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Review Photos for final practicum

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Presentation on theme: "Review Photos for final practicum"— Presentation transcript:

1 Review Photos for final practicum

2 Penicillium

3 Aspergillus Aspergillus

4 Aspergillus

5 Peziza mature asci

6 Saccharomyces cerevisiae


8 Figure 10-9 A Young Rhizpus Zygospore

9 Figure 10-10 Mature Rhizopus Zygospore

10 Rhizopus Zygospores Rhizopus zygospores

11 Coprinus with Basidiospores

12 Coprinus with Basidiospores

13 Candida albicans Candida albicans

14 Candida

15 Candida arthrospores

16 Histoplasma capsulatum

17 Dermatophytes: Ringworm

18 Ringworm in scalp

19 Dermatophytes: Athlete’s foot

20 Dermatophytes: Onychomycosis

21 Entamoeba histolytica Trophozoites

22 Entamoeba histolytica
Trophozoites of Entamoeba histolytica with ingested erythrocytes

23 Balantidium coli Trophozoites Cytostome Cytostome

24 Figure 10-19 Balantidium coli Trophozoite

25 Ghiardia lamblia Trophozoites

26 Giardia lamblia trophozoite

27 Trichomonas vaginalis

28 Figure 10-23 Trichomonas vaginalis

29 Trypanosoma brucei

30 Tsetse Fly

31 Trypanosoma brucei gambiense

32 Trypanosoma


34 T. cruzi

35 Trypanosoma cruzi

36 Trypanosoma cruzi Kissing bug, Trypanosoma cruzi vector, defecating on the wound after taking a blood meal.

37 Kissing Bug

38 Romana’s sign Swollen eye, seen in Chagra’s disease.

39 Plasmodium Anopheles Mosquito

40 Schizont: Hepatic Stage

41 Figure 10-27 Mature Plasmodium viviax Schizont

42 Blood Phase: Rings

43 Gametocyte: Blood Stage

44 Toxplasmosis Tachyzoites

45 Figure 10-29 Toxoplasma gondii Trophozoites

46 Leishmania Promastigote

47 Leishmania spp (Promastigote)
Single flagellum found in sand flies

48 Leishmaniasis Macrophage rupturing Amastogotes
Amastogotes with nucleus and kinetoplast

49 Leishmania Amastigotes

50 Sandfly This looks like a mosquito, except its body is hairy and the wings are feathery.

51 Leishmaniasis ulcer

52 Beef Tapeworm Scolex

53 Pork Tapeworm Scolex

54 Pork Tapeworm Scolex

55 Pork Tapeworm Uterine branches in proglottid

56 Beef Tapeworm Uterine branches in proglottid

57 Taenia Egg

58 Taenia Egg

59 Fish Tapeworm Bilateral grooves

60 Fish Tapeworm Proglottids

61 Operculated Broadfish Tapeworm (Diphyllobothrium) egg.
Operculum Has a ciliated coracidium inside Knob

62 Copepod

63 Walleye Pike

64 Schistosomal Miracidum

65 Schistosoma cercarium

66 Schistosoma

67 Schistosoma Male Female

68 Types of Schistosoma eggs
S. mansoni S. haematobium S. japonicum

69 Schistosoma haematobium egg

70 Schistosoma mansoni egg

71 Swimmer’s Itch

72 Pinworm Female

73 Enterobius vermicularis egg

74 Pinworm

75 Pinworm Esophageal bulb Esophagus Alae

76 Pinworm adult Alae Esophagus Esophageal bulb Eggs

77 Prolapsed Rectum from whipworm

78 Whipworm egg

79 Whipworm egg

80 Whipworm

81 Whipworm, female and male

82 Male hookworm

83 Copulatory Bursa of Male Hookworm

84 Hookworm cutting plates
Necator americanus

85 Hookworm teeth Ancyclostoma duodenale

86 Hookworm egg

87 Hookworm egg

88 Hookworm: creeping eruption

89 Ascariasis

90 Ascaris Adult

91 Ascaris egg

92 Ascaris egg

93 Trichinella cyst

94 Trichinella cysts

95 Dilution Series Be able to solve dilution series problems.
Use these templates for practice.




99 EMB

100 Fish Eye Colonies of Enterobacter on blood agar

101 MacConkey’s Agar

102 MSA

103 MSA with Staph aureus


105 Neutrophil (nucleus has several lobes)

106 Lymphocyte (nucleus is dark and takes up almost whole cell; almost no cytoplasm seen)

107 Monocyte (larger cell, horseshoe shaped nucleus)

108 Monocyte, Lymphocyte, Neutrophil

109 Eosinophil

110 Basophil

111 Antibiotic Sensitivity

112 Antibiotic Sensitivity
Organism is resistant to the antibiotic Organism is susceptible to the antibiotic

113 Antibiotic Sensitivity: Check zone diameters on given table
Organism has intermediate resistance to the antibiotic Organism is resistant to the antibiotic Organism is susceptible to the antibiotic

114 Positive Coagulase Test: Differentiates S. Aureus from S epidermidis

115 Positive CAMP test

116 Positive CAMP test

117 Positive CAMP test

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