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 A thematic approach to studying composition and literature.

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1  A thematic approach to studying composition and literature

2  OUR UNITS ARE STRUCTURED BY THEME. - On a sheet of paper, write your best answer to the following questions. - What is a theme? - Why might we want to structure an entire unit around theme? You will work to synthesize many sources of information and connect them to the unit theme.  What does synthesis mean?  Why is this skill important? How does it relate to real life?

3  Take a moment to talk with your neighbor about theme.  Class discussion.  Take a moment to talk with your neighbor about synthesis.  Class discussion.

4  Theme: o Subject of discussion or composition -- the subject of a discourse, discussion, piece of writing, or artistic composition o Distinct and unifying idea: a distinct, recurring, and unifying quality or idea  Synthesis: o A result of combination: a new unified whole resulting from the combination of different ideas, influences, or objects o The process of combining different ideas, influences, or objects into a new whole

5  Unit 1: As individuals, we are powerful. How do you define yourself?  Unit 2: Family relationships: Family can be both wonderful and terrible at the same time. How can being a part of a family add both joy and stress?  Unit 3: Media Literacy: Can Truth Change?  Unit 4: What is a hero?

6  The goals of this unit are to study pieces in different genres that connect with the theme of self-identity.  Our major projects will be a multi-media “I am from” poetry presentation and a parallel novel close-reading assignment.  Our parallel novel will be a book of your choice: a biography, memoire, or autobiography.  Unit Goal: To discover how each of the pieces we explore connects to the theme of identify, and to understand how we can start defining our own lives based on the literature of the past and the prose of the present.

7  The goals of this unit are to study pieces in different genres that connect with the theme of family relationships.  Our major projects will be a literary analysis of the play Romeo and Juliet and several smaller assessments during the course of the drama.  Our parallel reading will be the play Romeo and Juliet.  Unit Goal: To discover how each of the pieces we explore connects to the theme of family, and to understand how we can understand our own family dynamics based on the literature of the past and the prose of the present.

8  The goals of this unit are to study pieces in different genres that connect with the theme of truth, media, and propaganda.  Our major projects will be reading and analyzing the novel Fahrenheit 451. We will also analyze several advertisements, commercials, and public service announcements.  Comparison of two rival documentaries.  Our parallel reading will be the book Meeting Brand You.  Unit Goal: To discover how each of the pieces we explore connects to the theme of Media Literacy, and to understand how we can become aware of truth and propaganda.

9  Theme: The purpose of this unit is to discuss the meaning of a hero, in contemporary times and in the past. How did past authors like Homer, who wrote The Odyssey, define a hero?  How do different cultures define heroes?  Readings and Projects: o The Odyssey o The Road (Parallel Novel) o Various nonfiction readings o Poems

10  Your End of Course Test will be a challenging, multiple choice test in which you synthesize everything you have learned. You will be assessed on both critical reading and analytical skills.  Literary terms play a major part in the EOCT, so as we read different works, it will be important to take notes on your analysis of the literary terms and the EFFECT they have on the overall piece.  The rhetorical triangle Speaker, Subject, Audience is a key method of understanding author’s purpose. We will use this tool when we analyze prose.

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