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May 8, 2008. March 2008 USAS Release Highlights  Fund 588 reinstated  ACCLOAD and APPROP Load Changes: ◦ New accounts listed on projection report ◦

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Presentation on theme: "May 8, 2008. March 2008 USAS Release Highlights  Fund 588 reinstated  ACCLOAD and APPROP Load Changes: ◦ New accounts listed on projection report ◦"— Presentation transcript:

1 May 8, 2008

2 March 2008 USAS Release Highlights

3  Fund 588 reinstated  ACCLOAD and APPROP Load Changes: ◦ New accounts listed on projection report ◦ APPROP now loads description field  For New Accounts Only ◦ ACCLOAD now loads XREF code  Will Add or Update XREF codes as needed

4  USASWeb/Vendor query ◦ Now searches both vendor name fields  When wildcard search done  2 nd name visible from query results via “hover”  VALACT – Added validation on fund type ◦ Invalid fund type; or No fund type for 007  Warning if all $0 amounts ◦ EMIS fund cat. also changed to warning if all $0

5  4502 – Updated prompts in option 13 ◦ Report titles not updated for fund type changes  AUTOPOST/FUTPO – Prompt not validated ◦ “Automatically Post All Files for Current Period” ◦ No error and nothing posted  FINDET – Fixed missing outstanding po item

6  FNDREVEX – Wrong Beginning Fund Balance ◦ $202,020,202.02 (not initialized correctly)  USAEMS – Fixed Fund Category Validation ◦ Was generating errors on accounts with no activity ◦ No error needed - these accounts excluded

7  REQSCN/POSCN – Fixed vendor validation ◦ Inactive vendors were warning only ◦ Changed to error – posting not allowed  USASWeb/Invoices – Fixed invoice # validation ◦ Same invoice # allowed twice for same po #


9 USASWEB V2.3 Release Highlights

10  Alphabetized “Quick Find” drop down box  Focus control ◦ Validate to Post ◦ No Double posting

11  New option on Menu ◦ Configuration  Query ◦ Indicate which fields work with wildcards ◦ Amount results sortable ◦ “Posted by” changed to “Posted by Username”

12  About page updated  Requisition signature line  Refund/Receipt ◦ Total in header section  Vendor Query ◦ Fewer search fields – not as long as screen

13 Expanded Collapsed

14  Fill/Clear/Cancel buttons- top and bottom of items  Account code displayed  PO field next to new

15  Added QTY field when invoicing  Added new field in header ◦ PO Remaining Encumbrance  Payment Due date reset



18  Replacement for OPTSCN ◦ Requisition and Purchase Order options  Show your own preferences ◦ modify and delete ◦ Read-Only and Req-Only users will not have delete option/only have Requisition Options  Group Managers/System Managers ◦ Add new users ◦ Query users ◦ Modify users

19 * Read-only, Req-only, and Standard USAS access users will not see this option

20 * Read-only, Req-Only, and Standard USAS access users will only have the modify option


22 * Read-Only, Req-Only, and Standard USAS access users will not see this option

23  Implementation of split items ◦ Two ways of splitting items 1.Splitting the Quantity  Price must be the same for each item 2.Splitting the Price Quantity field must be 1











34  Refer to handout


36 36 Option 1 - Cash Reconciliation  Enter all Bank and ending balances  Enter any deposits in transit  Enter outstanding checks  Enter any adjusting entries  List investments ◦ Bonds & notes ◦ CD’s ◦ Securities ◦ Other investments  List cash on hand (ex: petty cash)  Output file = 4502CR.TXT

37 37  Figures entered must balance with the Current Fund Balance as reported on the FINSUMM ◦ Not in balance if the following is displayed when exiting option 1 ◦ Calculate option will not run if not in balance  Will state: “User must process Cash Reconciliation data before Calculating” Option 1 - Cash Reconciliation Total entered in option 1 Total on the account file

38 Option 2 - Bonds Statement J / 4502BO.TXT Enter amount due at the beginning of the fiscal year Enter total redeemed Suggested source = board minutes 38

39 39 Option 3 – Short Term Notes Statement K / 4502SN.TXT  Enter amount being paid by the district during the fiscal year being reported  Used for GAAP statements

40 40 Option 4 – Long Term Notes Statement L / 4502LN.TXT  Enter the amount to be re-paid by the district outside the fiscal year being reported

