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The Current State of SCADA Arlen Nipper - Cirrus Link Rob Coulter - IBM.

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Presentation on theme: "The Current State of SCADA Arlen Nipper - Cirrus Link Rob Coulter - IBM."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Current State of SCADA Arlen Nipper - Cirrus Link Rob Coulter - IBM

2 How can we apply technology to: Mitigate environmental risk? Detect leaks earlier? Resolve problems faster? Manage audit and regulation more effectively? Run operations more efficiently? Instrumented Interconnected Intelligent

3 SCADA Host SCADA Host 1 1 Multi-Drop Network Protocol X 3 3 5 5 4 4 2 2 Basic SCADA Architecture

4 SCADA Protocols & Applications: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

5 Allen-Bradley DF1 Allen-Bradley DH+ Allen-Bradley EN/IP Amocam ARCNet ATS BITbus CANbus CA CCM2 CDCI CDCII Conitel DeviceNet Daniel DL130 DNP 3.0 Elliott Enron Modbus F&M Ferranti MK2A Galveston-Houston GPE GSI Harris 5000/5500/6000 Hansa S002 HART Hayes Honeywell DE Kodata L&J LANDAC Landis & Gyr Micromotion Flowscale MODBUS ASCII MODBUS RTU MODBUS Plus MPS9000 MTS Omron Host Link Optomux PERT 2631 Plessey TC6 RDACSII REDAC 70H RNIM Siemens 3964R Siemens RK512 SLIP SNET -I SNET –II GE SRTP TANO Model 10 TANO Model 100 Tejas Total-Flow Transit Bus TRW 9550 Valmet Series 5 Transmitton MT700 TRW S-70 TRW S-703 Varec Wesdac 4F WISP Wireless HART

6 Poll / Response Latency Example Case - Polling Modbus over VSAT Assumptions: - 16 remote sites on one logical channel - 1 poll for digital input values - 1 poll for analog input values Establish TCP/IP socket connection from the SCADA Host to the remote site: 4 seconds Send the poll for digital inputs: 4 seconds Send the poll for analog inputs: 4 seconds Tear down the socket connection: 2 seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total time to poll one site:14 seconds 14 sec / site X 16 sites = 224 seconds or 3.7 minutes to refresh all data

7 SCADA Host SCADA Host 1 1 Protocol X 2 2 3 3 “Operations (OT)”“Enterprise (IT)” Electronic Flow Measurement ERP Asset Management & Optimization Analytics & BIG DATA Mobile Apps Future Apps & Integration

8 SCADA Host SCADA Host SCADA Host SCADA Host SCADA Host SCADA Host Electronic Flow Measurement ERP Asset Management & Optimization Analytics & BIG DATA Mobile Apps Future Apps & Integration “Operations (OT)”“Enterprise (IT)”

9 SCADA Host SCADA Host SCADA Host SCADA Host SCADA Host SCADA Host Electronic Flow Measurement ERP Asset Management & Optimization Analytics & BIG DATA Mobile Apps Future Apps & Integration “Operations (OT)”“Enterprise (IT)”

10 SCADA Host SCADA Host SCADA Host SCADA Host SCADA Host Electronic Flow Measurement ERP Asset Management & Optimization Analytics & BIG DATA Mobile Apps Future Apps & Integration SCADA Host “Operations (OT)”“Enterprise (IT)”

11 Operations Managers’ Comments “Our poll response cycle time is 12 minutes.” “If a leak occurs, time is everything!” “We had two major spills in the last two years. Clean-up of our last spill cost $6,000,000” “We are taxed on the greenhouse gases we emit so need to calculate and optimize but do not have the capability to effectively do so today” “SCADA host companies charge for each protocol they attach to the host. The cost is approx $10K/protocol plus 25% maintenance per year. We have 32 different protocols ($320,000 upfront and $80,000 per year)” “We need better access to our other field devices beyond just the PLC’s” “How can we provide other lines of business applications with our operational data without compromising the SCADA host application?”

12 SCADA Host #2 SCADA Host #2 1 1 2 2 3 3 “Operations (OT)”“Enterprise (IT)” Electronic Flow Measurement ERP Asset Management & Optimization Analytics & BIG DATA Mobile Apps Future Apps & Integration ? IT || OT 4 4 5 5 n n SCADA Host #1 SCADA Host #1 *YDKWYDK

13 Summary Device protocols tied intimately to applications. A need to significantly reduce critical data update times. Current network bandwidth consumption limiting additional information. “One to One” information silos. “ Operational Intelligence ” stranded in field devices! Poll-Response SCADA systems were perfectly viable solutions when first developed 35 years ago. They have served the industry well, and continue to do so. But we are entering 2014 and are now challenged with:

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