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Chapter 10 – Modal (Part 2)
Degrees of Certainty: Present Time
100% sure: If we are sure that sth is true in the present, we don’t need to use a modal. He is sick. 95% sure: strong degree of certainty/ logical conclusion He must be sick. 50% or less: Express weak degree of certainty. Meanings same He may be sick. He might be sick. He could be sick. *maybe = adverb
Ex. 2, p. 182 2. must have the wrong number. 3. may/might/could be at a meeting. 4. may/might/could fit Jimmy. 5. must miss them very much.
Ex. 5, p. 182 50% sure 95% sure 99% sure 100% sure
Degrees of Certainty: Present Time – Negative
100% sure: If we are sure that sth is true in the present, we don’t need to use a modal. He isn’t hungry. 2. 99% sure: Speaker believes it’s impossible Sam couldn’t be hungry. Sam can’t be hungry. 3. 95% sure: logical conclusion –“ best guess” Sam must not be hungry. Sam didn’t eat dinner with us. That’s the only reason I can guess. 4. 50% or less: possibility Sam may not be hungry. He might not be hungry.
Ex. 6, p. 183 Rob Linda and Hamid Lucy
Ex. 7, p. 183 be home. be thirsty. like nuts. have many friends.
Ex. 9, p. 184 may be can’t be couldn’t be don’t run could be must be
I’ll go might be ‘s
Ex. 11, p. 185 might have left couldn’t have left must have left
Degrees of Certainty: Past Time
100% sure: If we are sure that sth is true in the past, we don’t need to use a modal. She was sick. 95% sure: strong degree of certainty/ logical conclusion She must have been sick. 50% or less: Express weak degree of certainty. Same meaning: She may have been sick. She might have been sick. She could have been sick.
Degrees of Certainty: Past Time (Negative)
100% sure: If we are sure that sth is true in the past, we don’t need to use a modal. He wasn’t hungry. 99% sure: Speaker believes it’s impossible Sam couldn’t have been hungry. Sam can’t have been hungry. 95% sure: logical conclusion Sam must not have been hungry. Sam didn’t eat dinner with us. Only reason I can think of. 50% or less: mentioning a possibility Sam may not have been hungry. He might not have been hungry.
Exercise 12 p. 186 2. couldn't have been (negative past 99%)
3. must have been (affirmative past - 95%) 4.must not have gotten (negative past - 95%) 5. may/might/ could have gotten (affirmative - 50%)
Exercise 13 2. It may have been David. 3. It must have been Dylan. 4. It couldn’t have been Dick. 5. It must not have been Doug.
Exercise 16 p. 188 2. must not like (pres) 3. must have been (past)
4. must be (pres) 5. must not speak (pres) 6. must be (pres) 7. must have hurt (past) 8. must mean (pres) 9. must have been (past)
Exercise 17 50% 100% 90%
Homework – Past Modal Quiz
should have stayed are supposed to have could have gone must have gone was supposed to call may have forgotten could have phoned could not have come - (past neg 99% impossible) p.186 should not have gone had to take (past necessity p. 164) It may have been couldn’t have seen
Degrees of Certainty: Future Time
100% sure: speaker feels sure. He will do well on the test. 2. 90% sure: speaker is almost sure He should do well on the test. He ought to do well on the test. 3. 50% or less: speaker is guessing He may do well on the test. He might do well on the test. He could do well on the test.
Exercise 18, p. 189 Ned Marco Linda
Exercise 19 3. must be should have 4. may/should/could/ must have
might/will 5. should will must will/should/ought to should/will
Progressive Forms of Modals
Present Time: modal + be + verb +ing Means ~ in progress right now. Tom may be sleeping…. 2. Past time: modal + have been verb + ing Means ~ in progress at a time in the past Tom may have been sleeping…
Exercise 24 3. must be burning (certain bc smell smoke)
4. may be talking .... may be talking 5. must be playing 6. may be staying.... might be staying 7. should be studying 8. must be joking 9. could have been joking 10. must have been joking
Modal Review: Must - 95% certainty Should- 90% expectation
May/might/could – 50% or less certainty
Ex. 29 p. 197 2. B 3. A C B A
Ex. 35, p. 200-201 2. would give used to be used to be … would start
would take used to live.. would go… would wake… would hike… would see used to be … would get … would spend…would find… would gather
Can and Could Can – expresses Physical ability - Past form could
I can run 5 miles. I could run 5 miles three years ago. 5 Senses I can see your car. Acquired skilled (knows how…) Maria can play the piano. Possibility You can buy stamps at the post office. Permission in informal situations (may – formal) You can/may leave after you finish your test.
