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Monday, November 15, 2010 Quick Write #46 “Wisely and slow; they stumble that run fast.” 1 st and 7 th Period: Prepare for Direct Quote quiz. Today’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, November 15, 2010 Quick Write #46 “Wisely and slow; they stumble that run fast.” 1 st and 7 th Period: Prepare for Direct Quote quiz. Today’s."— Presentation transcript:


2 Monday, November 15, 2010 Quick Write #46 “Wisely and slow; they stumble that run fast.” 1 st and 7 th Period: Prepare for Direct Quote quiz. Today’s objective: Act II vocabulary and reading

3 Vocabulary Act II Baleful- Destructive Dissemble- To pretend Enmity- Hatred Entreat- To plea Feign- A false appearance Perjury- False testimony

4 Act II part 2 Prate- To talk idly for a long time Rancor- deep ill-will Wanton- immoral

5 Character Analysis Writing assignment----

6 Act I Reading Reflection How does Shakespeare use Act I to develop the foundation of Romeo and Juliet? 1. The fight 2. The party 3. Paris and Juliet 4. Romeo’s love for Rosaline 5. Romeo foreshadows his death

7 Act II, scene iii In a two paragraph essay, explain the Friar’s open soliloquy. A soliloquy is a speech in which a character, alone on stage, expresses his or her thoughts to the audience.

8 Happy Friday!!! November 12, 2010 Prepare for your Act I- Direct Quote quiz.

9 Thursday, November 11, 2010 Quick Write #45 “Love is...”

10 Act I Reading Reflection How does Shakespeare use Act I to develop the foundation of Romeo and Juliet? 1. The fight 2. The party 3. Paris and Juliet 4. Romeo’s love for Rosaline 5. Romeo foreshadows his death

11 Poetry Projects are due TODAY Wednesday, November 10, 2010 Quick Write #44 “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”

12 Poetry Projects are due TOMORROW Tuesday, November 9, 2010 Quick Write #43 “One fire burns out another’s burning.”

13 Poetry Projects are due Wednesday, 11/10/10 Friday, November 5, 2010 Quick Write #42 “Blood is thicker than water.”

14 Thursday, November 4, 2010 Quick Write #41 If your parents disagreed with the boy/girl you were dating, would you break up with him/her?

15 Wednesday, November 3, 2010 Quick Write #40 Do you control whom you love?

16 Creative Word Art Pages 2 & 13 Using the creative word art on page 2, see how many sentences you can create. 1. You may only use the words on the list. 2. You cannot add or delete letters to create other derivatives of a word.

17 Act II, scene iii In a two paragraph essay, explain the Friar’s open soliloquy. A soliloquy is a speech in which a character, alone on stage, expresses his or her thoughts to the audience.

18 Shakespeare To be, or not to be: that is the question. - Shakespeare

19 History of Shakespeare Name: William Shakespeare Born: 1564 Died: 1616 Birthplace: Stratford-on-Avon Married: Anne Hathaway Children: Susanna Hamnet, Judith (twins)

20 Shakespeare's Writings - Comedies - Histories - Tragedies- Romeo and Juliet - Romances - Poems- Sonnets (14 line lyrical poems, 154)

21 Shakespeare’s Writings Pt.2 Shakespeare’s writings are divided into four periods. Romeo and Juliet was written in the 2 nd period, 1595- 1600.

22 History of Language Shakespeare wrote in Elizabethan dialect. Most of the words that may be difficult to understand will be clarified in the margin. See page 670 in text book.

23 Hip Hop Loves Shakespeare The themes and conflicts present in Shakespeare are all present in hip hop.” Tupac confirmed this, in a 1995 interview, “I love Shakespeare. He wrote some of the rawest stories, man. I mean look at Romeo and Juliet. That's some serious ghetto s%&@. You got this guy Romeo from the Bloods who falls for Juliet, a female from the Crips, and everybody in both gangs are against them. So they have to sneak out and they end up dead for nothing. Real tragic stuff.” Source: /online

24 Hip Hop Loves Shakespeare Tupac Shakur performed in Shakespearean plays while attending Baltimore School of the Arts. Reality is wrong. Dreams are real. - Tupac Shakur

