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 Alpine schools and central European schools ◦ Set a high education standard ◦ Close relations between industry and hotel schools ◦ Share knowledge of.

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Presentation on theme: " Alpine schools and central European schools ◦ Set a high education standard ◦ Close relations between industry and hotel schools ◦ Share knowledge of."— Presentation transcript:

1  Alpine schools and central European schools ◦ Set a high education standard ◦ Close relations between industry and hotel schools ◦ Share knowledge of needs in the industry and hospitality programmes ◦ Social relationships between directors and people from the industry (networking) ◦ Etc.

2  Things have not changed but …  EUHOFA is now a truly international association  Members from all over the world  Congresses all over the world  Academic programme has changed to more global issues

3 EUHOFA INTERNATIONAL EUHOFA INTERNATIONAL Networking Benefits Social aspects Future strategy

4  Efficient and easy way of meeting a lot of colleagues at a low cost if the alternative was to visit the same colleagues at various trips or seminars  Nursing your existing network and  You always have the possibility of meeting new colleagues and create new relations  Bringing new inspiration and ideas to your own school and programmes  Creating business

5  Agreements between schools nationally as well as internationally  Special agreements between schools  Support and help in order to give schools an international dimension  Exchange programmes  Exchange ideas to create curricula  Knowledge concerning different countries educational system and programmes

6  When there is friendship it is easier to approach colleagues to create business  Friendly environment create ideas  Having a great time opens your cultural awareness  Intercultural understanding and communication

7  More members ◦ Qualitative members  the best schools from every country in the world ◦ Associate members; Deans and other key figures from the schools as well as the hospitality industry  Exchange agreements for Deans and other key figures  Establishing associate as well as joint programmes  Establishing network that could expand business or schools in new areas  Business development  new portfolios

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