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EEX 6759 Transition Planning and Interdisciplinary Teaming for Students with Disabilities – Summer 2011 Saturday, June 11, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "EEX 6759 Transition Planning and Interdisciplinary Teaming for Students with Disabilities – Summer 2011 Saturday, June 11, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 EEX 6759 Transition Planning and Interdisciplinary Teaming for Students with Disabilities – Summer 2011 Saturday, June 11, 2011

2 IDEA – Part C Program for Infants and Toddlers – ages birth to 36 months Program for Infants and Toddlers – ages birth to 36 months Each State – designated “lead” Agency (Florida - Early Steps/Children’s Medical Services Each State – designated “lead” Agency (Florida - Early Steps/Children’s Medical Services In place to address developmental delays – proactive stance In place to address developmental delays – proactive stance

3 IDEA – Part B 36 months to 22 years – children and youth special (Florida – usually, this begins with a DD label) 36 months to 22 years – children and youth special (Florida – usually, this begins with a DD label) All educational services (per IDEA) for students 2 – 22 years of age All educational services (per IDEA) for students 2 – 22 years of age Pre-K in Florida – 3 to 5 or 6 years of age Pre-K in Florida – 3 to 5 or 6 years of age Issues related to C to B transition include: diagnostics, treatment determinations, eligible determinations Issues related to C to B transition include: diagnostics, treatment determinations, eligible determinations

4 US Department of Education – IDEA Part B & Part C US Department of Education – IDEA Part B & Part C Early Steps/Children’s Medical Services Early Steps/Children’s Medical Services National Center on Secondary Transition (NCSET) National Center on Secondary Transition (NCSET) National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY) National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY)

5 Moving from Part C to Part B Differences between IFSP and IEP Differences between IFSP and IEP Labeling in the school system v/s diagnosis = eligibility issues Labeling in the school system v/s diagnosis = eligibility issues Which, where, how, who of service provision – lots of changes for families Which, where, how, who of service provision – lots of changes for families

6 Transition from Pre-K – Facts: Roll-ups Roll-ups School-based label change School-based label change Environmental changes Environmental changes Therapeutic and intervention changes Therapeutic and intervention changes Trauma for parent and student Trauma for parent and student Intense preparation necessary Intense preparation necessary

7 Transition to Kindergarten Helpful Website: ubs/pdf/cfs/fcpi/transition.htm ubs/pdf/cfs/fcpi/transition.htm

8 Pre-K to K Transition Planning Student-Centered Communication (Portfolio, Transition Book, CD/DVD) Student-Centered Communication (Portfolio, Transition Book, CD/DVD) Teacher to Teacher Information Teacher to Teacher Information Assessment, Identification, Intervention preparation Assessment, Identification, Intervention preparation Family-based communication Family-based communication Appropriate agency referrals and/or collaboration Appropriate agency referrals and/or collaboration Florida’s Transition Project for Infants, Young Children and Their Families http://www.floridatransitionproject. http://www.floridatransitionproject.

9 Continuity in Early Childhood: A Framework for Home, School, and Community Linkages Developed by the Regional Educational Laboratories’ Early Childhood Collaboration Network Developed by the Regional Educational Laboratories’ Early Childhood Collaboration Network Sponsored by: the Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, the US Dept. of Health & Human Services, and the Office of Educational Research and Improvement – US Dept. of Education Sponsored by: the Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, the US Dept. of Health & Human Services, and the Office of Educational Research and Improvement – US Dept. of Education arly.pdf arly.pdf

10 Continuity from Birth to 8 years – Key Elements: Families as Partners Families as Partners Shared Leadership (school, family, community) Shared Leadership (school, family, community) Comprehensive & Responsive Services Comprehensive & Responsive Services Culture and Home Language Culture and Home Language Communication Communication Knowledge and Skill Development Knowledge and Skill Development Appropriate Care & Education Appropriate Care & Education Evaluation of Partnership Success Evaluation of Partnership Success

11 Elementary Considerations Specific needs of the individual (IEP) Specific needs of the individual (IEP) Disability specific issues Disability specific issues Long-Term Projections (Communication, Self Determination, Skills of Independence, etc.) Long-Term Projections (Communication, Self Determination, Skills of Independence, etc.) Student preferences Student preferences General Education Curricula General Education Curricula LRE LRE

12 Elementary to Middle School Environmental differences Environmental differences Expectations change Expectations change Continuum of care changes Continuum of care changes Social needs Social needs Organizational needs Organizational needs Potential Safety issues Potential Safety issues

13 Middle School to High School Many of the same issues in Elementary to Middle – just a more intense experience Many of the same issues in Elementary to Middle – just a more intense experience Students should be on a TIEP Students should be on a TIEP Students will have made a special v/s standard diploma choice Students will have made a special v/s standard diploma choice

14 Helpful Teacher Resource: Kentucky Transition Collaborative

15 School to Work Programs *Are programs designed to assist students with disabilities in transitioning from school to work/higher education. *Are programs designed to assist students with disabilities in transitioning from school to work/higher education. - (Adapted from FL.-DOE, 2007) - (Adapted from FL.-DOE, 2007) EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT Transportation Transportation Living Arrangements Living Arrangements Daily Living Skills Daily Living Skills Socialization/Leisure Activities Socialization/Leisure Activities