41 41 Option 5 – Debt Service Requirement Statement M / 4502RM.TXT  Add all bonds, notes, and state loans together to enter one dollar amount per year ◦ Fiscal year  (starting with next fiscal year) ◦ Total principal ◦ Total interest  Source documents ◦ Statement M from the previous fiscal year ◦ Board minutes for new issues

42 42 Option 6 – Memorandum Data Statement N / 4502MD.TXT  Enter Tax Valuation Assessed/Tax Receipts/Other  Enter Tax Rates

43 43 Option 6 – Memorandum Data Part 1  Real Property Assessed  As of 6/30 of year prior to reporting year  Personal Property Assessed  As of 6/30 of reporting year  Source Documents Tax Duplicate Rate History from your County Auditor Tax Receipts are from the settlement sheets received from the County Auditor ADM,#Employees-for St. S

44 44 Memorandum Data – Part 2  Assessed = Millage rate assessed against taxable table  Adjusted=Tax rate adjusted for Tax Reduction Factors and Homestead/Rollback ◦ R/A=Residential/Agricultural ◦ C/I=Commercial/Industrial  Source is the county auditor

45 45 Option 7 – Summary Federal Assistance Programs 4502FS.TXT  Federal Assistance Summary  Asks the following information:  Source Document – FINSUMM for federal funds only, plus any other federal assistance received

46 46 Option 8 – Detail Federal Assistance Programs 4502FD.TXT  Contains an initialization option ◦ Deletes prior year information for 5xx funds ◦ Creates new records based on current year figures found on the account file for 5xx funds ◦ CFDA # for each record created will need to be entered ◦ Records for any funds other than 5xx will also need to be manually entered or updated

47 47 Option 8 – Detail Federal Assistance Programs  Suggested Source Documents ◦ ODE Web site summary report of amount of Federal Contributions received from ODE ◦ CFDA #’s are listed on the printout from the ODE website and are in AOS USAS Manual

48 48 Option 9 – Civil Proceedings Statement R / 4502CP.TXT  Enter data for any law suits that are pending against the district

49 49 Option 10 - Calculate  Uses the following to accumulate and calculate totals for the statements and schedules: ◦ All data entered in options 1-9 ◦ FTD estimated and actual expenditures and receipts ◦ Cash Balances ◦ Encumbrances  Builds sequential file 4502.SEQ  Warnings and errors may be generated ◦ Warnings can be ignored, errors must be corrected and option 10 re-run

50 50 4502 Report Options  Option 11…generates unrounded version of the reports ◦ Generated from the 4502.SEQ file  4502.TXT  4502SC.TXT  Summary Combining Statements for Ex 2&3  2 Copies Recommended

51 51 4502 Report Options  Option 12…optional reports ◦ Budget vs. Actual worksheets  Should be printed if on GAAP ◦ Summaries of Exhibits 4 and 5  Requested by auditors ◦ 4502SR.TXT

52 4502 Report Options  Option 13… provides the ability to individually print selected exhibits and statements from the full report 52

53 4502 Report Options  Option 15…generates rounded version of the report ◦ Generated from the 4502.SEQ file  4502TAP.TXT  4502TSC.TXT  Summary combining statements for Ex 2&3  2 Copies Recommended

54 54 4502/Financial Data Reporting  4502 data is then reported to ODE via EMIS reporting ◦ Reporting period H  Data types consist of:  Cash, Budget, and Revenue accounts  Operational Unit Codes as set up in OPUEDT  Data entered in 4502 option 1 - 9 ◦ July 30 th deadline

55 55 USAEMS ◦ Extracts data from various USAS files and puts it into EMIS file layouts  Extracted from the account, OPU, and 4502 data files  Accounts extracted based on “Include SM1/SM2” flag in CASHSCN  Will check that all necessary funds are coded with a valid EMIS Fund Category  Stored on USAEMS.SEQ file  Fiscal agents for ITC’s need to run again and enter just funds for ITC

56 USAEMS 56

57 57 USAS data is extracted via USAEMS (USAEMS.SEQ) USAEMS.SEQ loaded into EMIS via EMSRX Data validated via EMSVLD or EMSRDET Data Submitted to ODE via EMSRDET EMIS data can be edited if necessary via EMSFCN 4502/Financial Data Processing Overview

58 END

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