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Remedy – Customer Portal Fiona Gregory McKesson CRM 1.

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1 Remedy – Customer Portal Fiona Gregory McKesson CRM 1

2 Local Triage  Remedy is the system via which Trusts are able to raise Service Requests (SR’s) to McKesson  Any queries regarding the ESR service should be routed to the designated Remedy contact before an SR is raised  The designated Remedy contacts must triage all requests to reasonably assess that the request is not:  Previously covered in a User, Alert or Release notice  Related to any other communication from the NHS Central Team  The subject of a training course, captivate session or ‘How To’ Guide  Already raised by your Employing Authority

3 Knowledge Available In addition local knowledge should be utilised by referring to closed SR’s, local or regional peer groups and using the reference guides published on the following sites:  McKesson Information Point (MIP)  A customer facing portal which contains valuable information on the ESR service  Knowledge Base (Kbase)  The NHS Knowledge Management System maintained and delivered by the NHS Central Team  ESR User Manual  Available via the MIP or Kbase

4 Knowledge Available Once this knowledge has been exhausted, should the Remedy contact remain unable to resolve the incident, an SR should be logged The Remedy portal can be accessed as follows:  Via the McKesson Information Point  Using the following link:

5 How to raise a new Service Request (SR)

6 New SR To initiate a new SR click the ‘New SR’ link

7 New SR – Client Name If you have responsibility for more than one Employing Authority the ‘Client Name’ dropdown list will allow you to select the Employing Authority for which the incident relates

8 New SR – Product/Service Make a selection from the ‘Product/Service’ dropdown menu that best reflects the nature of the incident

9 New SR – Product/Service Once the required Product/Service has been selected a note will automatically appear The note advises that the ‘Application Information’ tab also needs completing in order for us to replicate the incident being reported. Click ‘OK’

10 New SR – Application Information Once the note has been acknowledged the ‘Application Information’ tab will appear

11 New SR – Client Reference The ‘Client Reference’ is a free text optional field that can be used to record an internal reference if required

12 New SR – Business Impact The ‘Business Impact’ is assigned at the sole discretion of the Employing Authority raising the SR.

13 Business Impact BUSINESS IMPACTDEFINITION 1 - CriticalIncident causes critical business impact in the opinion of the Authority, i.e. Problem significantly adversely affects ability to carry out business critical functions 2 - HighIncident causes high business impact in the opinion of the Authority, i.e. problem results in partial loss of services or functionality with critical business impact 3 - Loss of Service to Single user Incident results in loss of services to a single authorised user 4 - StandardIncident results in partial loss of services for which an acceptable and jointly agreed workaround exists, or minor or cosmetic faults exist which do not affect the ability of the service to fulfil its function

14 New SR - Details The ‘Details’ field should contain a full explanation of the incident including examples

15 New SR - Details The following conventions should be adhered to in order to ensure a more timely resolution:  Explanatory text –  Ensure that this details the incident fully and include examples of where the error is occurring  Nature of the Problem –  Include Process IDs or Assignment numbers but no other employee information. (Place the information in an Attachment)  Appropriate Contact –  If the person raising the SR is unsure of the incident details please indicate who would be the best person to discuss and state contact details in the SR text

16 New SR - Attachments ‘Attachments’ can be added to an SR. Screenshots can prove very useful in assisting with the resolution of an incident

17 New SR - Attachments  To improve the security of attachments within Remedy and maintain an auditable log, all attachments will be attached directly to the SR within Remedy and not transmitted via email  Any forms that you may be requested to complete should be completed and saved locally and then attached to the SR accordingly  Any personally identifiable; sensitive or confidential data relating to the SR must be included as an attachment  Adding large files will have a detrimental effect on the Remedy portal – any files in excess of 5 megabytes will not be accepted so please zip a file where necessary

18 New SR – Application Information The ‘Application Information’ tab is used to help the Support team replicate the incident being reported

19 New SR - Submit Once all of the required information has been entered, including any attachments, click ‘Submit’

20 How to view and progress existing Service Requests (SR’s)

21 Existing SR’s Remember: open SR’s are displayed by default The following fields also allow you to filter the view

22 Existing SR’s Here the view has been filtered by ‘My Client Group’ Remember if you have responsibility for a number of different clients/VPD’s the ‘Client Group’ view will allow you to see all SR’s raised in respect of all of the Clients

23 Existing SR’s A unique number associated with the incident raised E = SR escalated K = KPI code The date the SR was last updated The Business Impact under which the call was logged A short summary of the nature of the incident The current status of the call The VPD of the Employing Authority for which the incident relates to The product and service description of the SR The date on which the call was logged

24 Existing SR’s To view the current progress of an SR highlight the relevant SR from the list and click on the ‘View’ button

25 Existing SR’s – Activities Tab The SR will automatically open on the ‘Activities’ tab

26 Existing SR’s – AttachmentsTab Here you can view any attachments relating to the SR

27 Existing SR’s – Workaround Tab If a workaround is deemed appropriate it will be displayed here. Here you will also see any details of a resolution plan that should denote the solution, the test plan and the timescale for promotion to Production

28 Existing SR’s – Solution Tab If a solution has been provided it will be displayed here along with a Target Release date into the Production environment

29 Existing SR’s There are also several buttons available at the bottom of the form that can be used to progress an SR

30 Existing SR’s  Request Update –  This will automatically e-mail the Support Team advising them of your request. The Support Team will make every effort to respond to your request for update within two working days of when the request is received  Escalate Request –  If you’re not happy with the resolution given or speed of response you can escalate an SR. Any escalations require a justification. This Support Team will be notified and will make every effort to respond to your request for update within one working day of when the request is received  Resolve Issue –  If you are satisfied that the fix provided or advice given resolves the incident this button can be used to flag the SR as resolved. The Support Team will receive notification and close the call NOTE: Once an SR has been closed it cannot be reopened. A new SR must be logged, referencing the closed SR if further assistance is required

31 Request for Information Any further information requested by the Support team should be entered in the ‘Additional Details’ field. You should then put a tick in the ‘Mark as Response’ checkbox and save the SR

32 Monitoring Calls  It is important that designated Remedy contacts review the status of SR’s raised and take appropriate action to progress the calls through to resolution. An SR will progress through various different status values throughout its life cycle: CR – Customer Response  The Support Team require further information in order to progress the call  If a response has not been received after 30 consecutive days the call will be closed CC – Customer Closure  The Support Team believe that enough information, or a fix, has been provided that resolves the incident  If a response has not been received after 60 consecutive days the call will be closed CT – Customer Test  When a fix has been provided to resolve a issue this should be tested and the SR closed  If a response has not been received after 60 consecutive days the call will be closed

33 S-2350 ESR User Guide for Designated Remedy Contacts and Webex on MIP Supporting Material

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