16 What do my student(s) need to learn? What do my student(s) need to learn? What should I teach in regard to transition? What should I teach in regard to transition? How can I tie in transition outcomes to educational standards? How can I tie in transition outcomes to educational standards? How can I best work with outside agencies to provide more transition-based opportunities for my student(s)? How can I best work with outside agencies to provide more transition-based opportunities for my student(s)? Who can I contact for assistance with the transition process? Who can I contact for assistance with the transition process? - (Adapted from Wehmen & Thoma, 2006) - School to Work - Questions to Ask

17 School to Work -Support Systems Classroom Teachers Classroom Teachers Vocationally-based Teachers Vocationally-based Teachers School Administrators (Counselors) School Administrators (Counselors) Employments Specialists Employments Specialists Outside Service Providers Outside Service Providers Job Coaches Job Coaches Families of the individual Families of the individual

18 Vocational Rehabilitation - Florida

19 School to Work Basic Checklist (14-15) Learn more about your disability Learn more about your disability Participate in Transition Planning Participate in Transition Planning Learn to set goals for your future Learn to set goals for your future Learn what transition planning means for you Learn what transition planning means for you Discuss high school diploma options Discuss high school diploma options Begin researching career choices/opportunities Begin researching career choices/opportunities Try out volunteer or part-time work experiences Try out volunteer or part-time work experiences Check on school employment-based programs Check on school employment-based programs - (V.R.-FL. DOE, 2007) - (V.R.-FL. DOE, 2007)

20 School to Work Basic Checklist (16-17) Invite outside agencies to IEP Meetings Invite outside agencies to IEP Meetings Discuss transportation needs/options Discuss transportation needs/options Discuss medical/psychological care resources (if necessary) Discuss medical/psychological care resources (if necessary) Discuss post-high school living arrangements Discuss post-high school living arrangements Discuss post-high school training options Discuss post-high school training options Apply for additional outside agency assistance (as needed) Apply for additional outside agency assistance (as needed) - (V.R.-FL. DOE, 2007) - (V.R.-FL. DOE, 2007)

21 School to Work Basic Checklist (18-22) Consider applying for SSI/SSDI benefits, if appropriate Consider applying for SSI/SSDI benefits, if appropriate Address guardianship issues/needs Address guardianship issues/needs (Males) Register for Selective Services (Males) Register for Selective Services Work with outside agencies to help explore/find community employment/educational opportunities (post-high school) Work with outside agencies to help explore/find community employment/educational opportunities (post-high school) - (V.R.-FL. DOE, 2007) - (V.R.-FL. DOE, 2007)

22 School to Work Preparation Teach Occupational, Life, and Social Skill sets, along with academic- related content Teach Occupational, Life, and Social Skill sets, along with academic- related content Inquire about appropriate contacts (at your school) Inquire about appropriate contacts (at your school) Make referrals to appropriate outside agencies, if applicable Make referrals to appropriate outside agencies, if applicable Integrate families into process/plan Integrate families into process/plan Allocate duties as applicable– don’t try to do it all! Allocate duties as applicable– don’t try to do it all!

23 School to Work Follow Along Assess, assess, assess (data driven), per the individual’s IEP plan/goals Assess, assess, assess (data driven), per the individual’s IEP plan/goals Schedule time to meet with individual students (possibly families) Schedule time to meet with individual students (possibly families) Work closely with the team (families, school- based staff, and/or outside agencies, if applicable) Work closely with the team (families, school- based staff, and/or outside agencies, if applicable) * REMEMBER: Success of the individual is the bottom line

24 School to Work or Postsecondary Education? Increased numbers of students w/disabilities are entering postsecondary education to obtain further skills and knowledge as a result of a combination of legislative, academic, and social changes Increased numbers of students w/disabilities are entering postsecondary education to obtain further skills and knowledge as a result of a combination of legislative, academic, and social changes - (Gilson, 1996) - (Gilson, 1996)

25 What do students need to know how to do to prepare for postsecondary education: Have documentation of Disability Have documentation of Disability Have assessment information Have assessment information Programming Programming Advocacy Advocacy Decision Making Decision Making Transition Planning Skills Transition Planning Skills

26 Teachers Can….. Help set career goals Help set career goals Learn about supports and services at college Learn about supports and services at college Use of assistive technology, if necessary Use of assistive technology, if necessary Self-Management Skills Self-Management Skills How to build a network of support How to build a network of support -(Gretzel & Briel, 2006) -(Gretzel & Briel, 2006)

27 School to Work Program “School-to-work is all about finding something in life you love so much you’d do it for free, but you learn to do it so well you get paid for it” —STW student The Public Forum Institute, (2000).

28 Critical Domains of Transition Instruction: Community participation Community participation Daily living Daily living Employment Employment Financial Financial Health Health Independent living Independent living Leisure/recreation Leisure/recreation Post-secondary education Post-secondary education Relationship/social skills Relationship/social skills Transportation/mobility Transportation/mobility Vocational training Vocational training

29 Writing a sound Objective: Need to specify relevant and necessary dimensions of behavior: Identify the Topography = observable, measurable description of behavior (what does the behavior look like) Identify the Topography = observable, measurable description of behavior (what does the behavior look like) Identify the Context/Assistance Level = what type of cue (environment, materials, persons) will be provided to encourage the behavior and what level of independence must be achieved Identify the Context/Assistance Level = what type of cue (environment, materials, persons) will be provided to encourage the behavior and what level of independence must be achieved Set Criterion Rate (rate and accuracy) = Set Criterion Rate (rate and accuracy) = How often will the behavior occur (rate) How often will the behavior occur (rate) How precise or correct must the behavior be (accuracy) How precise or correct must the behavior be (accuracy)

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