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" Brain activities during Go/No-Go Association Task " Kouichi Hioki 1, Katsunori Matsuoka 2, Hiroshi Watanabe 2, Hiroyuki Umemura 2 1 Kobe University Graduate.

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Presentation on theme: "" Brain activities during Go/No-Go Association Task " Kouichi Hioki 1, Katsunori Matsuoka 2, Hiroshi Watanabe 2, Hiroyuki Umemura 2 1 Kobe University Graduate."— Presentation transcript:

1 " Brain activities during Go/No-Go Association Task " Kouichi Hioki 1, Katsunori Matsuoka 2, Hiroshi Watanabe 2, Hiroyuki Umemura 2 1 Kobe University Graduate school of letters, Kobe, Japan. 2 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Human Stress Signal Research Center, Japan.

2 Plan of presentation  What is Go/No-Go Association Task(GNAT)  Our Opinion  Neurophysiological knowledge  Method and result  Conclusion

3 What is Go/No-Go Association Task (Dilemma of social psychology)  Although discrimination still exists, White Americans tend to answer that they don’t have prejudice to African Americans(Wittenbrink, Judd, Park., 1997.). ↓  Some distortion is included in measurement in question papers.

4 What is GNAT  Greenwald, McGhee, & Schwartz, (1998) noted that there are some differences in reaction time to stereotype words between high and low prejudice person.  And they created Implicit Association Test(IAT) as a measure for implicit prejudiced degree.  Then, Nosek & Banaji(2001) created Go/No-Go Association Task(GNAT) as an improved version of IAT.

5 What is GNAT BugsGood FleaCockroach Spider Lily RoseSunflowerHoner PoisonLuckyHappy Evil Sad

6 What is GNAT FlowerBad FleaCockroach Spider Lily RoseSunflowerHoner PoisonLuckyHappyEvilSad

7 What is GNAT  GNAT is considered to be the tool which measures the strength of the implicit association between a concept and an attribute category.  However, it remains an unsettled question whether the GNAT score is a score which reflected "Association" truly.

8 Our Opinion  While performing the incongruent trials (e.g., discriminating “ Flower ” and “ Bad ” from distracters), we should be making the conflict state occur.  And while performing the congruent trials ( “ Flower ” and “ Good ” ), a conflict state will not occur.  They can be checked on Neurophysiologcally.

9 Neurophysiological knowledge Conflict state:  The characteristic which a stimulus has crosses (“Bug”=bad ⇔ “Good” = good) and the amount of information which should be processed increases. ・ When a conflict state occurs, Anterior Cingulate Cortex(ACC) will also be activatedAnterior Cingulate Cortex(ACC) ( Fan, Flombaum, McCandliss, Thomas, & Posner, 2003 ).

10 ACC (Anterior cingulate cortex) Veen & Carter ( 2002 ) showed that negative brain waves were checked, when ACC was activated.

11 Hypothesis  While performing the incongruent trials (e.g., discriminating “ Flower ” and “ Bad ” from distracters), we should be making the conflict state occur.  While performing the congruent trials ( “ Flower ” and “ Good ” ), a conflict state will not occur.  In Incongruent trials. →Negative brain waves would be checked  In Congruent trials. →Negative brain waves wouldn’t be checked

12 Method  Participants:4 male p articipants  Recorded Event Related Potentials(ERP) with 5 tin electrodes during GNAT trials.  Trial: Congruent Trial(72trials): Discriminating “ Flower ” and “ Good ” from distracters Incongruent Trial (72trials) : Discriminating “ Flower ” and “ Bad ” from distracters

13 Data Sampling  Sampling late: 1000Hz.  Base line: left earlobe  Filter: Below 0.5Hz. Above 30Hz.  Fz/Cz/C3/C4/Pz ( The10 ‐ 20system )


15 Results  All the participants showed short reaction time in Congruent Trials.

16 Waveforms(Congruent Trial) μV

17 Waveforms(Incongruent Trial) μV

18 Waveforms(FZ) μV

19 Conclusion  All the participants showed short reaction time in Congruent Trials.  Only in Incongruent trials, the negative waveform has been checked at after about 200ms from the reaction.  The ACC activated only in GNAT Incongruent trials.  Therefore, we can say the GNAT time – lag may reflect cognitive conflict.

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