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Diversifying university studies by creating a joint vision Ulrike Krawagna University of Graz / Austria Joint Degrees at the University of Graz.

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Presentation on theme: "Diversifying university studies by creating a joint vision Ulrike Krawagna University of Graz / Austria Joint Degrees at the University of Graz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diversifying university studies by creating a joint vision Ulrike Krawagna University of Graz / Austria Joint Degrees at the University of Graz

2 Joint Degrees at the University of Graz – Ulrike Krawagna 2 Presentation outline 1.Background of the project WHY and WHAT? 2.Good practise & bad experience 3.Organisation of the programmes Example 1: English and American Studies Example 2: Sustainable Development 4. Lessons learned

3 Joint Degrees at the University of Graz – Ulrike Krawagna 3 Why are we doing it? Introduction of interdisciplinary programs Internationalization @ Home Mobility of students and teachers (min. 30 out of 120 ECTS credits abroad) Joint Quality Assurance Strengthening the strategic areas South Eastern Europe and Bologna Process Positioning Graz University in the region Increasing employability of students

4 Joint Degrees at the University of Graz – Ulrike Krawagna 4 1. Background (1) Objectives: Development & Implementation of Joint Degrees Graz = co-ordinating university 20 international partners MA level / PhD level Project Start: October 2004 Admission of first students: September 2007 Funding: Local government Project Team Graz: 2 persons from IRO + student support

5 Joint Degrees at the University of Graz – Ulrike Krawagna 5 JD programmes co-ordinated by Graz

6 Joint Degrees at the University of Graz – Ulrike Krawagna 6 1. Background (3): Principles Each university takes on those tasks for which it is most competent and technologically advanced. Thus, it is ensures that all available resources are used as efficiently as possible The study programs are jointly developed and recognized by all partner institutions Students have to spend at least 30 ECTS credits at a partner institution Upon completion of the study program, students receive a degree which is jointly conferred and recognized by all partner institutions

7 Joint Degrees at the University of Graz – Ulrike Krawagna 7 2. Project Management: Phases and milestones Project management: Team (responsibilites, time schedule, flow of information) Analysis of environment in Graz Curriculum (academic) Implementation (legal steps) Cooperation contract (organisation) PR / information Mobility

8 Joint Degrees at the University of Graz – Ulrike Krawagna 8 2. Good Practice (1) Sufficient funding for planning phase Careful analysis of project environment Well researched choice of partners (priorities: network partners – Coimbra Group, Utrecht NW, DRC, Alps Adriatic RC etc.) Great interest in participation due to Higher Education policy

9 Joint Degrees at the University of Graz – Ulrike Krawagna 9 Lobbying on all levels at Graz University Administrative and academic staff involved Information package and folder Top level support (strategic project of rectorate) Joint Degrees included in university policy document (statutes) 2. Good Practice (2)

10 Joint Degrees at the University of Graz – Ulrike Krawagna 10 Decision-makers at partner institutions not always involved in development 2 partners decided to quit BA/MA reorganization not complete at all partner institutions Accreditation and Quality Assurance = virgin soil Legal differences, state laws 2.... and Bad Experience (1)

11 Joint Degrees at the University of Graz – Ulrike Krawagna 11 2. Bad Experience (2) Communication (language-wise and socially) (Financial) committment of all partners Dissemination of project information at partner universities Time Not much experience available – trial and error...lots of unanswered questions

12 Joint Degrees at the University of Graz – Ulrike Krawagna 12 Organisation of the programmes Example 1: English and American Studies Example 2: Sustainable Development -Coordination -Curriculum design / Length of programmes -Language -Tuition fees -Application/Selection/Admission -Mobility -Diploma -PR

13 Joint Degrees at the University of Graz – Ulrike Krawagna 13 Example 1: European Joint Master in English and American Studies Partners: University of Graz, Austria (co-ordinating University) University of Pécs, Hungary University Ca Foscari Venice, Italy University of Bamberg, Germany City College of the City University of New York, USA University of Paris 7 – Denis Diderot, France University of Roehampton, Great Britain

14 Joint Degrees at the University of Graz – Ulrike Krawagna 14 Example 1: JD English and American Studies Duration: 120 ECTS / min. 60 ECTS at home institution Obligatory Mobility: 30 ECTS / Summer school Language: English Coordinating institution: Uni Graz Tuition fees: charged by home university – waived for mobility semester Application/Admission: at home institution: about to change Selection Committee meeting Coordination: Administration / Academic advisors

15 Joint Degrees at the University of Graz – Ulrike Krawagna 15 Example 1: Structure of the programme Based on existing programmes

16 Joint Degrees at the University of Graz – Ulrike Krawagna 16 Example 1: Diploma Joint Degree (1 Diploma) Graz Venice Bamberg Pécs New York Paris Fully recognized Associated partner (Mobility partner) Roehampton Mobility semester fully recognized Issued by home institution Next step: diploma workshop

17 Joint Degrees at the University of Graz – Ulrike Krawagna 17 Example 2: Joint Master in Sustainable Development Partners: University of Graz, Austria (co-ordinating University) University of Utrecht, The Netherlands University Ca Foscari Venice, Italy University of Leipzig, Germany University of Basel, Switzerland University of Hiroshima, Japan

18 Joint Degrees at the University of Graz – Ulrike Krawagna 18 Example 2: Joint Master in Sustainable Development Duration: 120 ECTS Obligatory Mobility: 30 ECTS / Summer school Languages: * English: Tracks + Integration Module + Master Thesis * Local languages: Basics + Master Thesis Coordinating institution: Uni Graz Tuition fees: charged by home university – waived for mobility semester Application/Admission: at home institution Selection Committee meeting Coordination: Administration / Academic advisors

19 Joint Degrees at the University of Graz – Ulrike Krawagna 19 Example 2: Structure of the programme Based on existing programmes

20 Joint Degrees at the University of Graz – Ulrike Krawagna 20 Example 2: Diploma Joint Master in Sustainable Development Graz Venice Leipzig Utrecht Fully recognized Associated partners (Mobility partners) Hiroshima Basel Mobility semester fully recognized

21 Joint Degrees at the University of Graz – Ulrike Krawagna 21 PR Corporate Design Folder Poster Website (

22 Joint Degrees at the University of Graz – Ulrike Krawagna 22 3. Lessons learned 10 Golden Rules (EUA) Clear tasks for everyone involved Coordinators at all partner institutions need VERY clear understanding Agree on clear terminology and rules Ensure information dissemination Top down AND bottom up

23 Joint Degrees at the University of Graz – Ulrike Krawagna 23 Thanks for your attention! : Further information: Mag. Ulrike Krawagna Office of International Relations +43 316 380 1252

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