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Foot and Mouth Disease from a Global Perspective Presented by Dean T. Franciskovich, Area Director of Marketing Projects Manager WWS - Technical Assistance.

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Presentation on theme: "Foot and Mouth Disease from a Global Perspective Presented by Dean T. Franciskovich, Area Director of Marketing Projects Manager WWS - Technical Assistance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Foot and Mouth Disease from a Global Perspective Presented by Dean T. Franciskovich, Area Director of Marketing Projects Manager WWS - Technical Assistance Group (WWS/TAG) World Wide Sires, Ltd., Visalia, CA World Agriculture Exposition Tulare Farm Equipment Show Tulare, California February 13, 2002, 2:00 P.M.

2 Presentation Summary zIntroductory Remarks zFMD in the Modern Era zThe Disease zFMD - The Global Picture zHistory of FMD in the United States zFMD in South America zThe U.S. Dairy Industry Speaks Out

3 Introductory Remarks zFMD: A Destructive Animal Disease zFebruary 20th: FMD 2001 zFMD: World at a Glance zUK FMD Free: FMD 2002 zBrussels Conference

4 FMD Confirmed in the U.K. Source: EUFMD

5 FMD in the UK Source: EUFMD

6 FMD 1996-2000 Source: UNFAO

7 FMD in the Modern Era Intensification of Agriculture Production and Economic Globalization zWorld Populations zIndustrialization of Production zIntensification of Agriculture zInternational Trade zGeopolitical Policy Implications

8 The Disease zTechnical Definition zCommonly Asked Questions zEradication and Control


10 FMD Virus Lifecycle Source: Russell Kightley Media

11 FMD Virus Capsid Structure Source: AVIS

12 Clinical Signs of Hoof and Mouth Source: DEFRA Two day old ruptured vesicle (blister) on tongue, lower gum and lower lip of a steer.

13 Clinical Signs of Hoof and Mouth Source: DEFRA Same animal as before with four day old lesions.

14 Clinical Signs of Hoof and Mouth Source: DEFRA Hoof Lesions Source: AVIS

15 FMD Virus Excretion Source: AVIS

16 FMD Management Scheme Source: AVIS

17 Airborne Inhalation Patterns Source: AVIS

18 FMD: The Global Picture zOutbreaks in 2000 zOutbreaks in 2001 zPandemic Strain Serotype O (FMDV-O)

19 FMD Outbreaks 2000 Source: AVIS


21 FMD Outbreaks 2001 Source: AVIS

22 FMDV-O Pan-Asia Strains Source: AVIS

23 History of FMD in North America zUnited States: 1870, 1880, 1884 zUnited States: 1902, 1908, 1914, 1924, 1929 zMexico: 1925, 1946, 1953 zCanada: 1952

24 History of FMD in North America Source: AVIS


26 FMD in South America zBrazil August 2000 yA Case Study

27 FMD Outbreak in Brazil Source: AVIS

28 FMD Free Zones in Brazil Source: AVIS

29 The U.S. Dairy Industry Speaks Out zPreparedness zCosts zThreats

30 References zUnited States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services (USDA-APHIS) zU.S. National Animal Health Emergency Management Systems (NAHEMS) zUnited States Animal Health Association (USAHA) zOffice International Des Epizooties (OIE) zUN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) zUK Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF) zUK MAFF Department for Environment, Food and Rural Agriculture (DEFRA) zEuropean Commission for the Control of Foot and Mouth Disease (EUFMD) zThe Advanced Veterinary Information System (AVIS)


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