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Introduction to Arabidopsis Research

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1 Introduction to Arabidopsis Research

2 Today’s Goals Describe the life-cycle of A. thaliana.
Set-up a culture of Arabidopsis plants and grow them to adulthood Examine examples of how Arabidopsis thaliana are used experimentally

3 Arabidopsis thaliana Small flowering plant
Popular as a plant model organism Plant Bio and Genetics In the family of Brassicaceae Mustard family

4 A. thaliana Arabidopsis anatomy Arabidopsis Development
Arabidopsis Development

5 As a model organism Most commonly used plant model Advantages:
Like the fruit flies of the plant world Advantages: Small size - Max 5cm in diameter, 30cm tall Easy to cultivate - grown in small area Small genome (5 chromosomes, 157 million base pairs, 27,000 genes) Rapid development - about 6 weeks to make mature seed Can self-pollinate Can perform crosses between different strains Many progeny Easy to perform genetic engineering Can be transformed using Agrobacterium tumefaciens

6 Commonly Used to Study Biotechnology Applications Light sensing
Flower development

7 Commonly used related plant
Brassica rapa Wisconsin Fast Plants Can use in classroom VERY easily Several mutant strains available Book on how to work with them

8 Research Projects You may choose this organism for your research project You may choose C. elegans You may talk with me and choose something else

9 Resources TAIR PREP website Books in my office
Free Mutant strains! Some have uncharacterized phenotypes in terms of their growth & dev. PREP website Suggestions for Experiments Books in my office Brassica rapa - related plant -called “Wisconsin Fast Plants”

10 Example I am interested in investigating salt tolerance in arabidopsis mutants. My approach is to compare plants with different T-DNA insertions ability to tolerate various concentrations of salt solutions My Literature search should ?

11 Our Arabidopsis lab Learn to cultivate Arabidopsis in both soil and on agar plates Choose 1 parameter to measure Record in lab notebook Prepare you for your independent projects

12 Each group of 3 Make 1 bottle of 100mls plant agar.
Make it in a 200ml media bottle Label it: MS Agar Date Initials

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