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“Dilma Rousseff’s First Year in Office: Challenges & Positive Results” David Fleischer Political Science Inst. University of Brasília "Why Brazilians Like.

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Presentation on theme: "“Dilma Rousseff’s First Year in Office: Challenges & Positive Results” David Fleischer Political Science Inst. University of Brasília "Why Brazilians Like."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Dilma Rousseff’s First Year in Office: Challenges & Positive Results” David Fleischer Political Science Inst. University of Brasília "Why Brazilians Like Dilma Despite The Bad News?” Brazil Institute Woodrow Wilson Center Washington, DC January 11, 2012

2 Public Opinion Surveys: Dilma’s Approval Rating Improves Better than Previous Presidents  after their third month in office Dilma Rousseff201147% Lula200343% FH Cardoso199539% Itamar Franco199234% Fernando Collor199036%

3 Datafolha. D i l m a 2 0 1 1 L u l a 2 0 0 3. Gov’t. Evaluation Mar. June Aug. April June Sept. Good/Excellent 47% 49% 48% 43% 42% 45% Regular 34% 38% 39% 40% 43% 42% Bad/Terrible7% 10% 11% 10% 11% 10% DK/NR 12% 3% 2% 7% 4% 3%

4 CNI / Ibope D i l m a 2 0 1 1 L u l a 2 0 0 3. Evaluation of President Mar. July Sept. Dec. Mar. June Sept. Dec. Approve 73% 67% 71% 72% 75% 70% 69% 66% Disapprove 12% 25% 21% 21% 13% 18% 24% 25% DK/NR 14% 8% 8% 7% 12% 11% 8% 9% D i l m a 2 0 1 1 L u l a 2 0 0 3. Evaluation of Gov’t. Mar. July Sept. Dec. Mar. June Sept. Dec. Good/Excel. 56% 48% 51% 56% 51% 43% 43% 41% Regular 27% 36% 34% 32% 36% 38% 40% 43% Bad/Terrible 5% 12% 11% 9% 7% 11% 14% 14% DK/NR 11% 4% 4% 3% 6% 8% 4% 2%

5 Because Dilma Rousseff was elected on the “coattails” of Lula’s popularity in Oct. 2010,  80% approval rating Many thought her government would be “Lula’s third term” Only in part:  16 cabinet ministers were holdovers from Lula’s government

6 BUT Dilma “came into her own” up front  strong human rights positions - Domestic  “Truth Commission” - International  “Responsibility while Protecting” - Libya & Syria

7 Some of Dilma’s “torture colleagues” who were special guests at her inauguration reception at Itamaraty.

8 - Dilma did not “ignore” corruption accusations - Lula & Cardoso “looked the other way” - cabinet “housecleaning” - SIX ministers replaced - PMDB (3), PR, PCdoB & PDT - all were Lula holdovers - these parties did not leave the coalition

9 Strong majority in Congress - Lula campaigned to defeat PSDB & DEM senators in 2010 - Opposition weakened (new PSD in Oct. 2011) - can not convoke CPIs Some “strains” with PMDB coalition partner - austerity budget cuts - release of budget items & federal appointments In 2011, Dilma Gov’t. approved almost everything - Minimum Wage calculation - DRU - “Truth Commission” - Super Cade (anti-trust/pro-competition)

10 Some “defeats”: - forest code vote (modifications in 2012) - petroleum royalties (modifications in 2012) - New “health tax” - rejected

11 Chamber Senate Parties2010 20112010 2011 Governent358 402 49 64 PT 79 85 8 13 PMDB 90 78 17 18 PSD 00 47 00 2 PSB 27 29 2 4 PDT 23 27 6 5 PR 41 37 4 8 PP 40 39 1 5 PTB 21 20 7 6 PCdoB 12 13 1 2 Other 25 27 7 1 Opposition137 102 30 16 PSDB 59 51 16 10 DEM 56 27 13 5 PPS 15 11 0 0 Other 7 13 1 0 Other 17 8 2 1

12 The Economy : - GDP declines – 7.5%(2010)  2.9%(2011)? - IPCA inflation in 2011  6.50% (upper limit) - IPC-C1 was 5.98% - New job creation reduced - Consumer buying down slightly - IP was up +2.5% YoY in November/11 - Unemployment very low  5.2% in Nov/11 - Average salaries have increased - Strong demand for certain job skills - Selic rates down – 12.5%  11.0%

13 December 2011  January 2012 Cabinet Reform in January (or February):

14 - Ministers should “step down” to run for Mayor - Haddad (PT) Education  São Paulo - Mercadante (PT), S&T  Education(?) Maybe PSB  S&T - Bezerra (PSB) Integration  Recife - accusations: budget amendments, nepotism?  “friendly fire”?? ???  Integration - Iriny Lopes (PT) Women  Vitória - This Ministry might be “preserved”

15 - Other ministers might be “replaced”: - Labor, Paulo Roberto Pinto (PDT) interim - MTPS?? - Cities, Mário Negromonte (PP) - might be dismembered (??) - Culture, Ana Hollanda (PT) - Ag. Development, Afonso Florence (PT) - MDIC, Fernando Pimentel (PT) - accusations: “enrichment” as consultant  “friendly fire”??

16 -Might lose cabinet “status”: - Fishing (PT)  Agriculture - Ports (PSB)  Transportation - Sec. Women (PT)  Justice (probably not) - Human Rights (PT)  Justice - Social Equality (PT)  Justice - Strategic Affairs (PMDB)  Planning - Tourism (PMDB)  MDIC  Accommodate the PSD in Cabinet

17 What to watch for in 2012?

18 Municipal elections in October - PT “accommodation” with allied parties - task Lula might reassume in March - PMDB, compete “head-to-head” with PT in 14 of 26 state capital cities - in 2008, competed in only eight capitals - PSB, might expand its “coverage” in 2012 - PSDB, DEM & PPS – might decline -- 2012  2014(??) - expansion at municipal level means party elects more deputies in 2014 (& vice-versa)

19 Finalization of legislation: - Forestry Code - Petrol Law – distribution of royalties - Law “regulating” World Cup (2014) & Olympics (2016)

20 Foreign Affairs: - Dilma to visit Washington in March - Rio+20 in June - G-20 financial/economic debate  European “problem”  Reform of IMF & World Bank  “Currency Warfare” - UN decisions on Syria & Iran  Human Rights investigations  Iranian nuclear program  Increased sanctions possible(?)

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