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Europe’s Middle Ages 476-1400 (app) CE. What happens when centralized rule disintegrates? In 2003, the United States invaded Iraq and deposed its dictator.

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Presentation on theme: "Europe’s Middle Ages 476-1400 (app) CE. What happens when centralized rule disintegrates? In 2003, the United States invaded Iraq and deposed its dictator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Europe’s Middle Ages 476-1400 (app) CE

2 What happens when centralized rule disintegrates? In 2003, the United States invaded Iraq and deposed its dictator Saddam Hussein and his ruling apparatus. Let’s consider the impact this has had on Iraq and the challenges of creating a government that is in control. What is the impact on:  Government  Belief  Economy  Social Structure

3 Impact of the Collapse of the Roman Empire By 476 CE, the Western Roman Empire was weak and overstressed. In that year, Germanic rebels murdered the Emperor. Although wealthy landowners maintained local power, slowly, parts of the empire broke up from invasion, and Roman cultural life disintegrated. What was Europe like during the Roman Empire? What was the impact of the collapse (476 CE) on:  Government  Belief  Economy  Social structure

4 Impact of the Collapse of the Roman Empire



7 Roman Empire Centralized, Public church-state divide urban, exchange Citizenship, universal law apply to all Western Europe during Middle Ages: No central authority: lack security  smaller kingdoms  private armies Church has political, moral power; less tolerant; dominates art and education Exchange declines  local production, return to barter, lack of new ideas People seek protection/security and exchange rights (live in castes) Government: Belief: Economy: Social Structure:

8 What and when are the Middle Ages? Names A.Middle Ages: Between Rome and Renaissance, 476-1400 (generalization) B.Medieval C.Dark Ages (light=learning)


10 Feudalism is a political system that: Depends on mutual obligations between vassals and Lords (serfs, knights, nobility)—each caste has a legal obligation to the others. Depends on land in exchange for service (agricultural production, defense) on a manor. Power is privately controlled rather than by the public (rulers are not accountable to anyone). Led to expansion of land as Lords needed to constantly reward others for service

11 Differences between slavery, caste and class Caste: Social relations w/in caste, hereditary, judged as group member by law Class: Some mobility, birth shouldn’t matter, judged as an individual by law Slave: Belongs to owner (serf belongs to land, can’t be separated). Owner has little obligation

12 Impact of the Collapse of the Roman Empire

13 Roman EmpireWestern Europe during Middle Ages: Government: Belief: Economy: Social Structure: Feudalism is 1. 2. 3. 4. Caste: Class: Slave: Name_____________________

14 Where and what is “The West”? Origins of monotheism Greek ideas of government, social structure During the Renaissance, “western” culture expanded West with colonization The Roman Empire (in red) is finally divided. The Western half is Catholic. A new economy of merchants and explorers develops in this area in the 1500s--the Renaissance imitates ancient Greeks and Romans.

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