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Renewable Energy around the World Class 2 Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany.

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Presentation on theme: "Renewable Energy around the World Class 2 Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renewable Energy around the World Class 2 Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany



4 Norway Population: 5 million GNI/capita: $102,700 Annual population growth rate: 1.19% People per square mile: 34 RECAI Mar 2015 #8 Hydropower #1-7: China, Brazil, US, Japan, Canada, India, Peru #8 Marine #1-7: Ireland, UK, South Korea, Philippines, France, Canada, Portugal #31 overall

5 Energy from Norway, Made in Germany

6 Pumped-storage hydropower

7 Osmotic Power Plant

8 Electric Vehicles Norway Aiming for all New Cars to be Emissions- Free by 2025 emissions-free- 2025/?utm_source=EV+News&utm_campaign=eeb0016fa4- RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_d002dfc067- eeb0016fa4-332000257 emissions-free- 2025/?utm_source=EV+News&utm_campaign=eeb0016fa4- RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_d002dfc067- eeb0016fa4-332000257


10 Sweden Population: 10 million GNI/capita: $61,710 Annual population growth rate: 0.79% People per square mile: 54 RECAI #7 Biomass #1-6: China, US, Japan, Brazil, UK, Finland #10 Onshore Wind #1-9: China, US, Germany, Canada, Brazil, India, Ireland, UK, France #20 overall

11 Wind Power Sweden – 7 GW

12 Denmark Population: 6 million GNI/capita: $60,820 Annual population growth rate: 0.22% People per square mile: 332 RECAI #6 Offshore Wind #1-5: UK, China, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands #17 overall

13 Denmark’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm 2020 goal: ½ of Denmark’s electricity from wind! LEGO’s parent company invests $450 million in off-shore German wind farm.


15 Largest hybrid ferry fleet eet_in_the_world_999.html

16 Germany Population: 80 million GNI/capita: $47,250 Annual population growth rate: -0.18% People per square mile: 593 RECAI #3 Offshore wind #1-2: UK, China #3 Onshore wind #1-2: China, US #4 Solar PV #1-3: China, US, Japan #8 Biomass #1-7: China, US, Japan, Brazil, UK, Finland, Sweden #8 Geothermal #1-7: US, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Philippines, Turkey, Italy #10 Hydropower #1-9: China, Brazil, US, Japan, Canada, India, Peru, Norway, Turkey #3 Overall

17 Insolation (Amount of solar resources)




21 Algae covered/powered building Hamburg, Germany

22 Other two sides

23 BIQ House As the world’s first building powered by algae, the 15- unit Bio Intelligent Quotient (BIQ) House generates biomass and heat with the assistance of 129 integrated glass bioreactor panels (read: microalgae harvesters) measuring.78 inches thick and covering approximately 2,150 square feet of the four-story structure's southeast and southwest facing sides. Most conveniently, the algae-cultivating bio-façade provides the building with thermal insulation, shading from direct sunlight, and noise reduction in addition to generating a ready-to-harvest source of biomass.

24 The algae flourish and multiply in a regular cycle until they can be harvested. They are then separated from the rest of the algae and transferred as a thick pulp to the technical room of the BIQ. The little plants are then fermented in an external biogas plant, so that they can be used again to generate biogas. Algae are particularly well suited for this, as they produce up to five times as much biomass per hectare as terrestrial plants and contain many oils that can be used for energy.

25 The BIQ has a holistic energy concept: it draws all of the energy needed to generate electricity and heat from renewable sources — fossil fuels remain untouched. It is able to generate energy using the algae biomass harvested from its own façade. Moreover, the façade collects energy by absorbing the light that is not used by the algae and generating heat, like in a solar thermal unit, which is then either used directly for hot water and heating, or can be cached in the ground using borehole heat exchangers — 80 metre-deep holes filled with brine. This remarkably sustainable energy concept is therefore capable of creating a cycle of solar thermal energy, geothermal energy, a condensing boiler, local heat, and the capture of biomass using the bio-reactor façade. Read more: design/blogs/algae-powered-apartment-complex-blooms-in- hamburg#ixzz3g43BtDmr design/blogs/algae-powered-apartment-complex-blooms-in- hamburg#ixzz3g43BtDmr

26 German Electric/Solar Plane first to cross alps in both directions

27 WavePOD

28 Overview renewable energy in Germany video – 8 minutes

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