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APNIC Activity Report APNIC Member Meeting 10 September 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "APNIC Activity Report APNIC Member Meeting 10 September 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 APNIC Activity Report APNIC Member Meeting 10 September 2015

2 APNIC’s Vision A global, open, stable, and secure Internet that serves the entire Asia Pacific community 2

3 APNIC Activities Serving Collaborating Supporting 3

4 2015 Activity Plan & Budget 4 Project Progress Legend Complete In progress

5 Serving the Region Serving Collaborating Supporting 5

6 Annual IPv6 Delegations By delegation typeBy sizeBy request type As at 2 Sep 6 2015

7 Annual IPv4 Delegations By poolBy sizeBy Member As at 2 Sep 7 2015

8 Annual IPv4 Transfers Using listing servicePre-approval usage As at 2 Sep 8 2015

9 Annual ASN Assignments By type4-byte return rate As at 2 Sep 9 2015

10 APNIC Membership As at 2 Sep 10

11 Total NIR Sub-Accounts As at 2 Sep 11

12 Serving Members: 2015 Projects 12 ProjectDeliverablesStatus ARMS developmentCurrent perl platform being refactored in Java; new message-bus (Apache MQ) architecture. RPKI uptakeIncrease adoption rates in AP (ongoing); automated ROA validity checks. Billing service improvementsReview payment methods and options; implement additional payment methods (PayPal) Website improvementsStreamline content and structure on Services and IPv6 pages; review and improve home page. Feedback tool“Instant feedback” for all APNIC services; automatic feedback on resolved RT tickets. Additional Member outreach events Pilot ”APNIC Roadshow” and Member Gathering events to increase awareness of the services APNIC provides.

13 Serving Members: 2015 Project 13 ProjectDeliverablesStatus New CRM systemPlanning started for CRM (“customer relationship management”) system rebuild. Upgrade backup systemReview of data backup categories, retention periods, and schedules; new backup array purchased. Upgrade whois serverImplemented RDAP support in production. Improved monitoring systemIntegration of monitoring system and configuration management system. Adoption of ISO 27001: 2013 Information Security Standard Risk assessment in areas relevant to APNIC; Security policies and procedures reviewed and to be revised according to standard.

14 MyAPNIC Improvements 14 Two-factor authentication using TOTP Access all MyAPNIC services (corporate contact, voting, Resource Certification) Two-factor authentication using TOTP Access all MyAPNIC services (corporate contact, voting, Resource Certification) Log in to MyAPNIC using your email address Maintainers managed as independent objects

15 MyAPNIC Survey 15 First targeted survey of MyAPNIC user experience 708 responses 77% completion rate Participation by 30 economies 30 lucky draw prizes

16 Tool to check ASN in use What MyAPNIC users want 16 Improve speed Modernise design and navigation Single page to manage Reverse DNS Simplify whois updates to manage objects

17 RDAP Standardised JSON query format Standardised JSON response format RESTful web services over HTTP Support for redirection, for automatic inter-registry queries Authorisation for access to record attributes Internationalisation using UTF-8 17

18 RPKI RPKI presentations to NOGs and conferences ‘Ready to ROA’ Campaign – hands-on sessions to help Members create ROAs Shirts, stickers, web content to promote campaign Regional RPKI adoption has more than doubled in past year - 0.82% to 1.92% and rising RPKI presentations to NOGs and conferences ‘Ready to ROA’ Campaign – hands-on sessions to help Members create ROAs Shirts, stickers, web content to promote campaign Regional RPKI adoption has more than doubled in past year - 0.82% to 1.92% and rising 18 10 face-to-face and eLearning RPKI training courses delivered Offline simulation of production system Create and revoke ROAs, observe changes to routing state in lab 10 face-to-face and eLearning RPKI training courses delivered Offline simulation of production system Create and revoke ROAs, observe changes to routing state in lab

19 Supporting the Region Serving Collaborating Supporting 19

20 Regional Support: 2015 Projects 20 ProjectDeliverablesStatus Training needs assessmentReport on the needs, priorities, and expectations of Members Curriculum and accreditationRevision and update of all course materials completed; planning for examination-based accreditation. Technical Assistance ServiceOutreach conducted in 3 economies; analysis underway. Cooperation SIGTwo SIG meetings held; Chair election process and mailing list. Regional technical supportSponsorship for 12 NOGs, 40 fellowships; deployed two root servers, 8 RIPE atlas anchors and 100+ probes; technical presentations to regional events

