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职场英语 写作教程 常州轻工职业技术学院. 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Item 7 Item 8 Item 9 Item 10 Item.

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Presentation on theme: "职场英语 写作教程 常州轻工职业技术学院. 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Item 7 Item 8 Item 9 Item 10 Item."— Presentation transcript:

1 职场英语 写作教程 常州轻工职业技术学院

2 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Item 7 Item 8 Item 9 Item 10 Item 11 Item 12 Item 13 Item 14 Item 15 Item 16 Item 17 Item 18 Item 19 Item 20 Item 21

3 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 Item 10 Letters of Establishing Business Relations Module 3 Business Correspondence

4 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 Skill-training Objectives 1. to be able to write a letter of establishing business relations. 2. to use the language freely and correctly. Teaching Aims Knowledge objectives 1. to know the basic format of the letter. 2. to get familiar with the useful sentence patterns. Emotion Objectives 1. to develop strong interpersonal skills. 2. to learn business etiquette. Module 3 Business Correspondence

5 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 Teaching Procedures 4 3 2 1 5 A Test Case Study Sample Analysis Brainstorming Simulation Task Your Try Module 3 Business Correspondence

6 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 Task 1 Write a business letter according to the following information given in Chinese. 说明:假定你是办公设备进出口公司的经理王刚,正给公司潜在客户写建 立商务联系信函: 内容: 告诉对方你获得信息的渠道:从《城市商报》 (Urban Commerce) 上看到对 方公司的介绍; 说明你去信的目的:询问对方是否有你需要的产品,是否有现货供应,等 等,并想和对方建立贸易联系; 介绍你公司的情况,如:多年从事进出口贸易,在中国设有 6 家分公司,与 国内许多大商店有联系,等等; 希望尽快回复。 A Test Case Study 1 Module 3 Business Correspondence

7 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 Task 2 Compare the two letters, and decide which one is more appropriate. Student’s Worksheet 1: Dear Mr. Manager, I am the general manager of Office Equipment Import & Export Corporation. Our company has been engaged in import and export trade for many years. With six branches all over China, we keep trade connections with many big businesses. I got the information about your company from Urban Commerce. I would like to know whether or not the products in our demand are available in your company. It will be our great pleasure if we can establish business relations with your company in the future. I hope to receive your early reply. Yours Sincerely, Wang Gang December 24, 2006 A Test Case Study 1 Module 3 Business Correspondence

8 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 Student’s Worksheet 2: December 24, 2006 Dear Sir or Madam, We have learned from Urban Commerce that you are producing for export office facilities, which are in our lines. So, we would like to take the opportunity to introduce our company to you, and see if any possibility to do business with you. We have specialized in the import and export of office facilities for many years; we have six offices over China, and keep trade connections with many big businesses. Please let me have the details of the products in our demand. We will be grateful if you can inform if they are available. We are looking forward your early reply. Yours Sincerely, Wang Gang A Test Case Study 1 Module 3 Business Correspondence

9 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 Jiangsu Textiles Industry Import & Export Co., Ltd. No.482 East Zhongshan Road Nanjing, China August 5, 2006 Robert's Textiles Co. 1270 Broadway, New York New York, US Dear Sirs We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s office of the Chinese Embassy in the United States that you are a main importer of textile products in China. We are now writing to you for the establishment of business relations. We are delighted to inform you that we are one of the leading textile manufacturers and suppliers in the United States. We have specialized in the export of textiles for 20 years, and we have enjoyed an excellent reputation through our business experience. We are sure that you will be quite satisfied with our products and services. We are enclosing a brochure of products we are exporting and trust some these items will be of interest to you. Your early reply will be highly appreciated. Yours sincerely, Harry Williams Manager of Marketing Department Sample Analysis 2 Module 3 Business Correspondence

10 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 Task 1 Read the sample, and discuss the structure of a letter of establishing business relations. Key: a 3, b 10, c 8, d 9, e 11, f 4, g 6, h 14, i 12, j 13, k 1, l 7, m 2, n 5 Sample Analysis 2 1. Complimentary closing 3. Heading 2. Signature 7. Typed name 10. Date 8. Inside address 11. State the source of information 6. Say something high about your company 5. Title 9. Salutation 4. Express clearly your desire of cooperation 14. Enclosure 12. Closing by making a request Task 2 Match parts marked a-n in Task 1 with the terms 1-14 below. Module 3 Business Correspondence

