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TEXAS EDUCATION GRANTMAKERS ADVOCACY CONSORTIUM April 2, 2014 Spring Meeting and Research Overview Austin, Texas.

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Presentation on theme: "TEXAS EDUCATION GRANTMAKERS ADVOCACY CONSORTIUM April 2, 2014 Spring Meeting and Research Overview Austin, Texas."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEXAS EDUCATION GRANTMAKERS ADVOCACY CONSORTIUM April 2, 2014 Spring Meeting and Research Overview Austin, Texas

2 @TEGACTX @JenEsterlineTX @texassabo

3 Overview Introductions and Welcome Jennifer Esterline – TEGAC Remarks by Mr. Tom Luce Remarks by Chairman Jimmie Don Aycock The Consortium Model: Research-Based Advocacy Jennifer Esterline – TEGAC Work Group Presentations Moderator: Jason Sabo – Frontera Strategy Pre-K Quality and Access: Children at Risk Counseling and HB 5: Ray Marshall Center, LBJ School, UT-Austin Business and Out of School Time: George H.W. Bush School, Texas A&M Next Steps: We Need Your Help! Ellen Ray – Executive Director, Still Water Foundation

4 Please Welcome Tom Luce Chairman National Math and Science Initiative Introduced by Mark Williams, Trustee KDK-Harman Foundation

5 Please Welcome Chairman Jimmie Don Aycock Texas House of Representatives Committee on Public Education Introduced by Beau Ross, Trustee Kathryn and Beau Ross Charitable Fund

6 The Consortium Model Focus on a Specific Issue  Contract for Credible Research  Partner with Trusted Messengers  Engage Policymakers

7 TEGAC Research Priorities: How Did We Get Here? Consortium efforts to inform budget debate in 2013 were a tremendous success. Now is the time to prepare to replicate those efforts across three public education issues. The same guiding principles will apply: Priorities for Selection of Work Groups and Research Focus: Guided by Philanthropy via 2013 Community Meetings and Survey Relevant to Current Policy Debates at the Texas Capitol Relevant to Foundations’ Existing Grantmaking Interests and Priorities Provide Texas-Specific Data Needed by but Unavailable to Policymakers Priorities for Selection of Research and Advocacy Partners: Credibility and a Proven Track Record Understanding of Revenue Neutral Policy Options Able to Identify and Respond to Emerging Trends Able to Disseminate findings beyond Traditional Audiences (“Unusual Partners”)

8 Consortium Work Groups House Bill 5 Implementation: Study on the availability of counselors in Texas middle and high schools to ensure the effective implementation of HB 5. Ray Marshall Center for the Study of Human Resources at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at University of Texas Pre-Kindergarten Access and Quality: Study of all Texas districts’ pre-k programs with a focus on data not reported to the Texas Education Agency, including class size and the availability of full-day programs. Children at Risk Expanded Learning Opportunities: Study of corporate and employer attitudes toward out-of-school time. George H.W. Bush School for Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University

9 The State of Pre-K Partner: Ms. Mandi Kimball, Children at Risk Research Question: What is the state of pre-k programs in school districts across Texas? Have recent budget cuts impacted class size and the availability of school districts to offer full day programs? Relevance: If recent turnout at Consortium/Children at Risk Capitol briefing for legislative staff and recent education plans for gubernatorial candidates are any indication, there is tremendous and growing bi-partisan interest in pre-k. Methodology: Children at Risk is again conducting a mixed methods study with an electronic survey sent to all 1100 school districts in Texas with follow-up interviews to showcase replicable best practices.

10 Counseling and HB 5 Implementation Partner: Mr. Greg Cumpton, The Ray Marshall Center for the Study of Human Resources at the LBJ School for Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin Research Question: How many counselors are available to help students maximize opportunities created by HB 5? What new strategies can be used to engage parents and students in examining the range of endorsements? Relevance: The implementation of HB 5 will be a big topic of discussion in 2015. Little data currently exists on the number of counselors available in Texas. No data exists on counselor availability and how this availability differs across campuses. Methodology: The Ray Marshall Center is examining state data and will be communicating directly with ISDs about best practices and strategies.

11 Business and Out of School Time Partner: Dr. Jenny Knowles Morrison, George H.W. Bush School for Government and Public Service at Texas A&M Research Question: How engaged are corporations in the out of school time needs of their employees currently? What strategies would best work to increase their involvement in supporting out of school time? Relevance: Senate Bill 503 (West) in 2013 created a new “Expanded Learning Opportunities Council” that includes a directive to examine opportunities to create incentives to engage the business community. Council is housed at TEA, who has embraced it with enthusiasm. Methodology: Qualitative focus to include interviews with CEOs and Human Resources Directors of small and large Texas corporations to assess awareness of and possible incentives for increased support of out-of-school time activities.

12 Update on Advocacy Partners Ongoing Conversations with: Pastors for Texas Children Council for a Strong America ReadyNation Fight Crime, Invest in Kids Mission: Readiness Metro 8 Chambers of Commerce Interested in Talking to: Texas Association of Manufacturers Texas Association of Business Texas School Counselors Association Texas Society of Human Resources Managers Employer Associations

13 Opportunities for Foundations in Interim Period Specific opportunities to engage the process in 2014 include : Participation in interim hearings of the Legislature to present policy recommendations Participation in meetings of the Expanded Learning Opportunities Council and with TEA Commissioner and staff Outreach to elected officials and committees concerning policy recommendations Outreach to journalists concerning policy recommendations Convening of stakeholders to discuss policy recommendations Social media promotion of policy recommendations

14 Opportunities for Foundations during 2015 Session Specific opportunities to engage in the process during 2015 Legislative Session: Participation in 2015 TEGAC Days at the Capitol Partnership with other foundations to promote common goals based in current and political relevant data Outreach to elected officials and committees concerning policy recommendations Invited or public testimony in legislative or other hearings Joint authorship of opinion pieces for newspapers across Texas

15 Work Group Support

16 THANK YOU Work Group Funders! RGK Foundation for Institutional Support KDK-Harman Foundation Meadows Foundation San Antonio Area Foundation Still Water Foundation Trull Foundation Wright Family Foundation

17 We Need Your Help Please consider supporting one of the Work Groups. Please renew your membership in 2014. Please consider supporting communications partnership with the Texas Tribune.

18 Questions and Comments Jennifer Esterline - Project Coordinator Texas Education Grantmakers Advocacy Consortium Jason Sabo – Founder Frontera Strategy Become a Facebook Friend of the Consortium at! Follow the Consortium on Twitter at @TEGACTX!

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