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Scientific Method… …An organized approach to asking questions and making discoveries.

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2 Scientific Method… …An organized approach to asking questions and making discoveries.

3 One dumb but effective way to remember Scientific Method!!! Our Pizza Has Extra Delicious Cheesy Toppings  Observation  Problem  Hypothesis  Experiment  Data  Conclusion  Theory

4 Observations: or Information gathered using the five senses or tools

5 Problem: A question one might ask based on the observations that are made.

6 Hypothesis A possible explanation of the problem that we wish to test. (it doesn’t have to be correct!!)

7 Experiment An organized test of a hypothesis.

8 Data The results of experiments. Data can be expressed as numbers or descriptions. Example: The elephant is 3 meters tall. Example: Mr. Corey is smelly!

9 Conclusion What has been learned from the experiment. Conclusions are supported by data. We can conclude that Mrs. Agar is officially the funniest and best looking Biology teacher!!! Data supports this.

10 Theory A broad explanation of natural events that is strongly supported - time tested by many people - each time the same results are seen Example: The theory of gravity

11 Some other scientific method terms… Observation – information gained by watching or examining something Ex) Mrs. Agar is taller than Mrs. Procopio

12 Some other scientific method terms… Inference – a possible explanation based on an observation. ex) The ground is wet, so it must have rained.

13 Some other scientific method terms… Control – What we compare our data against. (usually helps to show what we already know) example – Plants grown with water only might be a control to test how well a fertilizer on other plants works

14 Some other scientific method terms… Independent Variable – When this changes, it results in change in the other variable. I for “”Independent, I for “I control it! Dependent Variable - That which changes as a result of a change in the ind. Variable. D for “Dependent, D for “Data collected”

15 Some other scientific method terms… Constants (or Controlled Variables) - all of the factors that must be kept the same in all groups. Example – (still testing a fertilizer) we would keep amount of sun, amount of liquid, type of plant, etc all the same.

16 Validity – What makes a good experiment? A good experiment should…. Be easily repeatable. Have a large sample size ex) There are many subjects measured. Control for as many variables as possible. ex) sex, age, footwear, athletic ability, yesterday’s sporting events…

17 Graphing Rules! Always put a title on your graph Use an even and appropriate scale The Independent Variable goes on the X-axis The Dependent Variable goes on the Y-axis Label each axis and include units Circle and connect all data points on a line graph

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