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UNITED BLOOD SERVICES The Trima Accel Collection System.

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Presentation on theme: "UNITED BLOOD SERVICES The Trima Accel Collection System."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNITED BLOOD SERVICES The Trima Accel Collection System

2 B ACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION Founded in 1943 at the Salt River Valley Blood Bank in Phoenix, Arizona Non-profit organization Over 500 hospitals served in 18 States The UBS not only collects and processes donor blood, but they are one of the leaders in blood transfusion research and development.

3 T HE T RIMA A CCEL C OLLECTION S YSTEM Fully Automated System that is designed to be easily operated Reduces donation times for donor and, more importantly, reduces associated risks with blood transfusions for patients

4 O UR G OAL Provide the United Blood Services with cost efficient and effective media strategy ideas to market the Trima Accel Collection System to people ages 18-30.

5 T ARGET A UDIENCES (18-30) Group One (18-23) Group Two (24-30)

6 T ARGET A UDIENCES (18-30) Group One - Pressure is the main reason to donate - Influenced more by families and friends - Feel scared Group Two - Motives result from altruism and the awareness that blood is needed

7 A DVANTAGES OF S YSTEM More effective More safe Saves time

8 I NTERNET YouTube Most popular video website in the U.S. July 2006, 100 million videos watched every day Expenses are video’s design and creation Users can freely comment on video, and send messages to friends

9 P OSTCARDS Personalization Blood recipients Current donors Organizational members High reach Low cost

10 B ROCHURES Local gyms Improving health Key marketing machine Sense of responsibility to donate

11 L UBBOCK A DVERTISING F EDERATION Join operations Donating services Created by professionals at no cost

12 I NTERNET S TRATEGIES Group One Emphasize safety Influential video hosts Group Two Powerful visual impact Effective, Saves time

13 P RINT S TRATEGIES - P OSTCARDS Group One Safety statement from current donor Account from recipient and family Group Two Prospective recipient account Organization’s gratitude

14 P RINT S TRATEGIES - B ROCHURES Group One Safety information Donor Statistics Group Two Effectiveness Recipient Statistics

15 Final Recommendations Marketing mediums must target each group specifically Opportunities for creativity and control Low cost and high reach

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