21 APNIC Training in 2015 49 face-to-face courses held in 19 locations 1,356 professionals trained face-to- face Video archives 79 videos 89,276 views Video archives 79 videos 89,276 views 483 professionals trained via 98 eLearning sessions 21 Received training contribution from nine organizations including: World Bank Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) ITU Received training contribution from nine organizations including: World Bank Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) ITU

22 Training Needs Assessment 22 TopicsKey survey responsesAPNIC actions eLearningImprove topics; alternative video hosting platform Reduced from 4 to 3 sessions Changed time slots to 11:00; 13:00 and 15:00 – increased participation Video-on-demand Reviewing content Self-paced learningSupport for online learning and certification Looking to partner with RIPE NCC on course development (Internet governance, whois) Face-to-FaceStrong interests in advanced topics such as network security, IPv6, BGP, DNSSEC and SDN Reviewing and updating existing courses Introduced Juniper-based materials and Juniper training lab CapacityRequest for more and frequent training Third and fourth trainers starting in October/November to increase training capacity

23 NOGs in 2015 BTNOG 1SANOG 24 Participated in 12 NOG events JANOG, HKNOG, PHNOG, bdNOG, LKNOG, MyNOG, SGNOC, IDNOG, AusNOG, NZNOG, SANOG, PACNOG Technical and APNIC updates Hostmaster consultations Training sessions Sponsorship and logistical support Participated in 12 NOG events JANOG, HKNOG, PHNOG, bdNOG, LKNOG, MyNOG, SGNOC, IDNOG, AusNOG, NZNOG, SANOG, PACNOG Technical and APNIC updates Hostmaster consultations Training sessions Sponsorship and logistical support MyNOG 4 PHNOG 2015 23

24 RIPE Atlas anchor deployment in Maldives – Dhiraagu staff Community Development Supported 8 RIPE Anchor deployments; distributed 100+ RIPE Atlas probes 15 fellowships for APRICOT 2015; 24 for APNIC 40 inc. 5 youth fellowships Established MoUs to support local and regional development – 46 so far L-root (ICANN) server in Apia, Samoa K-root (RIPE) server in Quezon City, Philippines Working with NSRC in New Caledonia and Samoa on IXP support Supported 8 RIPE Anchor deployments; distributed 100+ RIPE Atlas probes 15 fellowships for APRICOT 2015; 24 for APNIC 40 inc. 5 youth fellowships Established MoUs to support local and regional development – 46 so far L-root (ICANN) server in Apia, Samoa K-root (RIPE) server in Quezon City, Philippines Working with NSRC in New Caledonia and Samoa on IXP support SANOG BdNOG 3 24 Probe hosts in the Philippines MoU signing for L-root

25 Technical Assistance Service 25 Outreach in Sri Lanka (8 Members), Bangladesh (13 Members), Thailand (10 Members) TAS - ThailandTAS - Bangladesh Support for scalable and resilient networks and best practices in network operations Distribution and registration of resources Supporting reverse DNS delegation Managing whois and IRR Resource Certification IPv6 deployment Internet infrastructure security Distribution and registration of resources Supporting reverse DNS delegation Managing whois and IRR Resource Certification IPv6 deployment Internet infrastructure security

26 ITU/APNIC IPv6 workshop IPv6 in 2015 261 trainees in 7 economies Presented at 7 IPv6 industry events IPv6 workshop with ITU in TH and TAS in MN Supporting APIPv6TF Secretariat 261 trainees in 7 economies Presented at 7 IPv6 industry events IPv6 workshop with ITU in TH and TAS in MN Supporting APIPv6TF Secretariat APNIC/ITU IPv6 Workshop, Bangkok 26

27 Security Outreach Craig Ng Promoting security initiatives and best practices in the APNIC community Promoting security initiatives and best practices in the APNIC community 27 NOGs, CSIRTS and LEA events PK, CN, HK, KR, JP, PH SG, MY, ID, AU Collaboration with JICA and KISA to deliver regional CERT training Geoff Huston member of ICANN SSAC Adli Wahid member of FIRST Board NOGs, CSIRTS and LEA events PK, CN, HK, KR, JP, PH SG, MY, ID, AU Collaboration with JICA and KISA to deliver regional CERT training Geoff Huston member of ICANN SSAC Adli Wahid member of FIRST Board Adli Wahid

