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Energy Notes 6 th Grade Science. Chapter 5 Section 1 What is energy?

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Notes 6 th Grade Science. Chapter 5 Section 1 What is energy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Notes 6 th Grade Science

2 Chapter 5 Section 1 What is energy?

3 Energy is the ability to do work or cause change

4 There are two basic kinds of energy: kinetic energy and potential energy.

5 Kinetic energy - energy that an object has due to its motion

6 The kinetic energy of an object depends on both its mass and velocity. Greater MASS = Greater Kinetic Energy Greater VELOCITY = Greater Kinetic Energy 25 mph 60 mph

7 Click below to watch a BrainPop on Kinetic Energy!

8 Potential energy - stored energy that results from the position or shape of an object This type of energy has the potential to do work.

9 Potential Energy

10 Types of Potential Energy: Gravitational Potential Energy Elastic Potential Energy

11 Potential energy related to an object’s height is called gravitational potential energy.

12 Potential energy associated with objects that can be stretched or compressed is called elastic potential energy.


14 Click below to watch a BrainPop on Potential Energy!


16 Chapter 5 Section 2 Forms of Energy

17 Mechanical Energy - form of energy associated with the position and motion of an object Mechanical Energy = Potential Energy + Kinetic Energy

18 Thermal Energy – total potential and kinetic energy of the particles in an object

19 Electrical Energy – energy of electric charges

20 Chemical Energy – potential energy stored in the chemical bonds that hold chemical compound together

21 Nuclear Energy – potential energy stored in the nucleus of an atom

22 Electromagnetic Energy – energy of light and other forms of radiation

23 Click below to watch a BrainPop on Forms of Energy!

24 Chapter 5 Section 3 Energy Transformations and Conservation

25 Most forms of energy can be transformed into other forms.

26 Energy Transformation – a change from one form of energy to another



29 The Law of Conservation of Energy - states that energy cannot be created or destroyed

30 So where does the energy go? Ex: A speeding car slams on the breaks. Ex: A glass falls off the counter and breaks.



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