Sleep and Dreams  REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep  recurring sleep stage  vivid dreams  “paradoxical sleep”  muscles are generally relaxed, but other body systems are active

14 Sleep Deprivation  Effects of Sleep Loss  fatigue  impaired concentration  depressed immune system  greater vulnerability to accidents

15 Sleep Disorders  Insomnia  persistent problems in falling or staying asleep  Narcolepsy  uncontrollable sleep attacks  Sleep Apnea  temporary cessation of breathing  momentary reawakenings

16 Night Terrors and Nightmares  Night Terrors  occur within 2 or 3 hours of falling asleep, usually during Stage 4  high arousal-- appearance of being terrified 01234567 4 3 2 1 Sleep stages Awake Hours of sleep REM

17 Dreams What are dreams made of?

18 Dreams: Freud  Sigmund Freud--The Interpretation of Dreams (1900)  wish fulfillment  discharge otherwise unacceptable feelings  Manifest Content  remembered story line  Latent Content  underlying meaning

19 Dreams: Freud  Dreams  Dream is a safe outlet for the mind  Deals with unacceptable thoughts and emotions  Manifest content is the “dressed up” symbolic version of the unconscious  Most adult dreams have strong sexual undertones  Dream interpenetration is the “royal road to the unconscious”

20 Dreams: Information processing  As Information Processing  Dreams serve to sift and sort memories of our daily experiences  Helps us to better process and store memories and learning from the previous day

21 Dreams: Information processing Support for theory  REM sleep increases following a stressful experience and intense learning experiences  People will perform worse on a memory test if kept from dreaming the night before

22 Dreams: Activation-synthesis Neural activity is random and dreams are your brain’s attempt to make sense of it Your brain tries to impose meaning on meaningless stimuli

23 Dreams: Activation-synthesis Support  Eye movement of REM sleep coincides with bursts of neural activity in the visual cortex  Would account for random and bizarre occurrences in dreams

24 Dreams: Physiological Function Dreams serve to provide neural stimulation for a sleeping brain Stimulation of the neural pathways strengthens connections and makes processing faster and more efficient

25 Dreams: Physiological Function Support  Infants and children experience longer periods of REM sleep than adults.  REM sleep periods decrease as we age

26 Sleep Across the Lifespan

27 Dreams So which is the best theory?

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