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 T-Box is a solution which promotes and potentiates the creative, responsible, and safe use of technology within education. 

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2  T-Box is a solution which promotes and potentiates the creative, responsible, and safe use of technology within education.   T-Box comprises three key elements:

3  An educational technology curriculum for every school grade. This includes all the materials necessary to implement the solution effectively: teacher guides, student workbooks, and electronic resources.

4  An Internet platform with multiple services for students, teachers, and parents. This platform is called "T-Box Planet" and is based on web 2.0 technologies, which facilitate communication, collaboration, and exchange between every member of the educational community.

5  Training and assistance for IT instructors and teachers. T-Box works closely with schools to train teachers, provide expert advice, and monitor project progress.

6  Keep track of student attendance and permissions.  Set the score calculation formulas for each subject.  Assign different ratings and percentages to each of the evaluated components.  Schedule parent-teacher meetings.  Consult students' electronic records immediately.  Access news, calendar, and administrative school documents.

7  View a detailed compendium of their grades in real time, thus providing them with a "snapshot" of their performance.  Check their attendance record and permissions.  Access their class and exam schedule.  Read the school news and consult the school calendar.  Consult any agreements or propositions which have taken place in the parent- teacher meetings

8  Access their children's electronic school record.  View a detailed compendium of their children's grades in real time, thus providing them with a "snapshot" of their performance.  Check their children's attendance record and permissions.  Read the school news and consult the school calendar.  Obtain their children's exam schedule.  Receive invitations for parent-teacher meetings.

9  T-Box School allows administrative staff and teachers to access up-to-date information regarding student performance. This promotes dynamic and transparent school management.  Schools save money as they do not need to invest in technological infrastructure, such as servers or specialized programs. The information is securely stored on high-tech servers which regularly backup the school's data.  T-Box School is accessed via the Internet, allowing users to connect anytime, anywhere. In addition, T-Box School runs on all major operating systems and Web browsers.  T-Box School may be tailored to the needs of each school and is available in English and Spanish. T-Box provides training and technical assistance whenever needed.

10  Divide the school year into periods, such as semesters, trimesters, or bimesters.  Customize the formula used to evaluate the school subjects. This mechanism may be further customized by each teacher.  Record and manage all user accounts.  Create and manage each grade and section within the school.  Access statistical reports with up-to-date information.

11  Teachers can collaborate in real time.  Teachers can communicate through live chat function with teachers, parents and teachers.  Administrators can communicate with teachers in real-time.  Parents and teachers can have conferences anytime.

12 Tbox Innovation ResearchDesignProductionMarketingDistributionTraining

13  TBOX can be hosted remotely considerably reducing cost.  TBOX can be hosted on site through the district, IT support can be trained or provided for onsite support.  Training for administrators (1 week training on site)  Training for teachers (1 on site work day)

14  Administrators which include principals, support staff, counselors, and district personnel should be trained initially.  Administrators need to be trainers in order to encourage innovation.  Once implemented administrators need to support and encourage implementation of system.

15  Many parents find that teacher/parent time is extremely limited. Communications suffer and students fall significantly behind in their school work.  Administrators can communicate absenses, students sent home, and other issues in real time.  Students can contribute to classwork if sick or at home.

16  What do YOU think?


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