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OneCF LLC2 Session 2 March 9, 2015 3:30-5pm Phone Number: (866) 537-0817.

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Presentation on theme: "OneCF LLC2 Session 2 March 9, 2015 3:30-5pm Phone Number: (866) 537-0817."— Presentation transcript:

1 OneCF LLC2 Session 2 March 9, 2015 3:30-5pm Phone Number: (866) 537-0817

2 OneCF LLC2 Teams, Coaches & Leaders Team & CoachLeaders Site Visit Itinerary & Learning/Coach Plan Submitted Boston Children’s Hospital/Judy Kate, Leah, Greg, Ahmet Columbia NYC/LaCrecia Emily,Claire, Hossein, Shirley ✔ Nationwide Columbus Ohio/Suzanne John, Terri, Karen, Deanne, Judy ✔ Rush Chicago Illinois/Staci Robert, Jenifer, Girish, Kathryn ✔ University of Missouri Columbia/Bob Jim, Connie, Natalie, Joe University of North Carolina/Randy Sheree, Jennifer, Magee, James ✔

3 OneCF LLC2 Assess and develop a CF care center that provides seamless care from the time of diagnosis through advanced care. This includes a focus on integrated care, smooth transitions (pediatric to adult), warm handoffs and transfers, and improvement of mesosystem care such as referral to specialists (e.g. Endo, GI, ENT, Psych) and inpatient care. 1.Baseline assessments 2.Improvement fundamentals 3.Everyone’s first focus: Pedi to adult transition 4.All teach, all learn -3- Diagnose s Advanced Care

4 Teams, Coaching and Leadership LeadershipTeams & Coaches Expectations 5Ps/performa nce Anticipate & assist with data Regular meetings- Provide time & space PDSA Rapid Tests of change with measures Sustain Inspire, Know & Tell Stories -4-

5 OneCF Center LLC2 Overall Aim: Assess and develop a CF care center that provides seamless care from the time of diagnosis through advanced care. This collaborative will focus on integrated care, smooth transitions (pediatric to adult), warm handoffs and transfers, and improvement of mesosystem care such as referral to specialists (e.g. Endo, GI, ENT, Psych) and inpatient care. -5-

6 Leadership of Health Care Quality and Improvement Development Program Overall Aim: Assess and develop personal and team leadership skills and abilities to lead quality and improvement as part of CF Pediatric, Adult and OneCF leadership team. Create conditions for successful improvement -6-

7 Agenda March 9, 2015 3:30Welcome and check in 3:40Baltimore preparations and agenda review 3:55Progress reports (5 minutes) including site visit highlights and what your biggest challenge is 4:40Final questions & clarifications 5:00Adjourn -7-

8 -8- Site Visit Coaching Survey Results by Team Members TeamCoachNumber of Team Responses Boston Children’s Hospital Judy Hollingsworth12 Columbia NYCLaCrecia Thomas7 Nationwide Columbus Ohio Suzanne Michel5 Rush Chicago Illinois Staci Self9 University of Missouri Columbia Bob Zanni6 University of North Carolina Randy Messier6

9 Baltimore Taskbook -9- To help you prepare for the Baltimore meeting, please review and complete the following Task Book. 1. Bring your QI Needs Assessment action plan with you to BWI. What is your action plan to develop improvement capability in your OneCF Center? 2. Bring your 5P wall display with you to Baltimore. 3. Bring your value stream map with you to Baltimore. 4. Prepare a 7 minute PowerPoint presentation summarizing the 5Ps, Value Stream map and action plan to move forward. (Use PowerPoint template) 5. Please practice the 7 minute presentation to ensure you don’t exceed 7 minutes 6. Review the OneCF LLC2 Baltimore agenda 7. Review these QuIRK modules on the website: #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 8. Review the following measurement modules on the website: #2, 3, 4 & 6 9. Read Quality by Design chapters: 10-21 10. Read Difficult Conversations: 1, 2, 3 If you have not registered for the Baltimore meeting: If you have not made hotel reservations: Reserve your room at the BWI Marriott, by calling the hotel at (410) 859-8300 and ask to reserve a room in the "CF Foundation" block.

10 Baltimore Agenda -10-

11 -11- Progress Reports- 5 minutes each Site Visit Highlights and Biggest Challenge

12 Next Activities Continue to meet weekly and with coach Review Task book on OneCF LLC2 website (prepare for Baltimore – March 27, 2015) –Reading, videos, resources –Complete and upload short progress template Please check OneCF LLC2 site at 5PM ET Monday March 9 for task book. -12-

13 OneCF LLC2 Face-to-Face Meeting -13- BWI Airport Marriott, 1743 West Nursery Road, Linthicum, MD Thurs, March 26 6-9pm Everyone Fri, March 27 8am-1pm PowerPoint and Poster progress reports with OneCF LLC1 presenting (also panel discussions) Friday, March 27 1pm-9pm OneCF LLC2 Everyone Saturday, March 28 8am-12pm OneCF LLC2 Everyone Saturday, March 28 12:30-4:30pm All CF Quality Coaches **Reminder: Did you make your hotel reservation at the BWI Airport Marriott?

14 Thank You -14- Please complete the Survey Monkey listed in the chat box.

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