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Characteristics of Life

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1 Characteristics of Life
How do we know if something is alive or not? If the following characteristics are present then the thing is alive.

2 The Title for your notes should include the subject and the date
The Characteristics of Life - 9/12/13 If something has all 8 of these characteristics of life it is alive. If it is missing 1 it is not alive For the rest of this presentation you will write the information in the green areas (usually a circle) and think about the rest of the material. This is a quick overview of the whole semester!

3 Made of Cells THERE ARE 2 TYPES OF CELLS 1.Prokaryotic cells: Primitive simple cells without a membrane bound nucleus. Genetic material just floats in the cytoplasm. Example: bacteria NO NUCLEUS

4 2.Eukaryotic Cells: Complex cells
with membrane bound organelles. You are made of eukaryotic cells. Nucleus

5 The smallest living things are just made of
just 1 cell. Bacteria cultured on agar paramecium

6 Each of us is made of about
100 trillion cells.

7 of life is 1 cell (unicellular)
made of cells Smallest unit of life is 1 cell (unicellular) We are multi-cellular (many cells) 1.

8 Reproduction ( 2 types) 1. Sexual Reproduction: Genetic material from male and female are mixed to create a new unique living organism.

9 2. Asexual : No genetic material is mixed. The babies (offspring) are genetically identical.

10 There are 2 types of sexual reproduction
1. Internal fertilization: egg and sperm unite inside of one of the parents.

11 2. External fertilization: egg and sperm unite
outside of the parents bodies.

12 mix genetic material of 2 parents to create a new and
REPRODUCE Sexual Reproduction: mix genetic material of 2 parents to create a new and unique individual. Asexual Reproduction: No mixing of genetic material = a copy of 1 individual 2.

13 Genetic Code All life is based on a genetic code.
The DNA Double Helix is the molecule that carries your genetic information.

14 Sex cells , egg, sperm, pollen, ova, all carry
DNA (genetic code) from the parent to child. That is why offspring look similar to the parent(s).

15 DNA is the recipe for how to make you and your offspring (children).
Genetic Code 3. DNA is the recipe for how to make you and your offspring (children). Offspring are similar to their parents.

16 Living things grow and Develop
Size is going to change during a lifetime. Grow

17 Develop = characteristics change as they mature.
Example: facial hair, voice, extra padding Charles Darwin


19 Grow = increase in size and Number of cells. Develop = Cells or body’s
Grow and Develop Grow = increase in size and Number of cells. Develop = Cells or body’s characteristics change with maturity by turning on different sections of DNA. 4.

20 Obtain Materials and Energy
Living things need nutrients (food) or energy.

21 Once nutrients (food) are taken in, our digestive
system breaks it down and recycles it to grow and provide energy. When our cells release this energy it is called cellular respiration.

22 Metabolism is how fast your body breaks
down food and releases the energy to be used for activities, growth of new cells, or stored as fat in existing cells.

23 You are what you eat…Organisms are classified By what they eat.
Producers – make food = plants Primary consumers – eat plants herbivores Secondary consumers – eat plant eaters carnivores Decomposers – break down organism to be recycled

24 Materials may be used for shelter, or attracting
a mate. Male Bower Birds place blue object in front of their bower to attract females.

25 Obtain Materials & Energy Nutrients and energy are used
To grow and provide energy for movement and cell activities. Metabolism is how fast your body breaks down food and releases the energy to be used. Materials can be used for shelter or attracting a mate 5.

26 Responds to the Environment
notes 6. What changes in the environment do organisms respond to? Temperature Amount of sunlight Humidity Soil Moisture Predators Potential Mates

27 Maintain Internal Conditions (homeostasis)
During activities we use up energy, increase our temperature, as well as lose water and salts. sweating Breathing Eat Drink

28 Hydration – water balance
Temperature – temperature balance PH – balance Salt balance

29 Your cells need to keep the right amount of food, water
Maintain Internal Balance HOMEOSTASIS Your cells need to keep the right amount of food, water waste, and oxygen to stay healthy. 7.

30 Change over time (Evolution)
Over time species change. All dogs that are alive today had an ancestor who was a wolf.

31 As the environment changes those that survive and have
Evolution As the environment changes those that survive and have successful offspring will shape what the future generations look like. (Offspring are similar to parents) 8

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