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How do you outline an informational text?. In this lesson you will learn how to outline an informational text by grouping facts into chapters.

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Presentation on theme: "How do you outline an informational text?. In this lesson you will learn how to outline an informational text by grouping facts into chapters."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do you outline an informational text?

2 In this lesson you will learn how to outline an informational text by grouping facts into chapters.

3 Let’s Review An informational text gives facts about a non-fiction topic. Powhatan/Settler Relations Table of Contents : Land Disputes Working Together During the Cold Months Pocahontas’ Role for Peace Powhatan/Settler Relations Table of Contents : Land Disputes Working Together During the Cold Months Pocahontas’ Role for Peace

4 Let’s Review Writing Process 1 Write Drafts Write Drafts Revise and Edit Revise and Edit Generate Ideas Generate Ideas 23

5 Let’s Review A Common Mistake Copying directly from the text without paraphrasing. How can I put it in my own words? How can I put it in my own words?

6 Let’s Review Core Lesson Write the table of contents’ chapter titles at the top of each page. 1 2 Add bullet points of all facts and information related to the chapter title.

7 Let’s Review Core Lesson Write the table of contents’ chapter titles at the top of each page. 1 Land Disputes Pocahontas’ Role for Peace Working Together During the Cold Months

8 Let’s Review Core Lesson 2 Add bullet points of all facts and information related to the chapter title. Land Disputes Claimed the peninsula for their own Found the spot they settled marshy and bad for crops Wanted to move, but Powhatans got angry since it was their land Settlers at Jamestown The Jamestown settlers expected to find Native Americans settled on the peninsula; however (none) were found…the area they had chosen as their new homes was a very difficult place to live…marshy land made it hard to plant crops. The Powhatans Indians did, however, live close to the Jamestown peninsula. But a tense relationship between (them) developed, making the settlement an even more difficult place to live.

9 Let’s Review Core Lesson 2 Add bullet points of all facts and information related to the chapter title. Working Together During the Cold Months Could have held a grudge about the land and let them starve Sent food Traded goods, services, and knowledge Working Together During the Cold Months Could have held a grudge about the land and let them starve Sent food Traded goods, services, and knowledge Settlers at Jamestown They could have easily attacked the English, taking advantage of them while they were starving and vulnerable, but they sent food instead...Although the English and Native Americans still did not have completely peaceful relations, they both decided to help one another. They traded goods, services and knowledge.

10 Let’s Review Core Lesson Write the table of contents’ chapter titles at the top of each page. 1 2 Add bullet points of all facts and information related to the chapter title.

11 In this lesson you have learned how to outline an informational text by grouping facts into chapters.

12 Let’s Review Guided Practice Using your own resources, add bullet-point notes to the pages of your table of contents’ titles.

13 Let’s Review Extension Activities Practice good note-taking. Think of a topic you know a lot about and fill a page with notes remembering to: Write short phrases Use lots of vocabulary words Include interesting examples

14 Let’s Review Extension Activities Find a group of students and take turns reading bullet points for each table of contents’ topic. See if they can guess which topic your notes are for. If not, work together to create specific notes.

15 Let’s Review Quick Quiz Using your own resources, add bullet-point notes to the pages of your table of contents’ titles.

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