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Advances in Robust Engineering Design Henry Wynn and Ron Bates Department of Statistics Workshop at Matforsk, Ås, Norway 13 th -14 th May 2004 Design of.

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Presentation on theme: "Advances in Robust Engineering Design Henry Wynn and Ron Bates Department of Statistics Workshop at Matforsk, Ås, Norway 13 th -14 th May 2004 Design of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advances in Robust Engineering Design Henry Wynn and Ron Bates Department of Statistics Workshop at Matforsk, Ås, Norway 13 th -14 th May 2004 Design of Experiments – Benefits to Industry

2 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE2 Background 2 EU-Funded Projects: –(CE) 2 : Computer Experiments for Concurrent Engineering (1997-2000) –TITOSIM: Time to Market via Statistical Information Management (2001-2004)

3 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE3 What is Robustness? Many different definitions Many different areas –Biological –Systems theory –Software design –Engineering design, Reliability …. Quick Google web search : 176,000 entries 16 different definitions on one website!

4 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE4 Working definitions (Santa Fe Inst.) 1. Robustness is the persistence of specified system features in the face of a specified assembly of insults. 2. Robustness is the ability of a system to maintain function even with changes in internal structure or external environment. 3. Robustness is the ability of a system with a fixed structure to perform multiple functional tasks as needed in a changing environment. 4. Robustness is the degree to which a system or component can function correctly in the presence of invalid or conflicting inputs. 5. A model is robust if it is true under assumptions different from those used in construction of the model. 6. Robustness is the degree to which a system is insensitive to effects that are not considered in the design. 7. Robustness signifies insensitivity against small deviations in the assumptions. 8. Robust methods of estimation are methods that work well not only under ideal conditions, but also under conditions representing a departure from an assumed distribution or model. 9. Robust statistical procedures are designed to reduce the sensitivity of the parameter estimates to failures in the assumption of the model.

5 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE5 Continued… 10. Robustness is the ability of software to react appropriately to abnormal circumstances. Software may be correct without being robust. 11. Robustness of an analytical procedure is a measure of its ability to remain unaffected by small, but deliberate variations in method parameters, and provides an indication of its reliability during normal usage. 12. Robustness is a design principle of natural, engineering, or social systems that have been designed or selected for stability. 13. The robustness of an initial step is determined by the fraction of acceptable options with which it is compatible out of total number of options. 14. A robust solution in an optimization problem is one that has the best performance under its worst case (max-min rule). 15. "..instead of a nominal system, we study a family of systems and we say that a certain property (e.g., performance or stability) is robustly satisfied if it is satisfied for all members of the family." 16. Robustness is a characteristic of systems with the ability to heal, self-repair, self-regulate, self-assemble, and/or self-replicate. 17. The robustness of language (recognition, parsing, etc.) is a measure of the ability of human speakers to communicate despite incomplete information, ambiguity, and the constant element of surprise.

6 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE6 Engineering design paradigms Example: Clifton Suspension Bridge Creative input vs. mathematical search Conceptual DesignCreative solutions, e.g. arch, girder, truss or suspension bridge. RedesignDesign improvement/optimisation e.g. arrangement of structural elements. Routine DesignMinor modification e.g. geometry values for different sizes of structural elements

7 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE7 A Framework for Redesign Define the “Design Space”, Write where, Parameterisation is important

8 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE8 Robustness in Engineering Design Based around the notion of “Design Space” and “Performance Space”

9 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE9 Adding Noise No noise Internal noise External noise

10 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE10 Propagation of variation Monte Carlo –Flexible –Expensive Analytic –Need to know function –Mathematically more complex –(Usually) restricted to univariate distributions

11 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE11 Dual Response Methods Estimate both mean  and variance  2 of a response or key performance indicator (KPI) This leads to either: 1.Multi-Objective problem e.g. min( ,  2 ) 2.Constrained optimisation e.g. min(  2 ) subject to: t 1 <  < t 2

12 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE12 Stochastic Responses Output distribution type is unknown Possibilities: –Estimate Mean & Variance (Dual Response) –Select another criteria e.g. % mass ABC Density Response 85 %5%0%10%

13 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE13 Stochastic Simulation (Monte Carlo)

14 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE14 Piston Simulator Example

15 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE15 Noise added to design factors New bounds for search space

16 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE16 Experiment details All 7 design factors are subject to noise Minimize both mean and standard deviation of cycle time response Perform 50 simulations in a sub-region of the design space: For each simulation, compute mean and std of cycle time with 50 simulations

17 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE17 Visualisation of search strategy

18 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE18 Searching for an improved design

19 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE19 Features of Stochastic Simulation Large number of runs required (17500) No errors introduced by modelling Design improvement, but not optimisation. Can accept any type of input noise (e.g. any distribution, multivariate) Can be applied to highly nonlinear problems

20 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE20 Statistical Modelling: Emulation 1)Perform computer experiment on simulator and replace with emulator…

21 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE21 Experimentation using the Emulator 2)Perform a 2 nd experiment on emulator and estimate output distribution using Monte Carlo

22 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE22 Stochastic Emulation 3)Build 2 nd stochastic emulator to estimate stochastic response…

23 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE23 Piston Simulator Example Initial experiment, 64-run LHS design DACE Emulator of Cycle Time fitted

24 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE24 Stochastic Emulators (  and  )

25 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE25 Pareto-optimal design points

26 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE26 Satellite simulation data Historical data set 999 simulation runs Two responses: LOS and T Data split into two sets of 96 and 903 points for modelling and prediction Stochastic emulators built with reasonable accuracy

27 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE27 Response “LOS” vs. Factor 6

28 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE28 DACE emulator models

29 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE29 DACE Emulator Prediction

30 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE30 Satellite Study: Pareto Front

31 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE31 Conclusions Need flexible methods to describe robustness in design Simulations are expensive and therefore experiments need to be carefully designed Stochastic Simulation can provide design improvement which may be useful in certain situations

32 13-14 May 2004Wynn & Bates, Dept. of Statistics, LSE32 (more specific) Conclusions… Two-level emulator approach provides a flexible way of achieving robust designs Reduced number of simulations Stochastic emulators used to estimate any feature of a response distribution Method needs to be tested on more complex examples Use of simulator gradient information may help when fitting emulators

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