11 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 Task 1 Read the useful sentence patterns, and classify them according to their functions. 1.Enclosed are our catalog and price list. 2.Enclosed please find our latest catalog and price list. 3.I have pleasure in enclosing the catalog of … 4.It would be appreciated if you will inform … 5.Please let me have the details of your various ranges including … 6.Keeping the principles of good quality, competitive price and superior service, we have won a very good reputation from all of our consumers. 7.Our company has been engaged in … for years and has earned a very good reputation. We are producing … 8.Our products sell well all over the world and highly valued by our customers for its excellent quality and fine workmanship. 9.Through …, we got your name and know your interest in … 10.We are interested in/ looking for/ in the market for … Brainstorming 3 Module 3 Business Correspondence

12 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 11.We are enjoying an excellent reputation, and we would like to offer you our service. 12.We are enclosing a catalogue showing the details of our line. 13.We are glad to inform you that we have been specialized in... for many years. 14.We are looking forward to your prompt reply. 15.We are looking forward to hearing from you in the near future. 16.We are willing to enter into relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit and exchanging needed goods. 17.We have your name and address from …, and we know that you are looking for … 18.We owe your name and address to …, and we understand that you are interested in … 19.We shall be pleased to enter into business relations with you. 20.We should appreciate your advice on these matters. Brainstorming 3 Module 3 Business Correspondence

13 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 21.We take pleasure in introducing ourselves to you as a... corporation dealing in... 22.We would like to take the opportunity to introduce our company to you and see if any possibility to do business with you. 23.We are writing to establish business relations with you. 24.Would you please give me the following information … 25.Your prompt reply would be appreciated. Brainstorming 3 How to state the source of information How to introduce your company How to refer to enclosures How to obtain more details How to express your desire of cooperation How to ask for a quick reply Module 3 Business Correspondence

14 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 Brainstorming 3 How to state the source of information:  Through …, we got your name and know your interest in …  We have your name and address from …, and we know that you are looking for …  We owe your name and address to …, and we understand that you are interested in … How to express your desire of cooperation:  We are interested in/ looking for/ in the market for …  We are willing to enter into relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit and exchanging needed goods.  We shall be pleased to enter into business relations with you.  We are writing to establish business relations with you. Module 3 Business Correspondence

15 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 Brainstorming 3 How to introduce your company:  Keeping the principles of good quality, competitive price and superior service, we have won a very good reputation from all of our consumers.  Our company has been engaged in … for years and has earned a very good reputation. We are producing …  Our products sell well all over the world and highly valued by our customers for its excellent quality and fine workmanship.  We are enjoying an excellent reputation, and we would like to offer you our service.  We are glad to inform you that we have been specialized in... for many years.  We take pleasure in introducing ourselves to you as a... corporation dealing in...  We would like to take the opportunity to introduce our company to you and see if any possibility to do business with you. Module 3 Business Correspondence

16 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 Brainstorming 3 How to obtain more information:  It would be appreciated if you will inform …  Please let me have the details of your various ranges including …  We should appreciate your advice on these matters.  Would you please give me the flowing information … How to refer to closures:  Enclosed are our catalog and price list.  Enclosed please find our latest catalog and price list.  I have pleasure in enclosing the catalog of …  We are enclosing a catalogue showing the details of our line. How to ask for a quick reply:  Your prompt reply would be appreciated.  We are looking forward to your prompt reply.  We are looking forward to hearing from you in the near future. Module 3 Business Correspondence

17 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 Task 2 Translate the business expressions into Chinese, and understand the sentences with the expressions. Brainstorming 3 Expression Translation 1. commodity 2. item 3. line 4. brochure/ pamphlet 5. price list 6. catalogue 7. sample 8. Commercial Counselor’s office 9. Chamber of commerce 10. manufacturer 商品,货物 商品,项目,条款 短函,行业,(一类)商品 产品宣传册 价目表 产品目录 样品 商务参赞 商业行会 生产商,制造商 Module 3 Business Correspondence

18 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 11. dealer 12. specialize in 13. handle 14. reputation 15. in the market for 16. learn 17. inform 18. appreciate 19. enquire 20. enclose 经销商 专门经营 经营,买卖 声誉,名望 想购买 得悉 告知 感谢,感激 咨询 附函附上 Module 3 Business Correspondence

19 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 Task 1 You’re the secretary of the Manager’s office in Shanghai Yunhe Textiles Import & Export Co., Ltd. Now you’re asked to write a letter to establish business relations with Chicago Discovery Clothes Inc. Task 2 Suppose that you are the sales manager of Media Stores Inc. you learn from Beijing Daily that an established dealer of electrical appliance of Beijing is interested in your products, and you decide to write to work with them to market your products. Now prepare to write a letter of establishing business relations according to the given Chinese information. Simulation Task 4 Module 3 Business Correspondence

