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Siobhan Hale & Christina Sayers

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1 Siobhan Hale & Christina Sayers
Zambia Siobhan Hale & Christina Sayers

2 Facts about Zambia Population: Approx. 12.9 million
Religions: Christianity, Indigenous beliefs, Muslim & Hindu Languages: English(official), 70 local languages Education: No compulsory education Life expectancy: years Capital: Lusaka Total number of people living with HIV is 1,000,000 in 2003

3 Ranchod hospice, Kabwe, Zambia

4 Ranchod Hospice, Kabwe HIV/AID’s Hospice Approximately 25 bed
Mostly funded by outside donations, etc. Provided other services such as: 1. Outpatients 2. VCT clinic 3. Outreach programme 4. Family Planning clinic

5 Planning Process Choosing the service learning site Arranging dates
Accommodation Uniform Injections Fundraising Visa

6 Fundraising Coyotes Nurses & Doctors fancy dress party
Church gate collections Coffee morning Bag packing Raffles Quiz Night Card selling Sponsorship cards

7 Gaining gardai permits Cancellation of flights
Difficulties related to planning Recommendations for future students Gaining gardai permits Cancellation of flights Leaving fundraising too late, and it interfering with exams Start Fundraising as early as possible Research about service learning site

8 First Impressions! Different to my expectations due to:
1. Friendliness of the staff 2. More services provided than I expected 3. Other services provided by kara counselling 4. Lack of equipment, Different nursing tasks.

9 Differences between the Irish & Zambian Health care system!
Lack of funding, equipment Nurses prescribe drugs in the hospice Patients are woken, washed and dressed before the morning staff comes in Health care assistants take care of the patients personal hygiene, this is not a nurses role Staff in the hospice are very laid back Government doesn't finance health care- all funding is from non governmental organisations

10 Our role... Different on a daily basis, dependent on where we were, what we were doing on the specific day, and who we were with. Hospice Family Planning Outreach

11 Language & Cultural differences
Language barriers when dealing with patients Cultural Differences: Dress Music & dancing Religion

12 Most interesting/shocking/exciting aspects of the experience
Simply Driving around Zambia Children in tattered clothes, no shoes! Vans with maybe people sitting on the back! How Zambians, even though they have nothing, are so positive! How many can receive medication, but can’t take it due to having no food

13 Main areas of learning
How to care for HIV/AIDS patients in relation to: Medication – ARV’s Methods of diagnoses Nursing Management - Pain, control of symptoms, Psychological care

14 Outreach, Medical clinic



17 VCT Clinic, set up in a handmade church on Outreach

18 Sister Kiola, of the hospice
Gabriel, Manager of the Hospice





23 Micro-lighting at Victoria Falls, Livingstone!!
Bungee Jumping!! Ahhh!!

24 Suggestions & Recommendations for future students!!!
Bring some type of music, a small speaker if possible NB.!!! Insure to get a Visa, no other cards will work eg. Laser or mastercard!!!! You can get this in BOI Nuig, if you inform them you are a student nurse and that you are undertaking this module Bring books for own entertainment Bring nursery rhymes( English is fine!) so you can teach the kids them, and small toys if possible! They will love them! Bring mosquito net Pictures of loved ones One candle, matches and a torch Insure your phone is unlocked before going! Visa to enter Zambia can be got in Zambia airport, free for Irish citizens If you are a bad traveller, make sure to bring travel sickness tablets, the roads out there are very bumpy!! Try and learn some phrases in Bemba before going, they are really impressed by that!

25 You tube clips of our experience!!!
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26 Suggested Reading list

27 References U.S. department of state website, 2010, Bureau of African affairs, viewed September 10, 2010, World Health organisation website, 2010,HIV/AIDS viewed July 2010,

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