Would/Used to – Past Repeated Actions
Would: an action that was repeated regularly in the past. (Same meaning as used to – habitual past) When I was a child, my father would read me a story at night. When I was a child, my father used to read me a story at night. 2. Used to: a situation that existed in the past. Would is used only for regularly repeated actions in the past. In this case would may not be used. I used to live in California. They used to drive a Ford.
Would you rather…? Would you rather find true love OR 10 million dollars? Would you rather be rich and ugly, OR poor and good looking? Would you rather love and not be loved back, OR be loved but never love? Would you rather be with someone who is smart but ugly, OR someone who is attractive, but not smart? Would you rather be king/or queen of the universe for one year OR get what you want for one year? Would you rather go to your GW class OR SL class?
Expressing Preferences – Would Rather
Would rather – expresses preferences I would rather go to a movie tonight than study grammar. I would rather study history than (study) biology. 2. Negative Form: Would rather not How old are you? I’d rather not say. 3. Past Form: would rather have + past participle I would rather have gone to the concert last night. 4. Progressive form: would rather be + verb+ing I would rather be lying on a beach in Hawaii than (be) sitting in class right now.
Ex. 37, p. 202 I would rather stay home tonight.
Yes, but I would rather have stayed home. (past) I’m studying grammar, but I would rather be watching TV at home. (progressive) I would rather play soccer than basketball. Not me. I would rather play basketball than soccer. I would rather take a trip with my friends than my girlfriend. Not me. I would rather take a trip with my girlfriend than my friends. I would rather defend than fight. Not me. I would rather fight than defend.
Modals & Phrasal Modals
modals - only one modal (one word) I will can go. modals + phrasal modal I will be able to I will have to Phrasal modal + phrasal modal Tom isn’t going to be able to help you.
Exercise 40 1. will you be able to get 2. are going to have to take
3. am not going to be able to attend
Ex. 41, p. 203 2. have to be able to 3. must not have been able 4. would rather not have to 5. should not have to
Quiz 13 Chapter 9 Review 1. May I borrow your grammar book? 2. Could you please turn the AC off? 3. He doesn't have to work for a living. 4.I should have studied for the quiz, but I didn't. 5. Why don't you call me tomorrow? 6. Olivia and Robert should get married. OR Olivia and Robert should have gotten married. 7. If you lose your credit card, you should cancel the card immediately. 8. John must go to bed at 8:30 tonight. 9. When Mark is sick, he should stay home. OR When Mark was sick, he should have stayed home. 10. Let's go to the grocery store. I need some milk.
Quiz 11 Chapter 9 & 10 Review 1. Alice must have forgotten...
2. Children have to go to bed... 3. The meeting with our attorney is supposed to start at 9:30... 4. Dan had better not use bad language around his parents. 5. I might be able to meet you... 6. Jason should have spent less money... 7. Maxine would rather drink coffee... 8. May I borrow... 9 Students may leave... 10. That couldn't be true... 11. Charles must be at work... 12. My uncle Willy will not be able to come for ... 13. Emily, can you lend me...? will you lend me...? 14. We may/might/could get together ... 15. When I was growing up, we could ride...
Modals – Review Chapter 9 Test
1. if I opened the window 2. you help me wash the dishes 3. taking me to the airport 4. I go to a movie tonight 5. you vacuum the carpet B. 1. had to 2. do (we ) have to 3. must not 4. have to 5. don't have to
Modals – Review Chapter 9 Test
1. should (not) have 2. could 3. should have stayed ( past - advice) 4. could have 5. should D. 1. must, could, should 2. don't have to, Why don't , have to , could, have to, had better, should have E. 1. Silivia must send out... 2. In the U.S., children are supposed to go to.. 3. Could you please....? 4. Tony shouldn't have come to... 5. Would you mind calling me...? Modals – Review Chapter 9 Test
Chapter 10 Test 1. could/may/might be 2. must be/ must have been
3. can/could change, could/ may/might be 4. could/may/might need 5. should finish B. 1. a. Linda b. Liz c. Sam 2. Mr. French b. Mrs. White c. Ms. Adams
Chapter 10 Test C. 5. could, can 1. should be leaving
2. could/may/might be raining E. 3. must/could/may/ might be leaking 1. would call 2. would rather be eating 4. should be cleaning 3. would give 5. could/may/might be meeting 4. would play 5. would rather live D. 1. couldn't 2. can 3. can 4. can't
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