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Kırşehir Guidance and Research Center. The Guidance and Research Center The Department Of Guidance and Psychological Counseling The Department of Special.

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Presentation on theme: "Kırşehir Guidance and Research Center. The Guidance and Research Center The Department Of Guidance and Psychological Counseling The Department of Special."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kırşehir Guidance and Research Center

2 The Guidance and Research Center The Department Of Guidance and Psychological Counseling The Department of Special Education SCHEMA OF ORGANİZATİON

3 MISSIONS Psychological counseling and guidance coordination of activities holding in Preschools, Primary Schools, High Schools.

4 Determination and direction of individuals with special needs To conduct of individuals and Group Psychological counseling, educational and vocational guidance Guidance for families Seminaries for teachers about guidance Seminaries for students about educational and career matters -MISSIONS-


6 THE DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL EDUCATION Educational Determination. Direction to the schools for individuals with special needs, placement and monitoring Family Guidance Preparation of documents

7 THE DEPARTMENT OF GUIDANCE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING Educational, personal and vocational guidance Counseling with persons and groups Family guidance Preparation of Brochure and Documents Seminaries

8 PUBLICATIONS Vocational choose and its importance Effective working and anxiety of examinations Hyperactive children Integrational Education Adolescence Notes of seminaries for parents Journal of Guidance and Research Center

9 OUR RESEARCHES Analyzing the job satisfactions of psychological counselors who are working in Kırşehir in terms of some variables Analyzing the conditions of intelligence of students that come to Guidance and Research center between 1999-2003 in terms of some variables.

10 SEMINARY PROGRAMS Education Seminary for Parents Developmental Specialties and Problems of Adolescence Prevention from Addiction (for teachers and parents) Effective Learning Techniques Enactment and Motivations Examination Anxiety and How to Overcome Adaptation and Behavioral Problems of Children Integrational Education Children with Special Needs and Their education Gaining Guidance Sense (for teachers) Handling of Children for Death and Mourning

11 EDUCATIONAL WORKSHOPS Intervention to Crisis Situations; 6-7 October 2010, Kırşehir Theoretical Fundamentals of Counseling; 16 December 2010, Kırşehir

12 In Student Seminary

13 In Educational Seminary for Parents

14 Training Workshop for Intervention to Crisis Situations

15 In Student Seminary

16 Consultants Meeting (Psychological Counselors)

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