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The TechHive A Vision & Space for a New Learning Lab Sherry Hsi All Hall Learning November 3, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "The TechHive A Vision & Space for a New Learning Lab Sherry Hsi All Hall Learning November 3, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 The TechHive A Vision & Space for a New Learning Lab Sherry Hsi All Hall Learning November 3, 2011

2 Vista del Cerro circa 1965 Architects Allen & Anshen win closed Competition among 5 invited firms

3 1965 - Below the Space Sciences Lab 1940 - Above the Lawrence Rad Lab

4 Other events in 1967 Larry Lowery’s Paper “An Experimental Investigation into the Attitudes of 5 th Grade Science Teachers” Marvin Minsky & Seymour Papert are writing the book, Perceptrons: an introduction to computational geometry Doug Engelbart applied for a patent for the first computer “mouse” Passing of J. Robert Oppenheimer

5 Other key events in 1967 “Summer of Love” in San Francisco "Space Seed" is a first-season episode of Star Trek: The Original Series first broadcast

6 The Hall in 1967

7 Access Point for Science Knowledge

8 The Amphitheatre

9 October 2011

10 How might we transform the amphitheatre? What should be the TechHive?

11 Visions for Learning Empowering all learners to creatively design, craft, program, and use technology in ways that support their personal growth, scientific participation, and community development Democratizing access to expertise, design tools, and innovation processes Becoming fluent in inventing and using technology to learn, teach, and work smarter Supporting peer production

12 Peer Production Blurring line between producer and consumer Low barriers to participation Weaker intellectual rights, non-rival use Intrinsic reward systems Makes use of Open Educational Resources Promotes learning by design “Re-use, Re-mix, & Share”

13 Example of Peer Production

14 Synergistic & Collab. Efforts PSC & CTI AppInventor CalGirlS LakeViz3D Math on a Sphere Collaborators in our Neighborhood – UCB GSE MACSME Program – PG & E Youth Center – BEAMS – Center for Digital Storytelling – Space Sciences Lab – Berkeley Institute for Design

15 (Google) AppInventor Visual programming environment for Android Phones Designing Mobile Phone Apps to support teaching Support learning by doing and making

16 “Math on a Sphere” Michael Eisenberg & Sherry Hsi, NSF Informal Science Education Project

17 Prototype of Programming Environment

18 3D Geometry on large surfaces

19 Lake Viz 3D UC Davis, TERC, LHS, ECHO Lake & Aquarium, & ILI, NSF ISE Project

20 Tahoe Environmental Research Center

21 ECHO Lake & Aquarium

22 UC Davis KECK Caves

23 Visualization scientific data




27 The Hall’s workscope Visualization Lab + test area Table top manipulatives & activities; Making working models Educator PD & PD Guide Media Interactives & Project Website


29 CalGirlS California Girls in STEM National Girls Collaborative Project Collaboration Institutes Program Directory of Girl serving programs in STEM Webinars in Adobe Connect Informational meeting at the Hall – Nov 7th Kick-off Conference at the Hall Lilypad Arduino workshop for informal educators

30 National Girls Collaborative Project The National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) brings together organizations that are committed to informing and encouraging girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

31 Project Goals Strengthen the capacity of girl-serving STEM programs to effectively reach and serve underrepresented girls in STEM. Increase the effectiveness of Collaboratives by providing professional development focused on sustainability, organizational effectiveness, and shared leadership. Maximize K-12 school counselors’ access to and use of relevant, high-quality resources that increase awareness of barriers to girls’ interest and engagement in STEM.

32 Current Collaboratives Arizona California Connecticut Florida Great Lakes (IN, MI, MN, OH, WI) Illinois Kentucky Louisiana Maine Mid-Atlantic (DC, DE, MD, VA) New Hampshire/Vermont New Jersey Pacific Northwest (AK, HI, ID, MT, OR, WA) Pennsylvania Southern New England (MA, RI) Texas Tennessee

33 Cyberlearning Summit Washington, D.C., January 18, 2011 National Science Foundation & Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation supported What is the tranformative potential for STEM learning? 25 TED-like talks Keynotes: Michael Richey, Boeing; Karen Cator, U.S. Department of Ed. Live webcast + wiki pages

34 Wish List IP Addresses Ubiquitous Wireless Access Broadband for Multi-party Videoconference Lighting consultant New lights Laptops, Tablet Computers, + Media Workstations E-Textiles Smart Sewing machines Laser cutter 3D Printer Software applications & licenses 3D Glasses Furniture….

35 Tour of the Amphitheatre

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