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Leaving the Trauma at Work: Self Care and Compassion Fatigue Logan G. Rutherford, M.Div., BCC, FT Chaplain, Trauma Services Memorial Hermann Hospital,

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Presentation on theme: "Leaving the Trauma at Work: Self Care and Compassion Fatigue Logan G. Rutherford, M.Div., BCC, FT Chaplain, Trauma Services Memorial Hermann Hospital,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leaving the Trauma at Work: Self Care and Compassion Fatigue Logan G. Rutherford, M.Div., BCC, FT Chaplain, Trauma Services Memorial Hermann Hospital, Texas Medical Center

2 Top 5 indicators you may be suffering from poor self care and work-life balance: 1. It’s October and you have enough unused PTO to make it through the end of the year without working. 2. To your horror, you discover you not only missed your child’s first birthday party, you did not even know this child had been born. 3. You have seriously considered the possibility of intravenous caffeine infusions. 4. The sound of your child’s handheld electronic game system causes you to reflexively reach for your pager. 5. You have both your gastroenterologist and your cardiologist on speed-dial.

3 Stress -- Warning Signs and Symptoms Cognitive SymptomsEmotional Symptoms  Memory problems  Inability to concentrate  Poor judgment  Seeing only the negative  Anxious or racing thoughts  Constant worrying  Moodiness  Irritability or short temper  Agitation, inability to relax  Feeling overwhelmed  Sense of loneliness and isolation  Depression or general unhappiness Physical SymptomsBehavioral Symptoms  Aches and pains  Diarrhea or constipation  Nausea, dizziness  Chest pain, rapid heartbeat  Loss of sex drive  Frequent colds  Eating more or less  Sleeping too much or too little  Isolating yourself from others  Procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities  Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax  Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting, pacing)

4 Signs of Compassion Fatigue Definition Definition Some common signs: Some common signs: –Worn-out –Emotionally drained –Still care, want to help, but lack the emotional energy to do so

5 General tools to help maintain good self care Set limits on professional and personal responsibilities. Set limits on professional and personal responsibilities. Learn to differentiate between your circle of influence and your circle of concern. Learn to differentiate between your circle of influence and your circle of concern. Prioritize. Prioritize. Make relationships a high priority. Make relationships a high priority. Work hard and then leave. Work hard and then leave.

6 General tools to help maintain good self care cont… Attend to your emotions. Attend to your emotions. Process your own grief. Process your own grief. Utilize rituals to help separate work life from home life. Utilize rituals to help separate work life from home life. Restore laughter and smile. Restore laughter and smile. Learn to manage/tolerate difficult people. Learn to manage/tolerate difficult people.

7 Our Challenge? The challenge we face collectively is to continue to see and treat every patient with dignity and respect, love and compassion, irrespective of their behaviors and attitudes. The challenge we face collectively is to continue to see and treat every patient with dignity and respect, love and compassion, irrespective of their behaviors and attitudes. – Sounds easy right?

8 A religious approach to difficult people: God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them. (Gen. 1:27) EVERY person is made in the same image and likeness as you and I.

9 A secular approach to difficult people: 1. Remember that each person you encounter is loved by someone else as much as you love your children. 2. When we treat others with dignity and respect we don’t have control over how they will react.

10 Spiritual Practices: Person of prayer Observe the Sabbath Practice Meditation Practice Meditation Recite Affirmations Recite Affirmations

11 Remember ! YOU are the tool – the wonderful instrument of your trade – take good care of your instrument!

12 Burn the candles, use the nice china plates and new sheets. Don’t save them for special occasions – TODAY IS SPECIAL!

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