25 Romeo and Juliet …star-crossed lovers from feuding families…

26 Tuesday, November 2, 2010 Quick Write #40 Do you control whom you love?

27 Romeo and Juliet Reader’s Writer’s Notebook

28 Vocabulary Act V Ambiguous – More than one meaning Lament- To mourn Engrossed- Completely occupied Inauspicious- Unfavorable

29 Vocabulary Act V Presage- foreshadows a future event Inundate- To overflow or flood Obsequious- Overly attentive Penury- Extreme poverty Savory- Appetizing

30 Vocabulary Act III and Act IV Ascend- To move upward Beguile- To deceive Calamity- A serious event causing misfortune Vex- Discomfort Dirge- Lament (deep sorrow) Prostrate- Stretching out Supple- Easily bent

31 If I say it, if it’s written, YOU WRITE IT!!! Cornell Notes!!! What is a prologue? A piece of writing to introduce a drama. What is foreshadowing? Clues that suggest what will happen in the future.

32 Reminders!!! What is a metaphor? A comparison of two unlike things. What is a simile? A comparison using “like” or “as.” What is main idea? The over all point of the story/paragraph. What is author’s purpose? The author’s reason for his/her writing.

33 Characterization Flat Characterized by 1 or 2 traits. Round Characters are complex and many sided. Dramatic Develops and grows during the story

34 Vocabulary Act I *Augment- to make greater Virtuous- having excellent morals Boisterous- rowdy

35 Vocabulary Pt. 2 Disparage- to degrade Portentous- to sign/forewarning *Pernicious- very destructive

36 Vocabulary Pt. 3 Posterity- future generations Profane- showing contempt for sacred things Quench- to extinguish

37 What is this! Direct Address- an interrupter that clearly states to whom a character is speaking. You, Capulet, shall go along with me… Direct Address and Punctuation- sets off the words of direct address from other words in a sentence. My noble uncle, do you know the cause?

38 Shakespeare To be, or not to be: that is the question. - Shakespeare

39 History of Shakespeare Name: William Shakespeare Born: 1564 Died: 1616 Birthplace: Stratford-on-Avon Married: Anne Hathaway Children: Susanna Hamnet, Judith (twins)

40 Shakespeare's Writings - Comedies - Histories - Tragedies- Romeo and Juliet - Romances - Poems- Sonnets (14 line lyrical poems, 154)

41 Shakespeare’s Writings Pt.2 Shakespeare’s writings are divided into four periods. Romeo and Juliet was written in the 2 nd period, 1595- 1600.

42 History of Language Shakespeare wrote in Elizabethan dialect. Most of the words that may be difficult to understand will be clarified in the margin. See page 670 in text book.

43 Hip Hop Loves Shakespeare The themes and conflicts present in Shakespeare are all present in hip hop.” Tupac confirmed this, in a 1995 interview, “I love Shakespeare. He wrote some of the rawest stories, man. I mean look at Romeo and Juliet. That's some serious ghetto s%&@. You got this guy Romeo from the Bloods who falls for Juliet, a female from the Crips, and everybody in both gangs are against them. So they have to sneak out and they end up dead for nothing. Real tragic stuff.” Source: /online

44 Hip Hop Loves Shakespeare Tupac Shakur performed in Shakespearean plays while attending Baltimore School of the Arts. Reality is wrong. Dreams are real. - Tupac Shakur

45 Romeo and Juliet …star-crossed lovers from feuding families…

46 Romeo and Juliet At the Mall The Hip Hop Version

47  Fighting between Capulets and Montagues  Prince threatens families  Capulets hold ball  Romeo and Juliet meet and decide to marry Sunday Act I- Act II Scene ii

48 Quick Write #48 How important is your RIGHT to voice your opinion?

49 Quick Write #49 What was the most significant moment in Act I? This is your opinion… Be specific and provide evidence to support your answer.

50 Literary Terms Soliloquy- a long speech expressing the thoughts of a character alone on a stage Monologue- speech by one character in a play Oxymoron- a figure of speech that combines normally contradictory terms.

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