20 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 Simulation Task 4 敬启者: 我方从《北京日报》上得知贵公司是家用电器经销商,目前贵方很多客户对 我方产品很感兴趣。因此,致函贵方。我公司生产空调,产品质量和性能均 经严格检验,深信它会畅销贵方市场。我想通过与贵公司建立业务关系,共 同努力,扩大我们的业务范围。 关于我方的资信情况,请向中国银行广州分行查询。 期盼贵方早日回复! 谨上 Key Words: 家用电器 electrical appliance 经销商 dealer 空调 air conditioner 生产 produce/manufacture 质量 quality 性能 function 检验 check up/ checkout/ prove/ test/ verify 改进 improve 畅销 (n)a good sell/(v)sell well 共同努力 make efforts together 资信 credit standing 支行 branch bank Module 3 Business Correspondence

21 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 Q1. The way the sender learns about the receiver Q2. The sender’s intention of writing the letter Q3. The introduction of business scope of the sender’s company Q4. The way the sender sends the latest sample/ catalog Task 1 Discuss the questions concerning the business letter from the purchasing manager of Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Key: Be recommended by the Bank of China Key: Work to market them in North America Key: Export Chinese textiles Key: By airmail Your Try 5 Module 3 Business Correspondence

22 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 Task 2 The letter to establish business relations with Chicago Discovery Clothes Inc. is complete, but the parts are mixed up. Arrange the letter in the proper order. Sample: Shanghai Yunhe Textiles Import & Export Co., Ltd. No.256 South Pudong Road Shsanghai, China November 9th, 2009 Discovery Clothing Inc. 5139 S Pulaski Rd Chicago, US Dear Sir or Madam, Your Try 5 Module 3 Business Correspondence

23 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 You were recommended to us by the Bank of China, New Your Branch, which told us that you import Chinese textiles. Our company exports Chinese textiles. They are of good quality and favorable price. Chinese textiles are very popular in Europe and Australia. We would like to work with you to market them in North America. We are sending you under separate cover by airmail a copy of our latest catalog. Please inform us if there are any items are of interest to you, and we will send you quotes and samples. Look forward to your early reply. Your sincerely, Wang Zhigang Sales Manager Your Try 5 Module 3 Business Correspondence

24 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 Your Try 5 Task 3 Try to write a business letter to an established dealer of electrical appliance of Beijing. Sample: Dear Sirs, We understand your company from Beijing Daily that you are the main importer of electrical appliance, and you want to purchase presently fans. Therefore, we are glad to inform you that we produce all kinds of fanners, they are of good quality and function. All of them must be checked up strictly. It is worth introducing LingKong Brand fanner which has been improved a lot recently. We are sure that it can be sold well in your market. We want to establish business relations with your firm and make efforts together to expand our business. For our credit standing, please refer to the following bank: Branch Bank of Guangzhou of Bank of China. Thank you for your attention and looking forward to your prompt reply. Yours faithfully, Module 3 Business Correspondence

25 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 Your Try 5 Task 4 Home Practice Suppose you are the purchasing manager of Wal-Mart Stores Inc. you visit the website of Jingdezhen City Ceramic Imp & Exp Holding Limited, and you are interested in their porcelain tea and coffee cups. Read the introduction about Jingdezhen City Ceramic Imp & Exp Holding Limited below, and prepare to write a letter of establishing business relations according to the given information. Introduction Jingdezhen City Ceramic Imp & Exp Holding Limited is engaged in china porcelain (瓷器) manufacturing and exporting to Southeast Asia, Europe, America, Australia, Africa and Middle East. The products range from Chinese Module 3 Business Correspondence

26 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 Your Try 5 and Western porcelain for daily use, high-quality porcelain for hotel purpose, Chinese and Western art porcelain, archaized ( 仿古的 ) porcelain, religious porcelain, porcelain ornaments (首饰), porcelain music instruments to chinaware (中国瓷器) of induction cooker (电磁炉) and ceramic (瓷的) blade. Our head office is located in Jingdezhen, which is the famous capital of porcelain in the world, and furnished a large number of foreign customers with complete varieties of porcelain products in high quality and at favorable price. We follow the principle of sincere cooperation and quality first, and look forward to cooperating with the purchasers at home and abroad. Contact us ADD: JingDeZhen,China TEL: 0086-4006889981 FAXMAIL1: 008610950507 extension 374728# MOB: +86-13806827153 MSN: E-mail: Website: http://www.chinasell.cc Module 3 Business Correspondence

27 职场英语模块 --- 职场英语写作 Sample: September 25, 2008 Dear Sirs, We have got your name and address from your website. Weare in the market for porcelain tea and coffee cups and saucers of different shapes, fully decorated with flowers or other designs. If you can supply this type of merchandise, kindly airmail us a sample cup. Also, please enclose your price list and all suitable illustrations. Your early reply is greatly appreciated. Sincerely yours, Michael S. Barnwell Purchasing Manager Your Try 5 Module 3 Business Correspondence


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