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2 facts NAME: William Butler Yeats JOB: Poet BIRTH DATE: June 13, 1865
DEATH DATE: January 28, 1939 PLACE OF BIRTH: Dublin, Ireland PLACE OF DEATH: Menton, France

3 Early years W.B.Yeats had three siblings Jack, Elizabeth and Lily Yeats. His parents were Susan Pollexten and John Butler Yeats. W.B.Yeats went to Metropolitan School of Art. When Yeats was two his family moved to London. In his family moved back to Dublin.

4 Growing up Holidays His First Poem
Every year his family would go to Sligo. They lived there in and 1874. His first poem was published in he called it The Wanderings of Oisín. W.B.Yeasts was recognised as an amazing poet

5 POems WHERE dips the rocky highland Come away, O human child!
Far off by furthest Rosses While the world is full of troubles Of Sleuth Wood in the lake, To the waters and the wild We foot it all the night, And anxious in its sleep. There lies a leafy island With a faery, hand in hand, Weaving olden dances Where flapping herons wake For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand. Mingling hands and mingling glances The drowsy water rats; Till the moon has taken flight; There we've hid our faery vats, Where the wave of moonlight glosses To and fro we leap Full of berrys And chase the frothy bubbles, And of reddest stolen cherries. The dim gray sands with light,

6 Wife and children Yeats proposed to Georgia Hyde-Lees in 1917 and she said yes. They were married on 20 October. They had two children Anne and Michael.

7 Nobel prize In December 1923, Yeats was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature

8 Pictures of W.B.yeats


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