28 Over 3 million measurements per day Measuring IPv6, DNSSEC, DNS Single collection platform for all measurements HTML5 now allows measurements on mobile devices (replacing Flash) Measurement for ICANN’s Universal Acceptance work (IDNs gTLDs) 50+ research presentations to: IETF, RIRs, ICANN, DNS OARC, NOGs, OECD Over 3 million measurements per day Measuring IPv6, DNSSEC, DNS Single collection platform for all measurements HTML5 now allows measurements on mobile devices (replacing Flash) Measurement for ICANN’s Universal Acceptance work (IDNs gTLDs) 50+ research presentations to: IETF, RIRs, ICANN, DNS OARC, NOGs, OECD Research statistics and evidence to help the APNIC community make more informed technical decisions 28

29 ASN Visual Exploration: vizAS 29 Graphical display of BGP paths within a single economy Relationships between service and transit ASNs identified Public tool – Have a go!

30 30 Awards 2015 78 nominees from 12 AP economies India: I Change My City, Indonesia: Batik Fractal, Pakistan: doctHERs, Pakistan: Jaroka Tele-Healthcare, Grants 2015 4 projects in progress Pacific Islands: Peer strategy, NSRC/Telco2 Nepal: TV White spaces deployment, NepalWireless Bangladesh: Mobile and diagnostic devices, UniDhaka India: Carrier access in rural emergencies, InnovadorsLab Grants 2016 launched Looking for innovative approaches that use Internet technology Technical innovation: access provision, electricity supply, devices, IoT, IPv6, security, privacy Community Impact: Women & girls in IT, democracy enhancement, open data, applications for economic empowerment and poverty alleviation

31 Internet Operational Research Grants 31 New fund supporting the Internet research community in the Asia Pacific Research aiming to improve availability, reliability, and security of the Internet in the Asia Pacific Network measurement and analysis IPv6 deployment BGP Routing Network Security

32 APNIC Events APNIC 40 12 economies in 2015 PK, BD, LK, MM, KH, TH, MY, SG, PH, ID, SB, JP Attendance Conferences: 835 + 450 ARMs: 162 Member outreach: 133 12 economies in 2015 PK, BD, LK, MM, KH, TH, MY, SG, PH, ID, SB, JP Attendance Conferences: 835 + 450 ARMs: 162 Member outreach: 133 APRICOT 2015 32 ARM, Philippines APRICOT 2015

33 Happy Birthday APNIC Blog! (est August 2014) Stats to date (12 months) 415 blog posts 54 bloggers – including 24 guest bloggers 103,000+ views Av. 10,000 visitors per month in 2015 Happy Birthday APNIC Blog! (est August 2014) Stats to date (12 months) 415 blog posts 54 bloggers – including 24 guest bloggers 103,000+ views Av. 10,000 visitors per month in 2015 33

34 Collaborating Globally Serving Collaborating Supporting 34

35 Collaboration: 2015 Projects Status 35 ProjectsDeliverablesProgress APNIC funding development mechanism Concept note on the strategy and implementation of chosen development mechanism IANA Stewardship Transition Plan Successful participation in development of the Internet numbering community’s transition plan

36 Global Cooperation IPv6 advocacy Coordination with RIRs and Internet organizations Engaging with government agencies in training and skills development Supporting IANA Stewardship Transition Promoting the RIR model IPv6 advocacy Coordination with RIRs and Internet organizations Engaging with government agencies in training and skills development Supporting IANA Stewardship Transition Promoting the RIR model 36

37 IANA Stewardship Transition Progress 37 IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal Comments closed 31 Aug 2015 Comments closed 8 Sep 2015 Second draft SLA for Internet Numbers Community Proposal Second draft SLA for Internet Numbers Community Proposal NTIA announced on 17 August that IANA contract with ICANN extended to 30 Sep 2016

38 RIR Collaboration 38 RSM meeting, ARIN 35 George Michaelson RIR Stability Fund established RIR Transparency matrix available on NRO website APNIC Labs research collaboration with RIPE NCC and LACNIC Active NRO Coordination Group participation – engineering, registry, communications, finance, HR RIR staff visits to APNIC – LACNIC, AFRINIC, RIPE NCC IANA process mapping project RIR Stability Fund established RIR Transparency matrix available on NRO website APNIC Labs research collaboration with RIPE NCC and LACNIC Active NRO Coordination Group participation – engineering, registry, communications, finance, HR RIR staff visits to APNIC – LACNIC, AFRINIC, RIPE NCC IANA process mapping project

39 You’re Invited! APRICOT 2016, Auckland, New Zealand 15-26 February 2016 39

40 Thank you

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